Austin Came to Visit

An old friend comes to visit! Can they handle the excitment that is fixing to unleash!?

I slide out of the driver seat of my car trying to grab all my books and bags, thinking I shouldn’t have worn heels today! I’m a Freshman at West Brooke college, about to finish this year already! I fumbled with my keys as I reach the door of my apartment, finally finding the damn key, I opened the door and hustled inside. Placing my books on the table and slowly moving toward my small little couch I have place in the corner of the living room. Falling into the soft pillows that flood the entire thing, sprawling out making myself more comfortable. I pulled my phone out of my side pocket and turned it back on. Mr. Kingston {my professor} believes we will strive better without our phones in the way, so he asks us to turn them off or hand them over until the end of the class

As my phone sprung to life again, I had a couple messages and calls that I’d miss. First message was just my damn cheating ex-boyfriend Luke wanting to have some “alone time” again. Wouldn’t object to the idea if he wasn’t such an ass. Second & Third message was from my brother Kane wanting to use my apartment one afternoon to impress his new high school girlfriend (even though he was a sophomore at West Brooke). I chuckled as I just delete the messages as to say I never got them, I look at my call log and see the calls were from the same two people and one from a number I didn’t know. I wasn’t so sure I wanted to call it back considering it was probably just some sales person trying to bribe me into buying things I don’t want! “Eh what the hell, why not.”, I muttered to myself while pressing on the number to call it back. It continued to ring for a few more seconds before someone picked up. “Hello?”, said a manly voice on the other end. “Hi, I had a missed phone call from this number. I was just calling it back to see who it was.”, I replied trying to act calm and collective. There was a small silence between us before he responded. “Is this Ash, Kane’s little sister?”, he questioned. Beginning to feel like I was being stalked, making me get goose bumps. “Yes, I’m Kane’s sister, but he’s actually the younger one.”, I informed him. “Only by a few minutes but who’s counting.” Kane was my twin brother, but we looked nothing alike. I tried to act like he was just an adopted loser that my parents felt sorry for! “Well, don’t get your panties in a twist now, I was just making sure he didn’t give me the wrong number.”, the guy claimed. “I’m Austin and I’m a friend of Kane’s. I don’t think you would remember me, but I use to come over to your parent’s house when I was younger.”

I ran through my mind trying to remember which little bastard he was, not finding any trace of a Austin in my head. “No sorry, I guess I don’t remember you.” spouting out something before I seemed stupid to him. “But any ways he gave you my number?” I asked while still trying to figure out who exactly he was, but still got nothing. “He gave it to me saying you were lonely and needed some company, like me.”, Finally the truth is revealed! I sat up in shock, feeling my heart pound faster as I heard him breathing on his end. I didn’t know whether to be mad or thank my brother for thinking about me for once! “Oh, well that was sweet of him, but I’m not even sure if I know who you are and etc.”, I reminded him. I heard him chuckle as well before he finally spoke again. “I’ll tell you what.”, he started. “You give me your address and well talk in person and no I’m not sending you a picture first.” I don’t know about that, just letting an unknown guy come into my place. What could be the worst thing to happen? He’d kill me? But frankly I’m not that lucky in life, I thought to myself before giving Austin an answer.

“Sure, why not, it’s Friday and I’ve got nothing better to do and I don’t want to study.”, that’s all I could come up with. I heard him mumble a few words but couldn’t make them out. I gave him my address and apartment number, before hanging up. He said he’d be here somewhere between an hour or so. I sent my brother a text stating that if I get killed he won’t get my car! I put my phone down on my coffee table and seen my reflection in the glass top. “Fuck, I look like shit!”, I blurted out! What if Austin is cute and he shows up to me looking like a damn hot mess?! I scramble toward my room, trying to use this short time wisely! I slide off my comfy PJ bottoms revealing my cute, nicely curved ass. I give it a little smack as I look at myself in my big body mirror that was next to my closet. I open the closet to find something sexy but not too sexy, thinking I should probably wear something that shows off my nice curved ass and perfect body. I pick out a short black dress, with a short V neck line that always shows off just the right amount of my nice tits. I toss it onto my bed as I pull of my sweat shirt, feeling it catch onto my tits making them bounce as it slides off. I have 44DD tits that make it hard to wear my medium sized clothing. I slipped on the dress pulling it up over my tits, struggling just a bit more than normal trying to hurry so I can have enough time to put few beers in the freezer. I need to at least put on mascara and spray some perfume!

Now that the beers were getting chilled, I’m dressed up a bit more than I probably should be, and I smell like a high dollar whore. I was ready to find out who Austin was!

About 3 pm, there was a loud knock at the door. I realized I had fallen asleep waiting on him to show up. I jumped off the couch, trying to smooth out my dress and fluffing my tits up a bit. I peeked into the door hole but couldn’t see anything.

