
Cheri is drunk on the couch in the dark waiting for her cheating husband to come home. In her alcohol fogged state she thinks that by demanding he fuck her he’ll remember how good at sex she is and stop cheating. But in the dark she can’t tell who is who…..

Cheri poured her glass full, staring at the amber liquid as it splashed into the crystal goblet. She had taken many drinks through the afternoon and evening, not enough to make her pass out or be sick, but enough to be very drunk.

Carl, her husband had told her that morning that he was going on a business trip the next day. That wasn’t really a problem, since Carl’s job took him out of town on a regular basis. The problem had started when Cheri, being suspicious about it, had called his office, talked to his boss, and was told that he was taking Susan Foreman, a young, blonde, very sexy junior executive with him.

After talking to his boss, Cheri had called Carl’s cell phone and confronted him with what she’d been told. He had spent the next ten minutes trying to convince her there was nothing to it, other then he had forgotten that Susan was going. By the time they had finished talking Cheri knew Carl wasn’t telling the truth. She had called the office and talked the receptionist into giving her the name of the hotel where Carl had reservations. She then called the hotel using the excuse she was verifying the reservations.

To her horror the reservations were for Mr. And Mrs. Carl Green. And there wasn’t any for Susan Foreman. She had spent the rest of the day thinking about it and taking the occasional drink, trying to decide what to do. She had finally decided that she was going to demand that Carl fuck her when he got home, so he’d remember how good a fuck she was, then tell him she knew about Susan. In her alcoholic fog it seemed like a good plan, even though if she had been sober it wouldn’t have made sense. Besides, she was so very horny. They hadn’t had sex in six months. She needed it bad and the alcohol induced plan she had hatched seemed to be her best shot at confronting him and getting some sexual relief.

She took a long drink of the whiskey, then looked at the clock. It was 10:00 PM. Carl should be home anytime. She got up and after running into the hall wall and the door frame, made it to her bedroom. She pulled a very sexy nightie from her drawer, pulled off her clothes and after a bit of a struggle, got the nighty on.

She stumbled back to the livingroom, turned off the lights, took another drink of whiskey, then stretched out on the couch. She had it all planned, as well as the alcohol would let her. She wasn’t going to let him protest, refuse or even talk. She was going to demand a fucking from him as soon as he arrived. She’d make sure he was sexually drained and reminded of how great a fuck she was and if nothing else, she would relieve her sexual ache.


Freddie glanced at the clock, then jumped up swearing. It was 11:00 PM. He was suppose to get his work assignment for first quarter college freshman finals from Julie Green at 9:00 and had forgotten. He remembered she was going to visit her aunt but couldn’t for the life of him remember when she said she was going to leave. He ran down the block and up the sidewalk to the Green’s front door.

The house was dark and the front door was locked. Freddie was filled with disappointment. He had a crush on Julie that dated from grade school. And now that they were both almost 19 he had hoped he could do something about it.

Julie must have already gone to her aunts house for the evening. Because their car was gone, he assumed that her parents must have gone out also. Which was almost as disappointing to him, for if he couldn’t see Julie, he was hoping to see her mom, who he also had a crush on. Luckily Julie had told him where the extra key was, just incase something like this happened. With a sigh, he retrieved it, unlocked the door and stepped into the dark entryway.

Julie had said if she wasn’t there, that she would leave the folder on the end table in the livingroom. The room was illuminated only by the dim glow of the street light coming in the window. He walked quietly across the floor until he was standing in front of the couch. He fumbled around, feeling for the folder, not wanting to turn on a light.

A moment later he froze as he heard someone groan, then Mrs. Green’s voice said,”Carl? Carl? Is that you? Come down here and fuck me.”

Freddie opened his mouth to tell her it wasn’t Carl, but was struck speechless as he felt her grab his waist band, and the shock deepened as she started to unfasten, then pull down his shorts. He was so stunned that before he could protest or say anything she had jerked down his shorts and boxers, grabbed his cock and had it in her mouth.

