An Obsession–or Two…Part 3

This is the last installment of the story. I hope you enjoy.

Obsession or Two Part 3

Jana and I were sitting side by side on the steps of the pool, both of us enjoying the sun and the cool water when I confessed to her “I don’t know what it is about the whole pee thing that I like so much.”

She chuckled, “I do. It makes perfect sense.”

I turned to face her, “Oh? Do tell.”

“Two years ago, right after high school graduation, a bunch of us drove down to Corpus to party. On our second evening there, the guy I was with dared me to go skinny dipping. Everyone else was wearing suits, but I did it. After a brief swim, I walked out of the water only to find the asshole had carried my bikini back to the bonfire.”

“Oh my god! What did you do?”

“What could I do? I walked past all the others, up to him, and held out my hand for my bikini.”

“Okay, so you had guts. I don’t see your point.”

“Tina, the point is how I felt between walking out of the water and getting my bikini back on—defiant for sure, but it was much more than that. It made me feel naughty as hell, and I loved it.”

“Naughty, huh?”

“Yes, I call it the ‘Naughty Factor’. Your roommate last semester, what’s her name, was she your first girl-girl?”

“Angie, and yes, why?”

“I’m sure it made you horny as hell, but didn’t it also make you feel a little bit naughty?”

I chuckled, “More than a little.”

After nodding, she continued, “And the first time you took it in the ass, and when you walked into that party with your nipple clamps showing, and every time you have Greg pee with a hardon?”

“I guess, yes to all of the above.”

“That’s the ‘Naughty Factor’.”

“I’m afraid I’m not as bold as you are.” I told her.

When Jana stopped laughing, she looked me straight on and said, “Before this night is over, you’re going to watch your boyfriend fuck me, and we’re going to get it on in front of him. I’d say that’s pretty bold.”

“That’s just the three of us.”

She showed me a scolding look, “It was more than the three of us at the party last week.”

After considering her words for a few moments, I had to admit, “True”.

“And I’m guessing the sex that night was incredible. Am I right?”

“Yes, it was mind blowing. We barely got into the house.”

“Okay then. It turned you on, and it turned him on. Naughty is hot. Nuff said!”



“Greg” I called out, “I need to pee.”

He understood what I wanted, so he crawled out of the hot tub and walked over onto the grass. He immediately lay down on his back.

Jana giggled as I squatted over his hard dick and started peeing on him. Even before I was finished, Jana was squatted over him facing me. She pulled me in for a passionate kiss and then let her pee begin splashing down onto his chest and stomach.

While she was kissing me, Jana put her hand over my pussy, causing my pee to splash all over the three of us. Without thinking, I did the same to her. Greg yelled, “Hey!” and I realized that my hand was causing her pee to splash onto his face.

Jana laughed and said, “Shut up.” And with that, she moved backward, causing the last of her pee to hit him right in the face.

“That wasn’t nice.” He said when she was finished and the two of us stood up.

“Get over it.” Jana said while still laughing.

He responded, “Payback’s a bitch.” And we all jumped into the pool.

* * *

A few minutes later, Jana rolled the rubber ring off of Greg’s dick. “Would you be a doll and give us some alone time? I promise we’ll take good care of you later.”

“Sure.” Greg answered.

Jana and I dried off and went into the house and to our bedroom. The first thing we did was remove our nipple clamps. God, what a relief. I massaged my poor nipples, trying to urge the blood to reenter them.

After making out for awhile, Jana told me to lie down on my back, but I asked her, “Please, can I do you first?”

Without answering, she lay down on the bed. I started by kissing her a couple of times before moving down and spending a long time licking and sucking her beautiful firm tits.

When I moved between her legs and began licking her pussy, I got a wonderful surprise. I couldn’t believe how sweet she tasted—much sweeter than Angie. I made a mental note to ask her if she did something special to her pussy or if it was just the way she was.

It took me a long time to give her a first orgasm, and I could tell it wasn’t a great one. “My clit” she answered my questioning look, “Suck it in and bite it. Don’t be gentle.”