“Hey!”, I managed to slip out as the door was finally not between us. The guy smile at me as he looked me over and I could tell he liked what he saw already. My cheeks were already turning red from his hard stare! “Hey Ash, it’s nice to see you again.”, Austin said as he steps in the doorway. “And might I add, you look stunning in that dress!” That’s when it clicked, I did remember him, but he was about 14 the last time I seen him. Always over hanging with Kane and getting into trouble, always thought his name was Mike though! Trying not to show how nervous I was, I went into the kitchen with him following slightly behind me and over to the couch area. “Thanks, you don’t look to bad yourself.” I replied, now thinking that was lame to say. Once I grabbed the beers, that were now cold, I headed into the living room. Austin had been standing next to the window, viewing my back yard that was fenced off from the neighbor behind me. I got a good look from his back side, he was wearing a nice Black button up that fit like a glove. Showing his muscular back and arms, his ass area was nice as well! He has short spiked up brown hair with hints of blonde fading out at his neck line. “Nice view huh?”, I asked as I set down the drinks. He turned around and look at the table then back up to me with a smile. “Very nice!”, he snickered as he took a seat next to me. His face was handsome, that perfect jaw line which you could tell he just shaved recently, he also had blue eyes that made his new tan stand out a bit more than it should. I smiled as he looked at me and offered to open the beers. I accepted silently as if I couldn’t speak. Cat got my tongue indeed! “So, Ash do you remember me now or do I have to refresh your memory?”, he asked as he took a drink of his beer.

I rolled my eyes and pretended not to be bothered by his smirk. “Yes, yes I do.” I answered back. “I thought your name was Mike honestly, until today but I do remember how you and Kane were always getting into some kind of trouble.” He hung his head in shame and laughed a bit. He didn’t look surprised as to me remembering that much. I took a drink finally as he talked about how his family had moved out of state, but he came back for college a year later than he thought he was going to. I couldn’t get why he’d come back to West Brooke when there was plenty of other colleges that were so much better. He explained how his whole family has gone here and he’d like to keep it that way. Family tradition. He asked a few questions about what’d he’d miss that past 4 years, how Kane even got into college and how my family was. We talked until nearly 5, just catching up and sharing our lame stories about new friends and experiences. ” Holy shit, it’s 5 already!” Austin claimed before he shook his head. I giggled as he fell back and sighed. “I haven’t got to talk to someone like this is a long time.” he said. “Felt good to just be myself like that right off the bat.” he added on. I felt my cheeks heat up again, knowing I felt the same way. I nodded as to agree with him. We sat there in silence for a few minutes before we even breathed, making the tension grow more. ” Ash, could I tell you something and you promise not to get offered or freaked out?”, He asked. I shrugged in return and told him to go for it. He explained how he finally got a hold of my brother and was catching up with him a few weeks ago, they had set it up for Austin to come back down and stay with him in his tiny apartment a few blocks down. He also told me that Kane had sent a photo of us two to him, so he could see the how different we’ve become from 4 years ago. From then on, he said he had to see me again, that there was something about that photo that just made his heart skip a beat. I felt myself get strangely wet as he finished explaining why he wanted to meet up with me. “Wow Austin, um I honestly don’t know what to say.” I said, while placing my hand on his leg. He looked at me with excitement as my hand rubbed his leg a bit as a nice gesture. I felt my heart race faster when he placed his hand on mine! It was warm and was way bigger than my hand.

“Austin?” I questioned, as he moved toward me. He stopped, looking at me he smiled a bit and place his other hand on my face. “It’s okay Ash, I won’t hurt you.” He stated before his lips met mine. A sudden urge of want and desire crept over me, making me wrap my arms around his neck as we fell back on the couch. His lips were soft and warm against mine, making me feel hot! He tucked his hands under my waist, pulling me closer. I felt his abs rub up against my stomach, rock hard and probably as toned as his tan! He leaned up a bit, just enough for me to grab his shirt and tear the buttons off and I pulled it off him. His abs now out for me to see, I run my hand down his stomach toward his pants line. Austin grabbed my hand and smacked it with a smirk on his face. He pulls my face towards his again and locks his lips on mine, making me moan and cum a little bit. He pushes me back down on the couch and lifts my dress up! “Mmmm.” he called out. “No panties Ash, how’d I know you were a no panties type of girl?” He jokingly asked me. I snarled at him as he slips his fingers into me, pulling out all my warm juices and sliding it all over my clit! Moan after moan, he starts to get a bit rough! Making me moan louder, feeling my clit pulse as he starts to suck on it! Making me gasp and pull his hair a bit before making me squirt. He moaned back out of excitement and started to undo his pants. I lay there watching him reveal his big hard cock that was at least 9 inches long, I couldn’t even wrap my hand around it fully! I’ve never had a cock this big and I was ready to feel him slide into me and spread me open! He lays in between me now, with his cock meeting my slit. Teasing me while moving it around my clit, and finally sliding it into my now soaking wet pussy! I moan loudly, accepting his big cock and making me squirt a bit more. He grabbed my legs and pulled them up, getting more room to slide into.

