An Unexpected Adventure with Robin and Olivia – Chapter 3

Robin seeks Mark’s assistance in obtaining a very special item.

Chapter Three: Robin’s Need

Robin had been busy working so we had not spent a lot of time together other than for dinner. I was worried about her since she seemed to be over worked.

“Robin, I am worried that you are working too much. What’s up?”

“Mark, you don’t need to worry. We have a major project that is just about to be completed. It has taken a lot more time than I anticipated. But, it will be over in another couple of weeks. So, stop worrying.”

“Well, I would like to have you and Olivia over for dinner, together.”

“Okay. We can have dinner next Saturday.”

“Good. It is a date.”

I was eagerly looking forward to dinner with Robin and Olivia. While in South Korea I also learned how to cook many family dishes. I would need to find the right ingredients. I had noticed an Asian market near my new apartment. It might have the right spices and vegetables. One of the things I had looked for in an apartment was one with a gas stove. Gas is the best way to cook.

The day finally came and I had everything just right. They were going to be here in another hour. Then my phone rang, “hello.” “Mark, hey, I am sorry but Olivia forgot about a birthday party. She won’t be coming. We can postpone it.”

“That really sucks. Come anyway. We can spend time together.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I was disappointed but it would be nice to have dinner with my sister.

“I will be over right on time. Do you want me to bring anything?”

“How about a nice wine. That would go well with some kimchi”


Dinner was nice and the red wine went well with the meal. “Robin, how about watching a movie?”

“Not tonight. I would really like to talk to you. You have been a blessing to Olivia and me.”

“I think you have that mixed up. I really appreciate your letting me stay with you.”

“Olivia adores you. With Robert out of the picture she has no close male role models. She needs that.”

“I am glad I can help. She is such a cute girl.”

“I really wanted to share with you my own challenge. It has been a while since I have dated. A long while. I don’t even know how to start.”

“You won’t have a problem. You are pretty and fit. Any guy would love to be with you.”

“What do guys expect today?”

“What do you mean?”

I looked at her and realized she was blushing. Now that was unusual.

“I mean, on a first date, how far.” Now she turned beet red. Oh, now I think I know what she wants to know. “How many bases?”

“You are so funny. You know you are beet red.” I had to laugh. My sister never used to say anything about personal stuff.

“Sis, guys are always looking to get into a girl’s pants or panties. That never changes. But, a gentleman never goes beyond the girl’s limits.”

“Oh, that is a relief. I was worried about that.”

“Hey, sis, if you were not my sister I would be trying to get into your pants.”

She blushed again. Then I noticed she was squirming a bit. I wonder. Is she getting aroused. Maybe I am just over thinking it.

“Mark, maybe if you were not my brother I would let you.”

“Ha, ha, very funny.” I threw a pillow at her. We used to play when we were young but she always beat me. The age difference and size difference then gave her the advantage. Of course, I tried to lift her shirt to counter her advantage but that never worked.

“So, what are you doing about your love life?” She asked.

“Nothing at the moment.”

“Have you been to that store over on the east side that has sexy stuff?” She asked.

“No.” What was she asking? I had been by there looking for my apartment but it was not one of the better areas of town. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, I was interested in maybe getting something to help with my stress.” I was not born yesterday. The light bulb went on and I smiled.

“Are you asking if they have dildos?” Then she turned beet red again. “Sis, how long were you married? You should know about vibrators and what their purpose is. Why ask me? Go see for yourself.”

“I have never been to that kind of place. I don’t want to go by myself.”

“You want me to go with you?” Hold on a minute. My sister wants me to go to a sex store with her to look for a vibrator so she can fuck herself. I am having a bit of a time wrapping my head around that thought. She wants help looking for the right penis looking vibrator in a sex store with her brother.

“Would you?” She asked tentatively. “It would make me feel safer.”


“How about now?” I echoed her in disbelief, “now?”

“Yes.” She told me that since Olivia was not with us it was a good opportunity. I could not deny it. So, we hopped in my truck and headed over to the east side. It only took 25 minutes to get over there. The neon lights really showed up at night. But, it did not even compare to the lights in the Seoul sex district. Now that place had the lights.

I parked and we walked in. There were only a few people in there. Looked like couples for the most part. It was not a bad place. They had a wide selection of products from videos, to lingerie, to sex toys for men and women. They had some video booths in the back. I let Robin go her way and I went to see what movies might be interesting. There is nothing like the Asian girls with their smooth slits looking all pretty. I found a couple of movies but the prices were just too much. Free internet movies were better. I got tired of looking and went over to where Robin was checking out the myriad of vibrators.

I came up to her and asked what size she wanted. She jumped and turned beet red. And then stammered. Then just shut up. So, I took advantage of the opportunity.

“So, do you want a white, black or brightly colored one? How about a real looking one? What size? Ten inch? Big around as your wrist?” She did not respond but did hit me. So, I went to look at the other sex products. Robin bought something but would not let me see it.

We headed back to my apartment. I asked her, “did you get batteries?” She looked at me, and simply shook her head. I told her it was probably triple A batteries. We got back to my apartment. I went to the kitchen and brought her three of them. From my experience they always seemed to need three batteries. She said thanks and put them in the bag.

She thanked me for taking her and told me the dinner was nice. She headed home and I suspected the vibrator was going to get a trial run. Oh, to be the vibrator for just one night. That would be splendid.