I was tentative when I first closed my teeth on her clit. When I looked up at her, she was pulling and twisting her nipples so much, it looked like she might actually pull them off. “Harder” she instructed me. So I applied more pressure with my teeth. “Harder” she commanded.

I was afraid I’d hurt her, but I thought it best to trust her, so I really clamped down hard with my teeth, flicking her clit with my tongue the whole time. Her response was almost immediate. She began bucking her hips up and moaning loudly.

When Jana finally came hard, she flooded my mouth with her slick sweet cum. I lapped it up as fast as I could and then used my fingers to get the last of it out of her pussy. “God! You taste incredible.”

Jana giggled, “Yes, I know.”

* * *

I was so horny, I couldn’t wait to feel Jana’s mouth and tongue on my pussy, but she wanted to take a break. On our way to the kitchen to mix our drinks, we saw Greg sitting in his recliner watching TV. We both giggled when we saw a beer and two bottles of water sitting on the end table.

Jana elbowed me when we got into the kitchen, “I think he likes the whole pee thing. He’s not just doing it for us.”

“I’m glad.” I told her.

* * *

Back in the bedroom, it didn’t take long for Jana to give me my first orgasm. As usual, it was a mild one. When she looked up at me, I told her, “That’s normal for me. The next one will be a lot better.” Hearing that, she grinned and went right back to eating my pussy.

When I began cumming again, Jana surprised me by slapping my outer thigh hard over and over. Wow! For some reason, the pain made my orgasm even more intense. I never would have thought that.

Just as I was recovering from my orgasm, Greg knocked on the door facing. “I really need to pee.” He told us.

Jana looked around at him and gestured to the dressing chair, “Sit and watch.” He obeyed, but he had a strained look on his face.

Five or so minutes later, she had me cumming again. This time, just as my orgasm started, she reached up and began pinching and pulling on one of my nipples so hard, it caused me to cry out “GOD!” That orgasm was so intense; I had to struggle not to pass out.

* * *

“He’s going to try to pay me back for pissing on his face.” Jana whispered to me when we broke a passionate kiss and before we led Greg into the bathroom.

I giggled, “What are you going to do?” I whispered back to her.

“The best defense is a good offense. Are you in?”

“What’s with all the whispering? I’m in pain over here.” Greg said in a strained voice.

I didn’t know what she had in mind, but I nodded anyway.

A minute later, Jana and I were sitting side by side on the edge of the tub with Greg standing in front of us. His dick was only semi hard, so Jana took it into her mouth and began working him to full hardness.

I didn’t realize he managed to get a spurt or two of pee out until I heard the gurgling sound come from Jana’s mouth and saw a dribble escape from her lips. When she withdrew, Greg’s pee shot out over her head. She immediately pointed it toward me, aiming it right at my face. “Open up” She instructed me.

When I did, I was surprised that his pee had lost that salty, tangy taste. It was almost like water. I surprised myself by moving my mouth over the head of his dick, swallowing as best I could.

“Don’t get greedy.” Jana told me, yanking his dick out of my mouth and replacing it with hers.

After a few seconds, I pulled his dick out of her mouth and back into mine, gulping as fast as I could. Before his stream began to wane, Jana took it back and kept her mouth on it until he was totally finished. And then she kissed me.

“Holy shit!” Greg exclaimed, “That was hot as fuck.”

* * *

Later, while Greg was fucking Jana’s pussy with his hard dick, I had to admit to being tempted to try it myself. He was really plowing her hard and fast, and she was cumming every few minutes. Of course, it didn’t hurt that I had my hand between them, rubbing her clit while he fucked her. I was also biting one of her nipples, which she seemed to love, telling me “Harder” over and over.

* * *

The following Wednesday evening over dinner at The Olive Garden, Greg told me, “I’ve invited some friends over to watch football on Sunday.”

That made sense. He did, after all, have a wonderful seventy inch flat-screen TV mounted on his living room wall. “Okay, I can go to the mall or something if you want me to make myself scarce.”

