Alexis – a ‘moment’ in time

As in prologue

Alexis – A ‘moment’ in time.


The setting, New York, early in the summer of 2001, opening chapter in the offices of a medium size Law firm in the South Tower of the World Trade Centre, somewhere up in the highest quarter of the building. All other locations featured are in and around the city of New York and elsewhere as mentioned.

True story, not using real names of the actual characters.

I wrote this story more than ten years later, as I never had the courage to do so before, but felt now was the right time to do so, in any case.

I am recalling the vivid memories and events to the best of my ability to do it justice and most of them are so precious to me.

The first and fore most reason I am doing this, because it is so unique and never been shared in its entirety, the second to get rid of the bottled up emotions I held inside…

Chapter 1.

We were gathered around the boardroom table in the conference room. “Good morning everybody, did you all have a good weekend?” Dave, our boss and one of two senior partners, starting the proceedings.
“As everyone know, we have a new Corporate lawyer starting this morning, she would be joining us in a minute or two, but before she does, I would ask everyone to give her your full support and make her stay as comfortable a possible, please, She has an impeccable record and one of the best in the country.” Dave continued.

Dave was sitting at the head of the table, with me, Rachel, seated to his right. Just then, she entered the room, suddenly, you could almost hear a pin drop, dead silence, she walked around Dave to the seat right across from me on Dave’s left side.
She was absolutely beautiful, long wavy black hair all the way down to her waist, the softest looking skin, she had a black pencil skirt and a matching jacket, with a white blouse, that highlighted her gorgeous blue eyes.

“Everybody, this is Alexis Bertinez. Alexis this is the team you would work with, they are quite a bunch…, they are the best…” She stood up and introduced her self waving her hand… “Good morning everyone, I am so looking forward to working with you, thank you so much for making me feel this welcome, I would certainly spend some time meeting with each one of you over the next couple of days.”

She started talking about her experience, where she came from and I was just so mesmerized by her beauty that I hardly heard anything she said, the way she speaks, the way she smiles, my eyes just glued to her face, I would guess her to be in her mid thirties, maybe even younger, she must be 5’8 or so, a nice slender body. Her white blouse revealing a glimpse of her cleavage.

I was rudely brought back to my senses when Dave said, “Alexis, after the meeting, Rachel here, grabbing my left hand will take you on the ‘tour’ through the building, she is my right hand and will be working closely with you, she is the most senior paralegal assistant and will attend to your every need.” he went on.
My eyes met hers and for a brief moment or so, I saw a flickering in her eyes and a soft smile played around the corners of her mouth.

Dave adjourned the meeting and everyone greeted her with a handshake as they left the boardroom, leaving only Dave, myself and Alexis behind.
“Well, I’ ll leave you in the capable hands of Rachel.” as he shook her hand and left.

“Well, I am Rachel.”, giving her my hand, “please to meet you.” She took my hand and it’s as if a lightning bolt was shooting through me, hitting right in the deepest end of my being, I felt the goose bumps all over my body, her hand was soft and gentle, the sent of her perfume, as I got closer to her filled the air.
“Rachel, I knew the moment I saw you, that we are going to work well together,” she said.
Kind of flattered, I just laughed.

“Shall we start the ‘tour’, I suggested.
“Sure, but can I first visit the ladies’ room, before we go?” she asked.
I showed her the way and followed her.
She looked at herself in the mirror, took a deep breath and looked at my reflection in the mirror.
“Am I ready for this, I am so nervous,” she admitted.
“You will be fine.” I assured her.
I watched as she redid her lips and then she lifted her skirt to adjust her stockings and exposed her long legs all the way to her panties, again the lightning bolt did its thing and I felt the moist between the legs, what’s up with that, I thought to myself?
God, I am a 42 year old, happily married women with 2 kids, how can anyone else, left alone another woman have this kind of affect on me, that is not normal.
She saw me looking at my wedding ring.
“How long have you been married,” she asked.
“18 years.” I replied. She only wore a pinky ring on her right hand and I assumed she was not married.
“And you,” I asked.
“No, haven’t found Mr. Right yet,” she said.

I walked her around through the building, the cafeteria, the shopping and banking mall in the lobby and introduced her to the most important people not working in our department, but dealt with us on a daily basis.

Back in our offices, I walked her to her office suite and asked if there is anything else she needed.
“For the moment not, but I will scream if I need you,” she jokingly giggled.

I sat behind my desk and could not stop thinking about Alexis, her intoxicating aura left me breathless, replaying the scene of her long stocking draped legs exposed when she adjusted them.
Surely, she must be God’s blueprint, the vision he had for making women.
I am not sure how long I sat there, but was interrupted by the phone, it was Alexis, she wanted to see me in her office.

As I entered her office I realized she had removed her jacket making her looking more innocent, sitting behind her desk, I also realized she’s showing more cleavage than earlier this morning.

“Well, Rachel, since you are ‘mine’ as she rolled her eyes.
“What I need, is the 10 highest priority case files, just to familiarize myself with them,” she said.
“The rest of the day I will spend time getting to know the team, on a one to one basis, thank you for being here for me, Rachel,” she said with a smile.

I got home around 05:30PM that afternoon, finding my 2 teenagers, Lizzy, my 14 year old daughter, Josh, my 16 year old son, watching TV in the living room.
“Are your homework done,” I gently yelled at them.
“Yes, mom,” came an almost simultaneous answer from both of them.