Freddie had never had a blow job. But the hormones of youth kicked in, he responded instantly to the sexual stimulus. It took all of a second and a half for his cock to swell to a rigid state. When Cheri’s warm mouth engulfed his cock, the feeling was so wonderful that all he could do was groan. Cheri loved sucking cock, and was very good at it, so Freddie was held in thrall by her mouth as she sucked him and gently kneaded his balls.

After a few minutes Cheri pulled her mouth off his cock and in a demanding tone said,”No you don’t! I’m not ‘gunna have you cumming in my mouth. You’re ‘gunna fuck me and cum in my pussy. Your ‘gunna remember how good it is to fuck me. ”

She pulled on his wrist, pulling him down on top of her, then reached down, grabbed his hard cock and placed the head against her wet slit.

“Put it in,”She moaned,”Shove that hard bone into me and fuck me…now! Do it now!”

Freddie lay trembling, wanting to tell her he wasn’t her husband, but also wanting desperately to do as she ask. This was a fantasy come true. Laying here with the woman he’d visualized countless times as he jacked off, his cock poised to slide into her wet, warm, waiting pussy.

He could feel the wetness and heat of her pussy against the head of his cock and wanted desperately to push forward, to slide into her, but was terrified of what would happen. A moment later it was decided for him as she hooked her heels around his legs, raised her ass, sliding her pussy onto his cock.

“Fuck me you bastard!” She snarled ramming her hips up until his balls hit her ass,”Fuck me now! I want it now god damn it!”

Freddie knew he shouldn’t, but couldn’t bring himself to stop. He began tentatively to slide in and out of her warm wetness. He couldn’t believe how good it felt. He’d had a hand job from one of his girlfriends, but it was nothing like this.

Cheri dug her finger nails into his back and growled,”Harder! Fuck me harder you bastard! Give it to me like you want it fucker!”

As he felt her nails dig into him, Freddie figured it was way to late to do anything else but what she wanted. He began to ram into her as hard as he could.

He was rewarded with a moan and a,“Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Oh, yes! Fuck me!” from her.

It didn’t take long for Freddie to cum. Like all young men, his balls were full and ready to bust most of the time, and he hadn’t had an opportunity to jackoff that evening to relieve the pressure, so after half a dozen strokes his cock exploded, filling Cheri’s depths with his young seed.

When Cheri felt him start to cum she raised her ass, burying his cock balls deep inside her, pulled him down until her tits were crushed against his young chest and moaned,”Oh yes! That’s it! Cum in me!”

She hadn’t climaxed, but was very turned on by the way things were happening. As Freddie’s cock twitched it’s last, Cheri reached up and snapped on the lamp, intending to keep Carl right where he was as she told him she knew about Susan, then demand he finish fucking her and make her cum. As she looked up at the face above her it took a moment for her alcohol fogged mind to register that it was Freddie.

“Freddie!” She gasped,”What the hell are you doing?”

Freddie looked terrified as he responded,”I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I tried to tell you I wasn’t Carl, but you didn’t give me time! I’m sorry!”

Cheri had always liked Freddie and considered him to be a nice boy. She went over the events of the last few minutes and even with the alcohol muddling her thinking, decided that he was right. She hadn’t given him time to let her know it was him and not Carl.

She looked at Freddie again and saw the look of terror in his eyes as he said,”You won’t tell my mom and dad will you? I really didn’t mean to, you didn’t give me time to say anything.”

Cheri smiled and replied,”It’s ok. You’re right, I didn’t give you time to tell me who you were. Don’t worry about it. But Freddie, you’re still hard! And you’re still inside me and you’re moving! You have to stop that, stop moving like that. We can’t be doing this again.”

“But….but Mrs. Green I’m not moving.” Freddie said.

After a moment Cheri became aware that he wasn’t moving, she was. Her hips were moving up and down, moving his cock in and out of her pussy.

“Yes…yes you’re right…I’ll try not to move….but I tell you what…let’s just lay here for a few minutes. You’re already inside me, so you might as well stay there for a bit, don’t you think? You don’t really want to pull out of me do you?”Cheri whispered, pulling his head down against her neck.

“N…no…not really.” Freddie stammered.

