Bad Jokes

Read and Laugh

A class of elementary school kids is flying to D.C. with their teacher. Also on the plane are a lawyer and a Catholic Priest. Half way through the trip, the captain comes on the intercom and says that the plane is going down and everyone has to jump.

The Teacher yells out “Save the Children!”

The Lawyer says “Fuck the Children!”

The Priest says “Do we have enough Time?”


A White guy A Black guy and A Chinese guy are all window washers cleaning the same window on a penthouse apartment. A beautiful woman walks up to the window, opens it and says to them, “My dad just died, but I don’t get my inheritance unless I’m married. So, I’m going to let each one of you fuck me and whoever makes me scream the loudest is the one I will marry.”

The Black guy steps forward and says “I’ll go first.”

After about 5 minutes the other two hear a moan or two and the black guy comes back out.

The White guy says “I’m next.”

After about 10 minutes the others hear a small scream. The white guy comes out thinking to himself ‘At least I did better then the black guy.’

The Chinese guy says “My turn now.”

He’s in there for not even 30 seconds before the lady starts screaming her head off.

The Chinese guy comes back out with a big smile on his face, and the other two ask him “How did you do that?!?”

The Chinese guy just looks at them and says with a grin, “Me Chinese, Me So Slick, Me Put Windex On My Dick.”


This is my first post so please be kind in your comments, if anyone even leaves one.