I quickly went to the bathroom and dropped my damped panties, my pussy was all wet since this morning, I sat down on the toilet seat and spread my legs exposing my wet hairy cunt and realized I was extremely horny, I grabbed the shampoo bottle from the vanity and slid the whole bottle all the way up my pussy, ramming myself to an orgasm.
I came within 30 seconds, squirting my cunt juices all over the bathroom floor. “Jeez woman, get a hold of yourself.” I said to myself.

I told my husband Mike, about Alexis and how I’m looking forward to work with her, leaving out certain details of course.
After dinner and doing the dishes, I went to bed, thinking of my day at the office, how different it was from any normal day, I fell asleep thinking of Alexis and what the next day was going to bring..

Chapter 2.

The next morning I was up earlier than usual, had a hard time staying asleep last night.

Mike and I had a fairly, open minded marriage, about everything, especially our sexual relationship, which was never boring. Sometimes in the morning while getting ready for work we would brush past each other in the walk-in closet or bathroom.
He would playfully grab my tit or rub my pussy just for the fun of it. Sometimes we will have a quicky right there and then, nevertheless we were not shy in expressing ourselves.

Same thing happened this morning, I was still horny thinking of yesterday and as Mike passed me in the bathroom, I grabbed his balls with my right hand and took his 8 inch cock in my left hand, I knelt before him, he was immediately as hard as a rock.
I ran my tongue from the base of his penis all the way up to the helmet, swirling my tongue around it. I did that a couple of times and he softly moaned has I worked his manhood.
His balls started making contractions as I vigorously sucked his cock, bobbing my head up and down his stiff shaft, he exploded and shot his load right in the back of my throat, Jeez, I loved that, swallowing his cum, always drove me crazy, the taste of his sweet cum.
“Wow, what did I do to deserve this, you just made my day?” was Mike’s only response to what just happened to him. “I love you oh so much.” I said to him as I jumped into the shower.

Because of my morning escapades, I was running a bit late, I arrived in the elevator lobby just about in time, lots of people waiting for their ride up the skyscraper.
Then, I noticed Alexis and I immediately joined her in front of one of the elevators.
“Good morning, Alexis,” almost blurted it out.
“Oh, hey, how are you this morning.” Alexis greeted me back, with an unexpected hug.

The elevator arrived and we entered and as it filled up, we were pushed back right into the back corner. Alexis was standing with her back to the elevator wall and myself ended up facing her, our faces barely inches apart. Out of experience I knew at this time of morning this ride can take up to almost 10 minutes, as our office were high up in the tower.
Alexis leant even closer and whispered in my ear that she needed a favor from me, I could feel her warm breath on my neck, again the lightning bolt shot through my body, leaving me with goose bumps all over.
“I will speak to you later.” Alexis said.
I could feel and saw my nipples stood up, Alexis had noticed it as well, our eyes met and we held our gaze for the longest moment. I felt a blush on my cheeks and once again that gorgeous smile played around the corners of her mouth, this time lighting her whole face, her beautiful blue eyes kept my gaze captivated. She was absolutely breath taking.
The elevator emptied out as it stopped on what felt like every floor, but today I did not mind for some unexplained reason. Eventually there was enough space for me to move and stand next to her facing forward again.

As we got off on our floor of the building, she paused for a moment.
“I am so sorry Alexis.” was the first thing a could think of “I mean my..” ‘pointing’ with my eyes at my nipples.
“Oh know, forget about it, was nothing,” she laughed.
“Rachel, I have to go look at a Condo that I am interested in buying, lunch time, would you be able to join me, having a second opinion might came in handy?” she asked.
“I assume you know New York quite well, if you have nothing else to do, I mean,” she continued.
“Sure, not a problem, would love to.” I replied.
“See you later,” she turned away and walked off.

I had a meeting with Dave and he asked me about Alexis, what I thought off her and so on. We agreed on the 10 highest prioritized case files for her to dig into.
It was noon as I walked to Alexis’s office, dropping off the case files. We left to go see the Condo across town.
We used my car and on the way there we talked about myself, my family and everything else. Alexis came from Boston, was born in Argentina and her parents moved to the US when she was only 4 years old, no wonder, that explains her beauty, I thought to myself, meaning the South American women are famous for their looks.

The Condo was in one of New York’s more upper class neighborhoods. The Condo itself, was amazing, spacious, fully furnished, luxury a plenty, duplex with only the main bedroom on the upper level overlooking the city skyline, the Twin Towers majestically rose above all the other buildings.
The adjoining bathroom was almost as big as the room itself.
“Oh my, look at this, fun, fun, fun,” as she giggled at the sight of the Jacuzzi in the one corner.
Again I caught myself thinking of her, this time inside the whirlpool, naked, bathing herself with champagne bubbles.
God, Rachel stop this, I thought to myself. I never had any lesbian thoughts before in my life, haven’t even crossed my mind.

The closest encounter I had relating to that was when I was 14 at a slumber party with my 2 best friends. We were playing games and I can’t even remember exactly how it happened, but my 2 friends started kissing, fondling each other and ended up naked eating out each other’s pussies.
I remember sitting there totally shocked at this and ended up leaving the room, the friendship eventually deteriorated to be virtually non-existing.

Yet, here I am now, having these thoughts about this woman, which I only knew for not even 2 full days. I pictured myself with her inside the Jacuzzi, exploring each others bodies.
I was ripped back to my senses when she touched my shoulder, saying it was time to head back to the office.

Back in her office suite, she decided that we should go through the case files and arrange meetings with all the clients before the end of the week, which meant hard work and longer hours for at least the next couples of days.