“Ok. I’m fine with it if you’d just like to lay here for a minute or two. but don’t move ok? Try not to move.” Cheri said, then a moment later she groaned,”Try not to move, Freddie. I can feel you moving. It feels really good, but we really shouldn’t.”

“I’m…I’m trying.” Freddie replied,”But I’m not sure I can stay still. It feels…so…so…..good.”

As she lay there, Freddie’s cock inside her, she considered the situation. Maybe it was the alcohol, but she found that she really wasn’t all that upset about it. If Carl could fuck Susan, then why couldn’t she fuck someone else? And she always liked this young boy. It struck her then that he wasn’t a boy any longer but a full grown, virile, young man. After a short time her alcohol fogged brain came to a decision.

“Freddie?” she whispered.

“Yes Mrs. Green.” He responded.

“Freddie, don’t call me Mrs. Green. You’re laying here with your hard cock in my pussy after all. Call me Cheri.” She said.

“Aw, ok…Cheri.” He said.

“Now that we’re a little calmer, would you like to continue? I mean, we’ve already done it, and you’re still inside me, so we’re not really doing it a second time, we’re just finishing the first time. And I’d kind of like to do it a bit more when I know it’s you fucking me. So would you like to? ” She whispered.

Freddie gulped and replied,”Aw, sure!”

“Ok, but this time I want to be on the top. Let’s see if we can turn over without pulling you out of me I don’t really want you to pull out. So, you ready?”

Freddie nodded and they rolled, struggling a bit to remain locked together. A few seconds later Freddie was laying on his back with Cheri sitting astride of him. Cheri stuck her fingers between them and stroked the area at the base of his hard cock where it entered her.

“I can’t believe you’re still hard! “She said,”You never went soft.”

She grabbed the hem of her nightie and a moment later was totally naked.

“Have you ever played with a woman’s titties?” She asked.

Freddie shook his head, his eyes locked on the sight of her hard nipples and smooth titties only a few inches from his eyes, and said,”I’ve…I’ve never even seen a naked breast!”

Cheri took one of her firm breasts in her hand and leaned forward offering it to him.

“Suck it.” She said in a husky voice.

Freddie placed his mouth over her nipple, which brought a groan from her. As he sucked her nip, she began to slide her hips back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of her wet hole. She hadn’t realized how turned on this whole thing had gotten her until a few moments later. She could feel her climax rising, building to a crest.

With her eyes shut, she bounced up and down on his cock, moaning in time to her bounce as she did,”Oh, fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh my fuckiiiiiiiiiing God!”

Even though Freddie had cum once already, being young, it wasn’t long before his cock exploded a second time. As she felt his rod throbbing inside her, Cheri’s climax peaked, and she cried out.

Her vagina pulsed, milking every last drop of cum from his young cock. Then she collapsed onto his chest. She lay there gasping for a time, then slowly sat up, and climbed off him. She looked down and was stunned to see his cock still rock hard.

“Freddie,”She whispered in awe,”could you do it again? Right now?”

“I….I think so.” He said.

“God!” She sighed,”That’s totally unbelievable!”

Just then a light flashed across the window and the sound of a motor could be heard outside.

“Oh shit!” She hissed,”It’s Carl! Quick, out the back door!”

Freddie jumped to his feet, pulling his pants up as she drug him towards the kitchen and the back door.

She opened it, but before she pushed him out whispered,”Call me tomorrow about noon. We need to talk about this!”

Freddie nodded as he scrambled out the door. Cheri closed and locked it, then ran to the bathroom and locked herself in. She sighed with relief, then stripped and showered, washing the smell of sex from her body.

When she was done she wrapped herself in a towel, went to the bedroom and climbed into bed. She was disgusted to find Carl already asleep. She thought about wakening him, then decided against it. She needed to think about what had happened and really didn’t want to be side tracked by a discussion with Carl about little Miss perky tits. She was drinking a cup of coffee when the phone rang the next day at noon.

When she answered it and found it was Freddie, she said,”Can you come over tonight at 6:00 PM? Carl is out of town on business and Julie is still at her aunts, so we shouldn’t be disturbed. We really need to talk about last night in depth.”