He looked right at me, “I was hoping you might be our waitress.”

I analyzed the grin on his face. “Oh, do you want me in a sexy little waitress uniform?”

“That would be great.”

I giggled, “I’ll see if I can find something suitable.”

* * *

When I told Jana what Greg wanted me to do, she practically begged to join me. I agreed, but I didn’t tell Greg.

Jana showed up at our house just after nine on Sunday morning. Greg was sleeping in. We hadn’t gone to sleep until almost three in the morning after me giving him a blowjob and him fucking my ass twice.

Greg’s friends were supposed to show up at eleven thirty, so I woke him up at eleven. “Your friends will be here in thirty minutes, and you definitely need a shower.”

After his shower, he came into the kitchen and found me and Jana making a variety of finger sandwiches. We’d already made the dip, which consisted of a pound of melted cheese mixed with two cans of Ro-Tel, some chopped onions, a half pound of cooked ground beef and a little miniature elbow macaroni, all simmering in a Fondue pot. We were both wearing our nipple clamps and red thongs.

“Oh, hi” He said to Jana.

“I hope you don’t mind. She wanted to join us.”

He shook his head, “No, I don’t mind a bit. I think it’s great. Have you two decided on what you’re going to wear?”

Jana and I both laughed. “You’re looking at it.” I told him.

Greg’s eyes shot open, “Really?”

“Unless you really want us to put on more.” Jana told him.

That caused Greg to chuckle, “No, no, what you’re wearing it perfect. The guys probably won’t be able to concentrate on the game, but that’s their problem.”

I’d just finished tossing back two shots of Tequila and mixing myself a Screwdriver when the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it.” Jana said with a giggle.

Greg went with her to the door and a few seconds later, Greg was introducing me and Jana to James and Kyle. Both boys had their eyes bugging out while they shook our hands.

“You guys go on into the living room. What do you want to drink?”

“Beer for me.” Kyle said, his eyes still bouncing from my tits to Jana’s.

“James likes Jack and Coke.” Greg said when it was obvious James was struggling to get his voice. “I’ll take a beer.”

I was surprised how much being naked in front of Greg’s friends made my pussy begin to moisten.

“Are you okay?” Jana asked me when the guys were gone.

I looked her right in the eyes, “I’m better than okay. I’m afraid my thong is going to get soaked.”

She giggled, “I know. It’s fun, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” I said while I was mixing James a light Jack and Coke.

“Just wait till the other three show up.” She said with a chuckle.

We were just delivering the drinks to the living room when the door bell rang again. Greg got up and went to the door while Jana and I headed back to the kitchen to get the snacks.

Todd, Travis and Jonathan (they called John Boy) had about the same reaction to seeing us as Kyle and James had. After taking their drink orders and delivering them to the living room, we began carrying out the snacks.

We put six plates and six small bowls on the coffee table and the Fondue pot with a dipping spoon. Next was two larger bowls, one containing round corn chips and the other filled with Nacho flavored Doritos. Lastly, we carried in two plates stacked high with finger sandwiches.

By the time we were finished delivering the snacks, my pussy was so wet, I was afraid it would start running down my thighs. Jana told me she was in about the same shape.

When we weren’t refilling drinks, Jana and I sat at the dinning room table where we could see into the living room. More than once, we caught the guys looking our way.

During a commercial break, John Boy got up and told the others he needed a pit stop. Jana jumped to her feet and hurried over to him. She took his hand, “C’mon, I’ll show you the way.”

I wondered if she was actually going into the bathroom with him, but when I got up to take Kyle another beer, I glanced down the hallway and saw Jana waiting just outside the closed bathroom door. Soon, she was escorting John Boy back into the living room.

“Next.” James said, getting to his feet. I did just what Jana had done, escorting him to and from the bathroom.

Prior to the end of the first half, Jana and I had escorted all the guys to the bathroom and refilled their drinks. Then, she and I went out back. We took off our thongs and nipple clamps, leaving them on concrete.