“Look at the time already,” she said.
We had spent the whole afternoon only on the two highest cases, getting Alexis up to speed arranging meetings and so forth. It was almost 5:30 in the afternoon, normally my time to head home.
“You can leave Rachel, if you want,” she suggested.
“I am going to spent another hour or so and then head to the hotel,” she continued.
“I might take one or two files with me, maybe I can get more done where it is more comfortable and relaxed,” she muttered more to herself than me.
“I can stay later, if you want, not a problem.” I quickly said.
“Well, that would be great, tell you what, go home and dress yourself more comfortable and meet me say at 7 in my hotel room,” she suggested.
“Or would you be more at ease here in the office,” she asked.
What did she mean, I thought to myself, thinking of this morning’s nipple experience?
“No, no, that would be fine, I could feed the kids and be back at 7.” I said. She was staying in one of New York’s finest hotels, just a couple of blocks away from the Towers.

Chapter 3.

At home, I spoke with Mike, and he said he will take care of the kids, no worry. He suggested I take an overnight bag and book myself into a hotel, that way I need not to drive back so late at night. “Maybe you can invite Alexis for dinner tomorrow” he said. “Not a bad idea.” I answered. Not bad at all I thought to myself. Another reason I love this man to death, easy going and most times thoughtful and caring.

The drive back to the city was quick as most of the traffic were heading out. I was dressed in a sweater, sweat pants and very woman like runners shoes. One thing though, I felt an abnormal wetness between my legs, I could feel my pussy almost throbbing.
“What is wrong with you Rachel,” I yelled to myself.
I am not even sure why I thought she might be lesbian or not, she has the looks of a Greek goddess, surely she had to have many men swarming like bees around a bee hive.

I knocked on the door of her hotel suite, my heart racing away in my chest. The door opened and there she was, even more beautiful now, dressed in a sweat pants herself, wearing a tight fitting blouse clearly showing she wore nothing underneath.
Her hair was hanging loose, the first day she wore them in a stylish pony tail and this morning, had it tucked away with hairpins, but seeing them loose like now, wow, she is really, really gorgeous.

She invited me in, the hotel suite was spacious and luxurious. The living room area had 2 leather sofas and what seems to be a Persian area rug draped between them.
We got settled on three seater sofa. We talked for a while and I told her about Mike’s suggestion, that I stay overnight, saving a trip back to the city in the morning.
“So, where is your bag.” she asked.
“It is in the car down stairs, I would go find a room when we finish up tonight.” I replied.
“Oh, no, you are not, you can stay with me, there is an extra room, look at this place, almost as amazing as the Condo, without the views of course.” she giggled.
“We can go get your bag later,” she said.
“First things first, I got us some wine and we can order room service later, something to eat and nibble on,” she continued.
Would you mind a glass of wine before we begin,” she went on.
We chit chatted away for a while, I told her that Mike has officially invited her for dinner tomorrow or whenever it suits her.
“Oh, he sounds like an angel, would love to, tell him its a date,” she said.

We went through one more case file, filling Alexis in on the background of the case, sending emails arranging meetings with the client.
We called it the night and decided to order dinner, we ate and talk some more.

By now I had already 2 glasses of wine and me not being a regular drinker, had me a bit tipsy in a flash.
I used the bathroom and when a sat down to pee, slimy cunt juices dripped from my pussy. I spread my legs and ran my finger through the slit of my hairy pussy, completely wet, I felt the urge to finger myself right there and then, but decided not to. I removed panties and bra and stuck then into an unused vanity draw.
I rejoined Alexis on the sofa, she refilled my glass. I noticed that she stared at my boobs and realized that my nipples showed again. Our eyes met and we held our gaze again and it was as if she is waiting for me to say something, I just did not know. I was scared, last I wanted was to ruin this moment, our working relationship and I believe a new friendship that I find so fascinating, already.
“I am sorry, Alexis, but I find you so attractive, I have never seen a more beautiful person in all of my life, so if I stare or look confused, please bare with me.” I blurted it out again.

That is when she moved closer to me.
“It is OK, I understand, truly I do, I have had many men and women making passes at me,” she continued.
“I have responded to some of them, men and a woman,” she admitted. “Have you ever been with a woman?,” she asked.
Its as if I stopped breathing and Alexis noticed it.
“No, never, but I had an experience watching it, when I was a lot younger.” I replied.
I told her about it and she just laughed.
She was now sitting legs crisscrossed facing me with her knees almost touching my left thigh.

“I will never give in to any advances if there is no connection whatsoever, men or women, I had one relationship with another woman for a brief time a few years back and off all my relationships, that turned out to be the most significant one, on all levels,” she explained.
“Yesterday, first time I saw you, I felt that connection, unlike ever before. “Your eyes, caught and held mine,” she continued.
“This morning, in the elevator, I was feeling the same, I just learned to control my emotions and the reaction it might have on my body” she continued.
When I saw your nipple stand I wanted to slip my hand under your skirt,” she admitted.
I felt the juices seeping out of my already wet pussy, down my crack hole.

“I can say one thing though, as attractive as you may find me, you are just as beautiful. A woman with 2 kids, looking like this, pointing to me with both hands, my God, please,” she added.
She continued talking and told me that her lesbian experience is different from those she had with men, men were bastards, they would chat you up, screw you, roll over and go to sleep, some men will foreplay you, screw you and then roll over, done.
With Rita it was different, a whole other experience.

I asked how it felt the first time and she explained it was awkward at first, but once you had it, there is no turning back.