Freddie replied that he would be there, so Cheri said goodbye and hung up. All afternoon she thought about what had happened, about how it shouldn’t have and how it was wrong, but also about how good the sex had been and the fact that Freddie had stayed hard the whole time. She found herself wondering how long he could stay hard.

By the time 6:00 rolled around she had convinced herself that they wouldn’t tell anyone about what had happened, and that it should definitely never happen again. She thought her resolve not to ever do it again was rock solid, until Freddie walked in the door. When she opened the door to let him in, she could feel her pussy grow damp from the remembered feel of his young strong body against her’s, his hard throbbing member buried inside her.

And as he passed her and she caught a faint whiff of his maleness, her juices wetted the crotch of her panties. She knew she shouldn’t, knew it wasn’t a smart thing to do but she couldn’t seem to stop herself as she pulled him to her and hugged him.

As she did, as she felt his young muscular body against her’s, felt the hard lump of his stiff cock pressed against her belly, her pussy turned into a gusher. She was so wet it felt like she had peed her pants. The inside of her thighs were sticky and wet from it.

And to add to it Freddie’s hands slid slowly down her back finally coming to rest at the top of both her ass cheeks. She felt him pull, felt him crouch just a bit, then found herself tight against him, his hard cock pressed hard against her pussy mound. For a long moment she couldn’t move, didn’t want to move, wanted to remain there soaking up the feel of him. Finally she knew she had to stop, or start tearing clothes off.

With a tremendous effort, she released him, pushed back from him and forced a nervous smile onto her face saying,”Let’s go sit in the livingroom. We’ll be more comfortable there. Would you like something to drink?”

Freddie nodded his head and replied,”Sure. A cola will be fine.”

She pointed to the livingroom and said,”Go, sit. I’ll be right back.”

She walked into the kitchen, pulled a cola from the ‘fridge and poured it into a glass. She stood with her hands on the counter staring at the glass of brown liquid as thoughts of the evening before tumbled through her head. It had felt so damned good and he had stayed hard, even after he had cummed. She found herself wondering how many times he could do it before he went limp.

She was shaken out of her musings by Freddie’s voice close behind her,”As you ok? It’s been quite a while since you came in here.”

Cheri closed her eyes and nodded her head, saying wearily,”Yes, I’m ok. Just thinking.”

A moment later Cheri felt his body press against her, felt the hard lump of his young cock pushed against her ass, then felt his hands sliding around her sides and a moment later the exquisite feel of his hands cupping her breasts and gently squeezing them.

“I really liked what we did last night.” He whispered to her,”I liked it a lot. I really want to do it again.”

Cheri stood still, her mind almost in a panic. What should she do? What should she do? She quickly turned to face him, then reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. As she looked up into his eyes, encased in his arms, with the lump of his hard young cock pressed against her stomach, she could see the lust in his eyes, knew he would fuck her at a moments notice if she let him.

“Freddie,”She whispered as she held on to him,”We….we really shouldn’t do it again you know that right?”

“Uh hu.” Was all he said, but as his arms encircled her and pulled her tighter to him, as his hands began to wander down her back then over the swell of her buttocks, she knew she was lost, knew instinctively she was going to fuck him again.

“Oh God!” She groaned,”We really shouldn’t,” then she whispered,”but I want to! So much I want to! Maybe…maybe just once more. Yes….that’s it. Let’s do it just once more and then we’ll stop, Ok?”

Freddie nodded his head and replied with a grin,”Sure!”

She took his hand and lead him to the bedroom. She pulled back the blankets, then without hesitation quickly stripped.

She lay back on the bed, looked at Freddie and said,”Please, hurry. I need you.”

It took Freddie all of 6 seconds to get his clothes off. He crawled onto the bed and got between her legs. She pulled him to her, grabbed his cock and placed it against her sopping pussy.

“Oh God! Put it in! Fuck me! Fuck me now!” She groaned.

Freddie pushed forward sliding his young, hard cock into her depths.