We were laughing and giggling the whole time. A few minutes later, the sliding door opened and all six guys came outside. “Halftime” Greg told us.

“Oh, you don’t want to watch the halftime show?” Jana giggled.

“Not when there’s a better one out here.” Travis said with a chuckle.

Jana whispered to me, “Let’s give them a show.” And she pulled me in for a really toe curling kiss. The guys all started whistling and clapping.

When we broke that kiss, Jana lowered her head and began sucking on one of my tender nipples. I put both of my hands on her head and looked at the guys, “Is this the kind of show you had in mind?”

“Hell yeah!” and “Awesome” and more whistles were their responses.

After moving up and kissing me again, Jana whispered to me, “Go to the steps and lay back on the edge.” When I did, she immediately got between my spread knees and began licking my pussy. I put both hands on her head and smashed her mouth to my pussy. Of course, the guys were all going crazy, whistling and whooping it up.

When I came a couple of minutes later, I made a show of it, “OH FUCK! I’M . . . OH FUCK!” And I began bucking my hips off the concrete. When I settled down, Jana looked up at me and winked, signifying she understood my reaction to cumming was all for the benefit of our audience.

I heard one of them say to Greg, “Shit, we need to hire them for our next party.”

Greg sounded offended when he told the group, “They’re not for hire. Tina lives with me and Jana is a friend of ours.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know.” Todd said in what sounded like a sincere tone.

When Jana stood up and dove into the water, I did the same. She called to the guys, “show’s over. Who needs fresh drinks?”

The guys got the hint and went back inside. When the door closed behind them, I told her, “Whew! That was incredible.” She and I both burst out laughing.

* * *

Back inside with our thongs and nipple clamps back in place, Jana and I continued delivering drinks and escorting them to and from the bathroom.

When the game was over and they were all leaving, she and I gave each of them a full body hug. I wasn’t paying any attention to Jana, so I assumed none of them took liberties. They hadn’t with me.

Before cleaning up, Jana and I gave Greg a double header blowjob. We wanted him to have time to recuperate while we were cleaning and loading the dishwasher. Then we took Greg into the bedroom and spent the next many hours fucking him and each other.

* * *

The next three weeks, Mother Nature called, so first me and then Jana were out of commission. We still took care of Greg though. He couldn’t understand why my ass was off limits, but I just explained that I wasn’t in the mood.

During that time, Greg spent every evening on the internet. I practically had to drag him away from it to come to bed. When I asked what he was doing, he’d just blow me off with some lame explanation.

Finally, he invited me to join him at his computer. He showed me what he’d been doing. He’d been visiting a website that had literally dozens and dozens of chat rooms. The one he chose to monitor was one called “Fetishes”.

The unique thing about the chat room, other than the topic, was that it had live video feeds. Everyone with their video camera turned on would have an icon on the left side of the window. As with most other chat rooms, a list of the people in the chat room was on the right. To view a live cam, all you had to do was click on the icon on the left.

Most of the cams showed men peeing. There were a few girls sprinkled in, but not many. Usually, the cam would be zoomed in to just show the guys dick or the girl’s pussy. One video showed a guy wearing a bra and panties. Another showed a guy licking and sucking a girl’s toes.

When Greg asked me about the one with the guy in girls underwear, I poked him with my elbow, “Hell no! I like my man to be all man.” And when he asked me how I like the toe sucking one, again I told him no, “But I wouldn’t mind a good foot massage sometimes.”

“Wanna have some fun?” Greg asked me.

The chat room had my interest, so I asked him, “What do you have in mind?”

“Can Jana come over this weekend?”

“Probably. What should I tell her?”

He chuckled, “Just tell her we found a new game.”


* * *

Greg created a profile on the website. Our screen name was “GoldenGirls” Next we took still pics of each other. He had me put on one of the three Zorro masks he’d purchased and strip naked. After he took a sexy pic, he had me take one of him. I thought his dick should be hard, but he insisted it shouldn’t be.