We had more wine, “Close your eyes,” she said.
Reluctantly I closed my eyes. I felt her moving closer, she touched my face and next moment I sensed her face being inches from mine, I cold smell her wine breath, she slowly parted my lips with the tip of her tongue, more slowly she pushed her tongue even further into my mouth, I could now taste her.
I wanted to stop her, but she kept twirling her tongue more rapidly, I responded by beginning to counter twirl, she pressed her lips more firmly towards mine, our tongues moving like two serpents entangled inside each other’s mouths.
I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer, it felt amazing, my eyes still closed as we ravished each other, kissing, sucking like there is no tomorrow.

She was now sitting on my lap and I could feel her firm breasts pressing against mine. We continued kissing more feverishly, this was a sensation unlike anything I experienced before.
I felt her hands finding the bottom edge of my sweater and her right hand slowly moving up my belly, until she found my left breast, I moaned out load. It was amazing how good it felt having her cold hand caressing my breast, squeezing my taut nipple.
She lifted my sweater grabbing both my tits, fondling them, a permanent seepage of my juices flowing down my bud crack, I felt myself sitting in a puddle of my own cum.

For the first time we broke our kiss and I opened my eyes. She was gazing at me still holding both my breasts in her hands, playing twitching and turning both nipples between her thumbs and index fingers.
I spoke for the first time “I think we should get of this couch, I might have ruined it already,” was my first response.
We both laughed.
Surely when we got up, the couch was soaking wet, the distinct smell of woman juices lingered in the air.

She took me into her arms and we kissed again, more intense than before, her hands tucked under my sweater running it up and down my back, my free flowing juices finding their way down the inside of my thighs, all the way down to my ankles.
I wished now I had not got rid of my panties, it would have kept some of it at bay.
Her hands found my sweatpants and she slipped both hands grabbing my buttocks pressing my lower body against her own. I was enjoying every moment of this, she removed one hand and slipped it inside the front of my pants finding my soaking wet pussy.
She ran her middle finger through my slit up and down finding my clit as big as a pea. She slowly kept it there, rolling it in small circles, my legs started trembling as she worked my pussy inside my pants alternating between my clit and my slit, my moans getting more loader than ever, God this felt good, I felt the tension building as she worked my pussy.
She slowly dragged my pants down to my knees with her free hand. Her right hand rubbing and massaging my pussy, she slipped two of her fingers into my cunt hole and started ramming my pussy.
She was fingering me relentlessly, I could feel the orgasm nearing ever so slightly, I broke away from her. I did not want this to end so soon.

I removed my shoes, pants and sweater and was now completely naked in front of her, my thighs were wet and slippery from my own cum juices.
She removed her shirt, her beautiful full rounded tits, no sagging at all, sprung to life. “Oh my gosh,” was all I could say. The perfect pair of tits that go with her perfect body.
She looked at my hairy, cum soaked pussy for a while, again she took me in her arms, forcing me down on my knees, she followed suit and we embraced staring into each other eyes.
“Are you sure about this,” she softly asked.
“Yes, I need you to show me, I want to feel this,” I answered.
I felt her naked breasts pressing against mine.

Then we both draped our bodies onto the Persian rug between the 2 sofas, rapped in each others arms. I was laying on my back, she still wore her sweatpants and she threw her left leg across my legs and I could feel her crotch area pressing against my thigh.
She took my left nipple inside her mouth gently sucking on it, softly, playfully biting it. She alternate this with a sucking motion, almost as if she wants to swallow my whole breast down her throat, it felt unbelievable and my breathing became loader and faster, letting out moans of pure pleasure. She did this for a while with both breasts, teasing me until I couldn’t take it anymore, she sensed this and slowly moved her hands down my belly area moving her hands in circular motions all over my lower body, still sucking on my tits.
Her left hand again finding my wet pussy, rubbing her middle finger up and down my slimy slit, teasing my clit. She parted my legs, while fingering my pussy.
She knelt between my legs kissing my breasts running her tongue around my nipples, first the one then the other moving down to centre of my belly area, slowly swerving her tongue over my lower body, my back arched, lifting myself from the floor as she continues caressing me with her soft kisses, slowly moving me up Mount Pleasure.

I felt her chin brushing my pussy hair, deliberately applying pressure using it, a load moan escaped me as she start running her tongue down my pussy slit up twirling her tongue around my clit, running it down my slit again all the way down to my asshole, quickly flicking her tongue around my anal area, Jeez that felt so good.
I could feel the tension building up again, she slowly started moving her whole mouth over my pussy as if she wants to swallow it, as she did with my breasts earlier, moving her tongue up and down my slit, every once in a while darting her tongue into my vagina, sucking my outer, then my labia lips, continuing this for a while.
I grabbed her head pulling her into my pussy, she was eating away at it, I kept her head pressing her against my groin, lifting my lower body as high as I could, not giving her time to even breath, my legs started trembling uncontrollably.
I knew a reached the peak of Mount Pleasure, my body went into a spasm, all of a sudden it was like falling over an edge, I just let go with a tremendous roar, I was cumming.
I let go of her head and as she pulled away, I shot her like a squirt gun between her breasts, you could hear the sound when it hits her, the second, third and forth squirts went almost all the way to the ceiling and landed somewhere in the room.
Then it just flow out of me, like a waterfall. I was laying there for a while with my eyes closed, she again was beside me with her left leg across my still shivering legs. Her head was resting on my chest.