I scream with a smile on my face as he starts to push in and out faster, making my juices pour out. I feel the tip of his head sliding over my G-spot, making me go crazy. He bends down and kisses me heavily as he picks up speed and starts to drill my pussy. I clench up as he makes me squirt yet again, sending me into an amazing orgasm! I reach behind him and dig my nails into his back, making him growl and pound me harder than he was. “You like that don’t you Ash?”, he asked as he continued to hold my legs back and hammered my pussy! I moan loudly letting him know I was fully enjoying his big cock in me! I didn’t know how long he would last but I soon got an answer as he asks if he could cum in me. I didn’t object to it! He slowed down as he was about to cum, I was Cumming myself. Feeling the rush of excitement as he starts ramming his cock as far into me as he could! I felt his warm cum drip out of my pussy as he pushed hard into me, making all my cum and his cum mix and start dripping out before he even pulled out! I looked up at the guy that I didn’t remember just a few hours ago, now knowing what every bit of him looked like and felt his big dick deep in my pussy! I smile and laughed as he started to pull out and sit back, I raised up a bit trying not to make a mess on the couch.

“Your pussy was amazing Ash!”, he stated as he sighed with relief. “I’ve never came that fast before.” I blushed with honor and move closer to him. I lay up on his chest and grabbed his cock which was still hard and standing up straight as a nail, I stroke him a bit making a bit more cum seep out of his tip. I gave him a kiss under his chin and tasted his cum that was now on my fingers as he watched me in amazement! “Your cum taste good.”, I stated as I quickly swallowed his cock into my mouth. Cleaning up all the cum from us of his cock, I came back up as I finished licking up all the mess. He looked at me and smiled. “I’m glad you let me come over.” he said “Best time I’ve had in a long time.” I added. He nodded with agreement before kissing my forehead. Suddenly there was a knock at the door! We jumped a up and made no sound. “Ash open up.” a manly voiced call from the other side of the door. “It’s me, your amazing brother.” Kane! Austin and I looked at each other, completely shocked and no clues to why he was here.

“Hey Kane!” I greeted him as I opened the door. I smile with confidence after I had rushed Austin into my bedroom and shut the door. Thankfully my dress was easy to fix as I walked to the let Kane in. “What are you doing here bro?”, I asked when he sat down, grabbing my drink and chugging it down. He looked at me as if I had killed someone. “What it’s a crime to check in on my baby sis once in a while?” He jokingly asked. “Plus looks like you had company already.” He pointed out as he looked at the drinks that were now melted down and now moisture laid on the table under the cans. I shrugged as to shake his comment off, but it didn’t work when suddenly there was a bang in the other room. Kane jumped up and ran toward my room, throwing the door open to see Austin laying on my bed. Naked with his dick now limp but still big and my chips I left in there last night. “Oh my god Austin!”, Kane growled as he stepped further into my room. I looked at Austin with utter embarrassment, wishing he would cover himself up. I couldn’t believe this was happening right now, Kane normally wouldn’t even act on hearing a gunshot next door! “So, I did have company over.” I stated when I passed by my brother and over to sit in my desk chair. Kane was red as my Prada shoes I never wear.

I began to worry for Austin’s safety. My brother was sometimes very protective of me, but I couldn’t see why he would be now considering he gave Austin my number. “What’s wrong Kane?” Austin asked with a big smirk on his face. Kane stood there looking at him with his fists balled up and ready to jump. I looked both over, Kane was beyond angry and Austin was beyond happy. “Okay.” I finally spoke. “What the hell is going on?” I demanded to know. Both just looked at me with the expressions still holding. I stood up and started walking toward Kane with a mean smug across my face. “Tell her Austin, tell her.” Kane finally demanded. I looked at him with confusion before turning around looking toward Austin. I crossed my arms and asked again. “I said I wouldn’t hurt you,” he started off. “And I meant it honestly, but I’ve wanted to know you like this for so long I just had to…” Kane cut him off and shouted at me. “He’s been watching you for the past 2 weeks and he’s our brother!” I jumped back towards Kane when Austin got up. I couldn’t see straight. Kane grabbed my arms and pushed me onto the bed. I was confused and began to grow a bit scared.

“Ash remember that night, you drank too much at the frat party and had me bring you home?” Kane asked. I nodded when I had thought about the body shots I did and all the drinks I had. Kane smiled a little and laughed “You and I had sex that night and you liked it.” he spouted off. I was in shock for sure now! They both came over and sat close to me on the bed. I didn’t budge, breathe let alone blinked! I felt a hand go up my thigh and caress my inner thigh close to my pussy. I noticed the hand right away, it was Kane’s! I looked at him to find him looking back. “It’s okay Ash, we’ll take good care of you.”, he said as he began to lay me back closer to my other brother! Austin kissed me softly and slipped his hand into my dress, grabbing my breasts and twirling his fingers around my nipple! With no sudden urge or actions, my pussy was beginning to grow wet! I slightly let out a moan mixed with a whimper. “We got you sis and you know we can,” Austin started off. “And we will treat you better than any other guy will.” Kane finished as he slipped his fingers into me, making my back arch and I felt myself cum a bit!

“Ugh! Just fuck me already damn it!” I demanded!