She circled his hips with her legs and began to buck against him, groaning,”Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! I need to be fucked!”

Freddie was more then willing to comply with her request. After the first time, all he had thought about was getting back into her pussy. And this time as he slid into her it was just as good. He grabbed her ass cheeks and began to pump into her. His chest was against her titties. He could feel them rub against him as he slid in and out of her.

It wasn’t love making. It was a mad orgy of lust. The only sounds were Cheri’s moans, Freddie’s grunts and the sloshing slap of his cock slamming into her sopping cunt as he fucked her like a madman.

Cheri was the first to cum a very short time later. Even though she had been telling herself it was wrong, that she wouldn’t do it again, all day she had been reliving the incident of the night before, which had driven her to a horny readiness she hadn’t been aware of. While she hadn’t been consciously aware of it, her body had been primed and ready for only a small bit of sexual stimulus to push her over the edge. She was totally unprepared for and taken by surprise when her climax hit her.

As it thundered through her, filling her senses with wave after wave of pleasure, her body stiffened, she dug her fingernails into Freddie’s back and screamed. As her pussy clamped down on his cock, Freddie’s orgasm hit. His cock began to throb, spurting his seed into her depths. They lay still for a time. Then Cheri stirred.

“Can you stay the night?” She asked.

Freddie stared at her, a puzzled look on his face, then his face lit with comprehension, she had just asked him to spend the night with her, which meant he was going to get to fuck her again. His cock, still buried inside her, twitched in anticipation.

He grinned and replied,”Sure! I’ll call home and tell them I’m staying with a friend tonight.”

Cheri chuckled at his response then moaned as she felt his cock twitch inside her. She reached down and slipped her hand between them. Her finger tips touched the base of his cock, then she groaned as she gently explored the area where his cock disappeared into her pussy.

“My god! I can’t believe you can stay hard that long.” She said.

Then she pushed at him and demanded,”Off! Get off.”

Freddie was taken aback, thinking he had done something wrong. He pulled out and sat up. Cheri also sat up, then jumped to her feet. She turned to face him and a moment later was on her knees between his legs with her hand wrapped around his still hard, cum covered cock.

She grinned up at him and said,”You my young friend are about to get the best blow job I can give.”

With that she cupped his balls in her hand, leaned forward and swallowed his cock to the root.

As she sucked his cock and kneaded his balls, she wetted the forefinger of her other hand with her saliva, then gently placed it against his rectum. She didn’t push it in, knowing that it would freak him out since he had never had that before. Instead she used the tip of her finger to gently massage his puckered rectum as she sucked his hard rod.

Slowly, gently, she sucked him, kneaded his balls and rubbed his rectum, until suddenly he stiffened, groaned, then his cock began to throb as it erupted and filled her mouth with spunk.

As the first blast of cum entered her mouth, she shoved her finger into his ass, found his prostate and began to rub it as she sucked him furiously.

Five times his cock throbbed, blasting cum into her mouth, filling it and forcing her to swallow twice. Then he groaned and fell limp, spent. She gave his cock one last long suck, then slowly pulled her finger from his ass as she pulled her mouth from his cock.

“So how was that?” She purred.

“God! I had no idea a blow job would be like that!” He replied,”My god! That was fantastic!”

Cheri chucked, then said,”Go call home. Then we’ll take a shower and grab a bite to eat.”

Freddie called home and told them he was going to stay with a friend for the night. When he was done Cheri took him by the hand and lead the way to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and they both got in. She began to slowly soap his body, working from his neck to his crotch.

As she gently held his cock and soaped his balls, she felt him begin to get hard again. She chuckled and began to jack his stiff, soap slick cock.

Before long Freddie gasped,”If you keep doing that I’m going to cum.”

She stopped and replied,”Perhaps we should save it for later.”

They rinsed, then got out of the shower. They dried each other off, then she took his hand and lead him to the kitchen.

“Eggs and sausage Ok?” She ask.

“Sure.” Freddie replied

Cheri cooked their meal and they began to eat.

“Have you had many girls?” Cheri ask.

Freddie’s cheeks colored as he mumbled,”No.”