We just laid there for a while my mind racing, trying to process what had just happened. “How was it, anything like you thought it was going to be?” she asked almost out of breath.
“Oh much more, it was amazing, unlike anything I felt before” I replied.
“What about you” I asked.
“This was all about you,” she said.
“Anyway, there is a reason why I had not removed my pants, it is that time of the month for me, get it?”, she continued. “One step at a time, it will happen if it is meant to be.”

We both got up from the floor, I slipped my sweatpants back on, both of us still naked from the waist up, I stepped closer to her.
“May I,” asking while reaching out for her boobs, taking both in my hands, they felt firm but yet soft. Slowly massaging them, rolling both nipples between my thumbs and index fingers.
I could feel her body tensed at my touch, her fiery eyes capturing mine, as her breathing became faster. I stepped even closer, taking her left nipple in my mouth twirling my tongue around it, sucking, gently gripping it between my teeth, pulling on it, she led out a soft moan.
“O my god, that feels good, are you sure you haven’t done this before?”, she moaned.

The taste of her nipple, the saltiness of her skin as I kept sucking her tit, it felt good knowing she enjoys it. I tried taking more of her breast inside my mouth, sucking like a newborn baby, she was squirming, moaning more load. She through her right leg around my legs, pressing her groin hard against my body.
I kept on sucking, first the one then the other breast, she was moaning, making hoarse sounds with each breath she lets out.
I was so horny, my juices seeping down my inner thighs again, I knew she was having her period, but I decided to rub her pussy through her pants, I grabbed her between the legs with the palm of my hand, she moaned and pulled back for a second, I kept sucking her breast while massaging her pussy vigorously. I kept going on like this for a two or three minutes.

Her head was thrown back, eyes closed, still clung onto me with her right leg. I felt her body trembling, her legs gave away, she fell to her knees, grabbing herself between legs, so draped herself to the floor with both her hands between her legs, rolling from side to side.
I fell back on to the sofa watching her as she now lay on her back, legs partly spread, she start rubbing her pussy with her right hand on the outside of her pants, with swift fast movements, jerking herself to an orgasm.
Still sitting I dragged my own pants to my knees, running my the tip of my four fingers up and down my slit, rolling my clit, I watched Alexis on the floor, squirming closing in on an orgasm, the hoarse sounds becoming loader with each stroke.
We almost came together, she came inside her pants, I shot another few squirts as I kept wanking my pussy.

I laid down beside her, for almost 10 minutes we just stared at each other.

The awkwardness, that feeling of guilt, the God what have we done kind of feeling setting in. She just stared at me, saying nothing.
Breaking the silence, “I think I should go,” I said.
“No, you’re not going anywhere, please stay,” she almost begged.
“I don’t want to be alone tonight,” she continued.
After considering it I got up.
“I will go get my bags, then.” I said.
“I am going to take a shower,” she said.
It was just past midnight when I rode the elevator down to the basement to fetch my bag. I felt the stickiness of my own juices, smelling like sex and hoping that nobody gets in the elevator on my way down.

Ten minutes later I was back in the hotel suite and went straight to the extra bedroom. I passed the bathroom with the door slightly open, I heard the sound of running water coming from the shower.
Earlier when I used the bathroom I noticed the shower walls were clear glass. I caught a glimpse of Alexis in the bathroom mirror. Her back facing me, I noticed her long black hair reaching all the way down to her buttocks. I lingered a moment longer then went into the bedroom, threw my bag onto the queen size bed.
I sat down on the bedside, there was only one bathroom so I had to wait for her to finish before I could clean myself up.

I could still hear the water running, the urge growing stronger to go peek, more than fair I thought to myself, she had seen me completely naked and I only saw her half naked, so slowly with utmost silence, I tiptoed to the edge of the bathroom door, carefully peeping around the corner, she was now facing me, her head slightly arched backwards, water and soap streaming down her body.
For the first time I saw a full naked frontal view of Alexis. I expected her to be clean shaven, but to my surprise she show a nicely trimmed dark patch of pubic hair between her legs.
With slow motions she washes her body, her breasts, her belly, she parted her legs slightly and soaped her pussy, running the sponge up and down from top to bottom.

My jaw dropped, there is now words to describe her, she had the perfect body, not a single part out of proportion, absolutely stunning, the perfect human specimen.

I returned to my room, finally the water stopped running, I had already unpacked my bag, getting ready to go clean myself up. I waited, she appeared in the doorway, wearing a bathrobe, busy drying her hair with a towel.
“You’re back, ready for the shower?” she smiled.
“Yip,” was all I said.
“I will make us something to drink.” she said, as she turned around and left the room.

I pushed the bathroom door closed, leaving it only an inch open. I looked at myself in the mirror, for a woman my age, I was still looking pretty damn good, I thought to myself.
I got in the shower, the water running freely down my body, I just stood there for the longest of moments, just soaking myself. I started soaping myself, shampooing my hair, eyes closed as I washed myself, cleansing away all traces of what happened earlier in the night.
Again I was just standing there, rinsing all the soap from my hair and body.

When I got out of the shower, I noticed the door were more than three inches open now, so Alexis must have peeked. Interesting I thought to myself.

I dried my hair, dressed into my nighties and nightgown, returning to the living room. I found Alexis still wearing the bathrobe, sitting on the sofa, sipping away at what seems to be tea or coffee.
“I made us some hot chocolate.” she said. I sat down beside her, our eyes met again, her blue eyes smiling at mine. We did not discuss what happened, instead we discussed what needs to be done in the morning, we had an early meeting with a client on the other side of town.
I felt uncomfortable, not discussing what had happened, so when she suggested to get some sleep, I said, “Alexis, before you go, what happened tonight was wrong in every sense of the way, I have a husband and two wonderful kids, I would never have thought in my wildest dreams, that I would in any way, jeopardize that.
I am not sorry about what happened, not for a second, it was the most exhilarating experience that I ever had, beyond any doubt. You made me felt things that I never thought possible.” I tried explaining. I continued, she just stared at me, “I would have stopped you, if I didn’t wanted it, I just had to feel it”.