When Jana arrived on Friday evening, we took a similar pic of her. And then Greg posted all three pics on our profile page. I had to laugh when I read what he posted on our profile, “Just three friends enjoying a little pee fun.”

Greg moved his laptop into the bathroom and connected it to his camcorder, which he had mounted on a tripod. He positioned the tripod so that one leg was in the bathtub and two were on the floor. And then he had us sit on the edge of the tub side by side. He checked his view finder, telling us “scoot a little to you left”.

Greg then went to his laptop and told everyone in the room that the show would start in ten minutes.

“Don’t you want to be hard?” Jana asked him.

“Not this time.”

He went to his laptop and started the video. Seconds later, he laughed, “There’s two dozen or so of them watching us, almost everyone in the room.”

When he stepped up in front of us, he told us to get cheek to cheek and open wide. It only took him a few seconds to start peeing. First, he soaked our hair and faces, and then he adjusted his stream to hit us right in our mouths.

Just as Greg’s stream started to wane, he told us to kiss. As we did, he kept aiming his stream on our joined faces. We kept kissing long after he was finished, and then we both turned to the camera, smiled and waved. Then Greg stopped the video.

Greg moved the tripod so we could take a shower. While we were in the shower, he was scrolling back through the chat in the room. “The chat room went nuts.” He told us. “They say ours was the best show they’d ever seen. We have about a hundred private messages to read.”

* * *

We gave the chat room a similar performance the following weekend. The only thing we did differently was Greg moving closer to us so we could actually lick the head of his cock while he was peeing in our mouths.

When we were finished, Greg asked the people in the chat room, “Would you like to see them both take it in the ass?”

They said they would, so he told them we’d be back on cam in thirty minutes.

Jana and I took a shower and then took turns giving each other an enema, just in case. Greg was busy moving the laptop and tripod to the bedroom.

A few minutes later, she and I were side by side on our knees on the foot of the bed with our asses stuck high in the air and our hands spreading our butt cheeks. After checking the view finder to ensure the camera was aimed properly, Greg turned on the video.

The people in the chat room got to watch as he got behind us and began licking our assholes, alternating from one to the other. They couldn’t see our faces, so there was no need for the masks. Our faces were close enough so we could kiss at will . . . and we did, a lot.

Next, Greg made a show out of lubing up his fingers and working them into our assholes while he had the fingers of his other hand going in and out of our pussies, again alternating between us.

We’d been teasing Greg a lot about not needing any help getting hard. His cock was as hard as I’d ever seen it. I didn’t have to look back to know when he was pushing his cock into Jana’s ass. Her face scrunched up and she let out a strained grunt when he entered her. And then her expression softened and she showed me a smile. I responded by kissing her and thrusting my tongue into her mouth.

Jana started moaning when Greg began rocking her body forward and then pulling her back. After only a couple of minutes though, he withdrew and moved behind me. Seconds later, he was buried to the hilt in my ass and began rocking my body just as he’d done to Jana.

Both of us expressed our displeasure when he’d abandon us and move to the other, but we knew this wasn’t for our pleasure. It was all about giving our audience a good show.

Just like in the porn movies, Greg pulled out and grunted as he came all over our asses. When he was finished, he turned off the camera.

Later, we made sure he made it up to both of us. We didn’t let him go to sleep until after four in the morning.

* * *

When the semester finally ended, I was sad to have to leave Greg and go home. I did talk to both him and Jana on the phone every day while I was at home.

Midway through the break, Greg hit me with an idea, “I’ve been thinking about asking Jana to move in with us next semester. I can clean out the guest room. What do you think?”

I was elated, “Why can’t she sleep in our bed? It’s big enough.”

Greg stammered a bit and then he said, “I’d rather keep our bed just for you and me, except for when we’re playing, of course.”

His words hit me like a sledgehammer. He really did love me, and he wanted to keep our “play time” separate. My heart melted. I made up my mind right there and then that I would let him fuck my pussy anytime he wanted.

* * *

The End

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