Cheri smiled and replied,”I’d never have guessed. You’re a fantastic lover.”

Freddie smiled back at her, And said,”Actually I’ve never been with a girl, unless you count a hand job.”

Cheri laughed and relied,”No, I don’t count a hand job. But you did well.”

After they were through eating Cheri picked up the dishes and said,“ So are you up for some dessert?”

“Sure.” Freddie replied,”What?”

Cheri grinned, took his hand and lead him back to the bedroom. She lay down on the bed, spread her legs and said,”Me.”

Freddy climbed slowly onto the bed, positioning himself between her spread legs. His face was a few inches from her crotch. He took a moment to examine her pussy up close. Her labia glistened in the light from the internal moisture that dampened them. As he looked at her he became aware of her scent He inhaled the musky aroma and felt it shoot right through his body to his cock, making it twitch and even harder then it was.

Freddy marveled at how pink and fragile the lips looked, how it reminded him of a dew covered flower. He reached forward with a finger and touched one, allowing his finger tip to slide downward along the soft, moist length of it, until he reached her entrance. Slowly he pushed his finger into her, watching as it disappeared between those soft sensual petals. He looked up to see Cheri smiling at him.

“I’ve never…aw…where do I….how do I start?” He ask.

She reached down and used two fingers to spread her labia open, then used a forefinger to point out her clit.

“This little nub. Lick it, gently, suck it, gently.” She said.

Freddy leaned forward and hesitantly touched her warm, wet flesh with his tongue. He felt her tense, then groan and he pulled back thinking he had hurt her.

“It’s ok.”Cheri whispered,”It just feels so damned good. Please, lick me again.”

Again Freddy leaned forward and gently licked her clit. Cheri moaned and urged him on. Before log he was running his tongue the length of her wet folds, licking and sucking her clit, as well as slipping his tongue as far into her as he could into her entrance.

Cheri encouraged him as he licked and explored her pussy,”Oh yes, right there! Oh that feels so good! Please do that again! Oh fuck that feels good! Oh god! Eat my pussy! Lick my cunt! Make me cum Freddie, oh fuck yes! Make me cum!”

Freddie’s cock was leaking precum onto the bed from all the stimulation. He couldn’t believe how good her pussy tasted and felt against his tongue. And when she began to talk dirty to him, asking him he thought he was going to cum right there on the sheets.

Freddie was sucking on her clit when Cheri moaned, grabbed the back of his head, pulled his mouth tight to her cunt and climaxed. Freddie could feel her pussy twitching and pulsing against his mouth .Instinctively he pushed two fingers into her hole and began to slide them in and out of her.

To his surprise and delight, as he began to slide his fingers in and out of her dripping hole, he felt her pussy grip his fingers, then Cheri pulled his face tighter to her cunt, arched her back and screamed,” OH MY FUCKING GOD!”

Several seconds later she went limp and Freddie heard her whimper,”Please…please Freddie….stop…no more…let me rest a moment…please.”

Freddie slowly pulled his fingers out of her pussy, grinning at the wetness glistening on them.

He climbed up beside her, cupped her tit and said,”Did I do good?”

Freddie was at first stunned, then ecstatic when she replied in a soft whisper,” No Freddie, you didn’t do good, it was way beyond good. I haven’t been eaten like that since….since, come to think of it I’ve never been eaten like that.”

She grabbed him, pulled him to her and kissed him, then pulled back and said,” Now fuck me.”

Freddie slid between her legs and with one thrust was again balls deep inside her.

Cheri wrapped her arms around his neck, then wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled her hips up pushing him even deeper into her wet cunt.

“Fuck me Freddie! Fuck me hard! Please I need you to fuck me hard! Give me your big hard cock. Please, give it to me!” She moaned into his ear.

Freddie couldn’t believe how much it turned him on to have her talking that way to him. He grabbed both her ass cheeks and began to pound into her pussy as hard and fast as he could. He fucked her like a madman, ramming his cock into until his balls smacked her ass, then jerking it out until just the head was between the wet swollen lips of her pussy. Over and over he rammed into her with Cheri urging him on.