Her eyes kept smiling, our gaze broke when she look down at her hands, Alexis started, “I would have never done it, if I felt you did not want it, we both wanted it, you more than me, most likely and this is the first time I did it with someone who is married, is it wrong? Probably so.”
I believe in love and marriage, but also in the fate, so I am not sorry about it too.”
Alexis, told me about her first lesbian experience with Rita, how she also, never even thought about it. Apparently, Rita was a full blown lesbian, who charmed Alexis into sleeping with her, when she was innocent and much younger.
She explained how that relationship might have changed her feelings towards women, about lesbianism, but it did not change her perception of relationships with men and it did not turned her into a lesbian.
But, then she admitted, I was the first woman she met, without speaking one word, that made her tingled between the legs. In the boardroom, she just knew she wanted me.

It made me feel a bit better, but I knew that tonight has changed me forever. I recalled her earlier statement, once you experienced it, there is no turning back…

It was 1:30AM when we finally turned in to get some sleep. I remembered laying in bed thinking about Mike and the kids, tears streaming down my cheeks, feeling so guilty, lousy for betraying them.
Deep down there was a yearning, that burning feeling, the same feeling I had when I first fell in love. My God, how can this even be possible.

Chapter 4.

Sleep eluded me for most of the night, I got up at 5:30AM, not wanting to disturb Alexis, I quietly walked to the living room, finding Alexis already up, going through some notes.
“Couldn’t sleep either, huh,” she said.
“Good morning, Alexis.” I greeted her,” want some coffee?” I asked.
“That would be nice, milk no sugar” she replied.

We had our coffee, chit chatted about the meeting with the client. We decided to drop off Alexis’s car at the office and then drove in my car to the client’s offices across town.

On our way to the client’s offices my cellphone rang connecting through my handsfree car system, we both looked at each other.
“Sorry Alexis, I’ll have to get this” I said, I knew that she is going to hear the conversation, so I answered quickly, not giving Mike a chance to speak first.
“Hi, sweetie, I have Alexis with me, on our way to see a client” I said.
“Oh, hey.” Mike responded. “Please to meet you Alexis” he continued.
“Hi there Mike” she greeted back.
“Honey, I have bad news, I am flying to Washington, DC in a couple of hours, they need me for that high profile murder case I was telling you about, remember?” he explained.
“Sorry Alexis, we can have dinner another time, but please feel free to spend time with Rachel and the kids,” he suggested.
“Another time it is then,” Alexis replied.
“So, did the two of you get any work done last night?” Mike asked.
I stared at Alexis, feeling the blush flowing to my cheeks, “Oh yes, much more than we intended to,” I answered, noticing Alexis frowning upon my answer.
“OK then love, see you in a couple of days, bye Alexis” as he hung up.

“What was that all about” she asked. “Oh, I don’t know about you, but I got laid last night” I answered.
She burst out laughing, “No, no, no my love, you haven’t seen nothing yet.”
The traffic were moving slowly and I had enough time telling her about Mike, he is a successful well known Psychologist slash Psychiatrist, Master degrees in both fields.
He has his own practice with 2 junior partners working for him, but most of his work is for law enforcement agencies and the Government, using him as a behavioral analyst in high profile cases.
I told her about his sixth sense, he has this unbelievable way of getting any answer from anybody by just studying their facial expressions.
Myself and the kids cannot hide anything from him. I told her my concern, facing him again after what happened, it is going to be quite interesting.

We made it through the meeting with the client successfully, I was quite impressed the way Alexis handled the client and I knew why Dave hired her, she is the best when it comes to Real Estate law, her speciality.
Most of the back to the office, Alexis went through her notes, getting them ready for our ‘feed back’ meeting with Dave later this afternoon.
She almost caught me staring again, I watched her, the way she used her hands, moving her skinny fingers through the pages, every now and then she would bite the end of her pen, sometimes almost sucking on it. I felt a tingle in my stomach as I watched her.
She was wearing a grey skirt, with a silky pink long sleeve blouse, the matching jacket lying on the back seat. Her right leg crossed over the left one, making her skirt shift up a bit, she wore no stockings, showing her bare skin almost up to the middle of her thighs.
Her skin complexion is darker than mine, almost a natural tanned skin, soft as I already felt last night.
It was hard concentrating on driving, eventually we were back in the office all in one peace. I went strait to my desk, had many memos to send, paper work to do.

I kept busy until my meeting with Dave and Alexis. We went over the notes and requests from our biggest client and by the looks of it, two of us might end up going to the Bahamas within the next two weeks.
I knew it won’t be me as Dave or Robert, normally travels if necessary, in all my years I went on one trip with Dave and it wasn’t even an overstay.
Dave will let us know on his decision and ask Alexis to stay behind. I pardoned myself and left them alone in his office.

It was close to 5:30PM, time for me to leave, I grabbed my stuff and left, passing Alexis office on my way out, she was back in her office, I knocked, she waved me in, I asked her if she want to come over for dinner, but she had something important to take care off.
“Maybe, next week when Mike is back we can have dinner together,” she suggested.
I felt disappointed. I turned around to leave.
“Rachel, thank you again for your support and thank you for last night,” she continued.

The traffic was horrific, all the way home, Alexis was on my mind, as if my body was possessed by her spirit. When I got home Lizzy was there, Josh apparently out with friends, I made us dinner, we ate watch a movie and I was off to bed.
I tried reading a book, but just kept thinking about her, wondering what she was doing right now.
I was just about drifting off to dreamland, when my cell phone rang. Expecting Mike’s voice on the other end, but instead it was Alexis.

“Sorry to bother you at home, Rachel, I need to ask you something, about the trip to the Bahamas, Dave wants me to go and I told him I want you to go with me, he accepted and approved the trip, are you up for it, you can talk it over with Mike first and let me know tomorrow.
“It will not be a problem for Mike,” I quickly decided for myself.
“If you want me, I’ll go, I mean if you want me to go with you, I’ll go,” correcting myself.
“OK, settled then, first thing tomorrow, can you please make the traveling arrangements, Dave said I can leave it all up to you, I will email you the dates right now,” she continued.
“Well, sweet dreams, see you tomorrow,” and she was gone. I sat there holding phone and without even realizing it, I kissed the phone.

I almost ran the living room where I had my laptop, I quickly connected it to the phone line and booted it. I read the email Alexis sent, the dates, third week in April, leaving the Saturday morning, returning the next Friday afternoon.
We will be joined by our client, from New York, visiting with a big Real Estate developer in the Bahamas. He however will only join us on Monday morning, which leave us with part of Saturday and the whole of Sunday to ourselves.

I quickly dialed Mike’s cell phone, answering almost immediately. “Hey honey” came his usually happy voice on the other end.
“Missing me already” he continued.
“Yip, always and for ever” I replied.
“Listen sweety, I have to go to the Bahamas in two weeks with Alexis.” I said.
I explained to him and he said it is fine even joking about losing his wife to another woman, we laughed at it, but if he only new how sick his joke really was.
I felt bad again.
“Well, I will be back on Thursday, love you lots” he said. “Love you even more.” I replied and hung up.

I realized how tired I really was, after last night. I quickly fell asleep with Alexis on my mind.

I was up almost an hour earlier than normal, I decided with Mike not there, Josh has his own car and Lissy likes to ride the bus to school, I can beat the morning traffic and start earlier and maybe leave earlier that afternoon.

When I walked past Alexis office she was already there, 06:30AM, I peeked inside her office, “Morning Alexis” I said.
“Oh hey you”, she smiled back, her hair hanging loose, obviously did not expect somebody so early. She look stunning again, wearing a black pants with a light shade of yellow silk blouse, very stylish.
We talked for a while and I left to start my day, sending an email with all the details to book our flights and hotel rooms.

The rest of day and week went fast and finally it was Friday, I invited Alexis for dinner Friday night as Mike was home from his business trip on Thursday night.

The doorbell rang and I knew it was Alexis, I opened the door, she hugged and squeezed me gently, gave me a beautiful flower bouquet of white roses. “Wow, what a beautiful place you have” Alexis said.
We lived on a two acre estate north east on the edge of the city. My family just loves the outdoor and this is as close as I am going to get to my native Nebraska.
We even have a few horses, love my horses and same other farm animals. I just love horse riding. The house is about half a mile from the main road, so the driveway up to the house is flanked by open space of grass, one side were the horses rain free and the other side holding a few cows, Australian sheep and a deer or two.

“I saw the horses, we have to do some horse riding” Alexis went on.
“Oh, you ride” I ask, “we have to make a plan then.”
I lead her to the kitchen where Mike was busy preparing dinner, another talent of his, happiest place to him, other than between my legs.
We entered and as he turned around his jaw literally almost dropped to the floor, he almost stutter as he introduced himself.
“My God, I thought Rachel was joking, you really are beautiful, are you for real, can I touch your face,” he jokingly said. Alexis almost blushing.
She hugged him as if they were brother and sister, immediately ‘clicking’.
“Oh, I brought you something as well,” digging into her oversized purse, out came a bottle of red wine. “I love you already.” Mike responded.
She met Lizzy and Josh but they both had something planned for the evening. When Josh left he cornered me alone. “Mom, how old is she, can I ask her out” he joked. “Go, go, go” I said.
Throughout dinner and later in the living room, I was amazed how Mike and Alexis talked about everything from baseball, football to anything else, there respective careers and how Mike is being used as a Behavioral Analyst in Court cases across the country.
Alexis was totally intrigued by this and have heard about Mike’s work at her previous employer, never thought she will meet him.

After what seemed to be only minutes, a wonderful evening ended.
I walked her to her car, she took my hand, kissing me on my cheek as she said goodbye.
We kept our gaze again looking deep into each others eyes.
I stood there for a while, tears welled up in my eyes, the yearning feeling turning in my stomach.
I watched her car lights disappear in the night.
Back in the house, Mike’s first comment was, “She is a ‘MAGNET’ (more about this later in the story). He did not notice I have been crying, I tried to act normal, a big lump in my throat, I felt incredibly sad.
I did the dishes, Mike was in his study talking to one of his associates on the phone, I decided to go to bed, not wanting to make conversation with him, I fell asleep.

Monday morning, I was late sitting in traffic for almost 90 minutes. I was going through my emails and Alexis made an entry in my calendar, to see her at 10:00 AM in her office to go over the final details of our trip on Saturday to the Bahamas.
At 10 I met her in her office looking gorgeous as always, “Thank you for Friday night, it was wonderful, what a hunk of a man you have there, you are so lucky to have him,” she said.
“Oh he couldn’t stop talking about you too, how lovely you are,” I said, almost sounding jealous.
We went to lunch a couple of times during the week, once just strolling through Central Park.