“Oh god….Oh god…fuck me baby….fuck me! Fill me with your hard young cock….fuck me…fuck me….fuck me…..” She groaned into his ear, which caused Freddie to increase his strokes.

Freddie’s climax hit him and he pushed into her as his cock erupted, blasting rope after rope of his cum into her pussy. As she felt his cock throb inside her Cheri screamed as another orgasm ripped through her body. Her pussy pulsed around his hard shaft, milking every last drop of cum from his young balls.

Freddie lay panting on top of her, his cock still inside her. Cheri lay still, enjoying the feel of his body against her, the feel of his hard cock inside her. She hummed in total satisfaction as she gently wiggled against him. She was waiting for his cock to go soft inside her.

‘He’s got to go soft this time.’ She thought,’He’s cum three times already, he has to go limp this time!’

The seconds ticked by as Cheri waited. Every few seconds she would wiggle her hips to see if he was soft yet. She didn’t know it, but each time she wiggled it sent a charge of sexual energy through her young lover, keeping his cock rock hard.

After five minutes Cheri reached down and grasped the base of his cock.

“My god!” She said,”You’re still hard! How long can you stay that way?”

“I don’t know.” Freddie grinned,”I’ve never been in a nice wet, warm pussy before!”

“Well my hard young friend,” Cheri giggled,”As long as you stay hard, I’m going to use it.”

She pushed at him and said,”Let me get up on my hands and knees. I want you to fuck me doggy style.”

Freddie pulled out of her and sat up. A few moments later he was treated to the sight of Cheri’s ass waving enticingly in the air.

“Come on big boy.” She said in a soft cooing whisper,”Stick that big old cock back in my wet pussy.”

Freddie didn’t hesitate. He was on his knees and buried in her cunt a half second later. He grabbed her hips and fucked her slowly, watching his cock slide in and out of her dripping snatch. Cheri reached back and pulled his hands up to her tits. He began to fondle them then grunted in surprise as he felt her hand cup his balls. He closed his eyes and got lost in the warm, wet slick feel of her pussy, the soft round globes of her breasts and the gently feel of her hand on his balls.

This time it took a while before he was ready to cum. When he did he groaned and rammed into her full length as he pumped another load of cum deep into her pussy. He pulled slowly out, watching in wonder as his cum dribbled from her hole and down her pussy lips.

He stretched out beside Cheri and whispered,”This is the best night of my life.”

She smiled, then glanced down at his cock. It was wilting.

“I’m glad to see you aren’t a superman!” She giggled, then added,”Just one hellaously horny young man!”

Cheri pulled the blanket over them and turned off the light.

As they lay snuggled together, on the edge of sleep, she whispered,”If you wake in the night and find you are hard again, please feel free to use it.”

Through the night Freddie woke twice. Each time he was hard and each time he slipped between Cheri’s legs and fucked her. Each time she felt him enter her Cheri wrapped her legs around him and fucked him back. And each time after they climaxed, they would both drift back to sleep with Freddie’s cock still buried in her pussy.

The next morning Cheri woke first. She lay quietly thinking, watching Freddie sleep. She thought about what had happened, about how she felt guilty about it, but also how utterly sexually satisfying the last two days had been. After a while she came to the conclusion that she should feel guilty. She hadn’t taken advantage of him and in fact he was enjoying their liaison as much as she was.

She smiled to herself, then gently pulled back the sheet, exposing his cock. To her amazement it was hard. She stifled a giggle as she bent over and gently put her mouth over the purple head. She began to suck it, then wrapped her hand around the base and began to stroke it. Freddie groaned, mumbled, then his eyes fluttered open.

“Oh god that feels so good first thing in the morning.” He said.

Cheri pulled her mouth from his cock and said,”So, would you like me to finish, or would you like to fuck instead?”

“Both!” He grinned, then added,”But if your going to suck me it’s only fair I eat you!”

Cheri smiled, spun around and a moment later was sitting astride of his face.

As Freddie pushed his tongue between her warm lips Cheri moaned in delight,”God Freddie! You do that so well!”

She let herself enjoy his tongue for several moments, then she leaned forward and took his hard cock back into her mouth. Over the next 20 minutes they licked each other, each trying to push the other to a climax. Cheri was first. She let out a long groan as her climax thundered through her body. As Freddie felt her pussy pulsing, tasted the rich cream of her climax he grabbed her hips, sucking at her distended slit as hard as he could.

Cheri’s climax went on and on until she was forced to gasp,”Please! No more! I can’t take any more right now!”

Freddie gave her pussy one last long lick. Cheri slide off and sat next to him.

“That was sooooo good!” She sighed,”but you haven’t had your’s. How would you like it? I’ll do anything you want.”

“Anything?” Freddie ask wondering if she meant anything or was just saying it to please him.

“Anything!” She giggled.

“Well, I aw…I don’ know. I guess we can just do it like we did last night.” Freddie replied.

“Why don’t you let me choose?” Cheri said a mischievous grin on her face.

“Ok. Sure.”Freddie replied.

Cheri reached over, opened the drawer to the night stand and pulled out a tube of lubricant. She squeezed some out onto her fingers and slowly rubbed it up and down his hard shaft. She squeezed another dollop out onto her fingers. She spread her legs and spread the lube over her rectum. She was laying on her back with her legs pulled up to her shoulders. She motioned Freddie to her and as he slid up she took his cock and put the head against her rectum.

“Push.” She whispered to him,”Gently.” She added.

Freddie pushed slowly forward watching as the purple head of his cock slowly spread her sphincter muscles. As the head slid into her, he felt the ring of anal muscles pop tight on the shaft of his cock.

“Stop! Stop!” She gasped.

Freddie automatically began to back, pulling his cock out of her, thinking he had hurt her.

“NO, NO!” She groaned,”Don’t pull out! Just stop right there and let me get use to it.”

Freddie stopped and remained still. After a few moments Cheri said,”I have to adjust to it is all. Ok. Push in, slowly.”

Freddie again slowly pushed forward. Soon her felt his balls nestle against her ass cheeks.

“I’m all the way in.” He whispered to her.

“Ok. Ok.” She panted,”Just stay there for a minute. Don’t move.”

After a minute Cheri said,”Now you can fuck me. But do it slowly and gently until I tell you, Ok?”

Freddie nodded as he began to pull out, just before the head of his cock came out, he pushed back in.

He fucked her slowly, steadily for the next few minutes until he heard her say,”You can speed up if you want to.”

Freddie complied, increasing the speed of his strokes.

A few more minute and Cheri groaned,”Now! Fuck me hard! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!”

Freddie again complied. Before long he was hammering into her, his balls slapping against her with an audible sound each time he rammed inward.

In time to his strokes Cheri groaned”Oh yes…Oh yes…fuck me….fuck me….fuck me….”

Freddie felt his spunk rising, knew he was ready to cum. He groaned as his cock throbbed, blasting the first rope of spunk deep into Cheri’s bowels. As she felt him cumming Cheri began to use her anal muscles to milk his cock. Six times his cock throbbed, spewing spunk into her ass. And as he came Cheri used her anal muscles to milk his cock.

When he was done cumming Freddie gasp,”Damn Cheri! I thought you were going to suck me dry!”

“I was trying!” She giggled.

Freddie pulled out of her and they headed for the shower. They spent a half hour soaping, groping and kissing. They finally got out and got dressed.

“I’ve got to get home or my mom will wonder where I am.” Freddie said as they walked to the door.

As they stood at the door Cheri said,”You know we should never do this again don’t you?”

“Yea, I guess.” Freddie replied half heartedly.

Cheri pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him, a long lingering passion filled kiss.

When she pulled her lips from his she looked into his eyes and said,”We really, really should never do it again.”

She stared into his eyes for several long moments, then again said,”You know we shouldn’t, ever again.”

Freddie could feel a melancholy blanket being pulled over him as he stepped out the door, until he heard her say,” But maybe, just once more won’t hurt.”

A moment later his heart jumped as he heard her add,”And, maybe, many more won’t hurt.”