Chapter 5.

We met in the terminal building at New Ark airport on Saturday taking the late morning nonstop flight to the city of Nassau in the Bahamas, almost a 3 and a half hour flight.
We were seated in business class, myself sitting at the window with Alexis on the aisle side, we had brunch and some drinks served during the flight. I was reading a book and Alexis was having some shut eye, at one point she rest her head on my shoulder, clutching my right arm with both her hands.
I could smell her perfume and her warm body pressed against mine, I closed my eyes seeing the the images of her naked body in my mind, God I love this woman, I thought to myself.
I must have drifted into sleep as I was woken by the announcement to fasten our seat belts.

After we landed and collected our luggage we drove in a rental car to our hotel on Cable Beach on the northern seaboard of the island. We were booked in suites sharing the same living room area, but yet accessible individually, the balconies walking right onto the beach.
It was late afternoon when we finally unpacked and decided to go for a walk on the beach, the air was warm, much warmer than back home. Alexis wore a tight fitting shirt and knee high shorts, myself a blouse with denim shorts, both barefoot.
We strolled along the beach every now and then the waves washes over our feet. We must have walked a mile, the sun already setting in the west. We sat down on the sand looking over the ocean.
“What’s on your mind, Rachel?” Alexis asked.
“You seemed distant, the last couple of days, is everything fine with you and Mike,” she continued.
“Yes, of course, everything is OK, between us, really.” I answered.
“Can I ask you something, Alexis?” I continued.
“Why did you bring me here, why did you tell Dave you want to bring me along?” I asked.
“No reason other than, because I think you know each case better that both Dave and Rob, you have an instinct about these things and I trust your judgement, when we clinched this deal for the client, it will be a big win for the company, I needed you by my side for this,” she explained.
“It was not because of what happened the other night in my hotel room,” she continued.
“I think we are a good team, a force to reckon with and because I enjoy your company,” she said.

It was almost dark now, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, her face became almost blurry, I quickly turned my head away, hoping she didn’t notice it.
She took my chin in her hand turning my face towards her, “What is wrong, Rachel?’, you’re scaring me,” she went on.
Tears flowing freely down my cheeks now.
I got up.
“Lets go, its getting dark.” I said, started walking back the way we came. She stepped in front of me, blocking my way.
“Tell me why you’re crying” she insisted.
In the moonlight, I stared into her eyes, the wind blowing her hair across her face. Then I told her.
“I think I might have feelings for you.” I admitted.
I did not know what reaction I expected, but was totally surprised nevertheless. She stepped closer and kissed me, her soft lips softly smooching mine, she took me in her arms, embracing me, tears streaming down my face, tasting the saltiness on my lips, it did not stop her either. She took me by the hand and we walked back to the hotel, along the way we found a little beach restaurant and decided to have a bite to eat.

We had shrimp cocktails and ‘Bahama breezes’, to drink. It is made of a mixture of apricot brandy, banana liqueur, dark rum, coconut rum, honey, grenadine syrup and various fruit juices, anyway a few of those and nobody can tell the bottom from the top. You just know it all.
Through dinner I tried explaining my feelings towards her, referring to an earlier conversation we had, when she said that she had passes made at her by both men and women.

Mike, being a Psychologist, with social psychology being one of his fields of expertise, I told her about something that he told me once about sexual magnetism.

People blessed with enormous charm and sexual charisma don’t always flaunt openly for instance with low necklines or ass-hugging jeans. They may not even have a charismatic personality or bubbly effervescent charm and are not necessarily seducers but everywhere they go both men and women fall under the spell of their seductive aura.
They attract people like bees to honey. It is simply hard to resist getting a discreet glance and sometimes we don’t even know why, exactly, we succumb to their incantation, exactly as you are doing to me, I told her. Sometimes, to these people, age, gender and race has no bearing on the power of their magnetism.
They kind of command attention, affection and respect without asking for it. These people are truly having the time of their lives, exactly the way Alexis projects herself, unknowingly maybe, this incredible energy she radiates, complementing her natural beauty.

I told her about Mike’s name for these kind of people, ‘MAGNETS’. “First thing Mike said when you left the other night. She’s a ‘MAGNET’ he told me. She just laughed, “Wow, that explains a lot.”, she said. I continued, “Seriously, I think he is right, I was amazed how quickly I was drawn to you and even how you and Mike just ‘clicked’, he normally first analyzes, then opens up.”
I pointed at the two empty glasses on the table, during dinner we each got, two Bahama breezes from guys somewhere in the restaurant, probably trying to get in our panties.
“All thanks to you Magnet,” playfully slapping her hand.
We both burst out laughing.

I went on, according to Mike this sexual magnetism is often confused with ‘sexy’ or ‘exotic’ but it is more than that, it is mystical.
I told her she should book a session with Mike, once we get back to New York, she would be amazed about psychology and what you can learn about yourself.
We walked along the beach back to our hotel suite, both tipsy, giggling like two sixteen year olds.
Back in the suite, I thought of earlier that evening, my confession about my feelings for her. I watched her in the kitchen area, busy making coffee, her long black hair, shining in the dim overhead light. She joined me on the sofa, handing me a nice steamy mug of coffee. We stared at each other in silence, sipping our coffee.

The walk on the beach, the fresh sea air, the three Bahama breezes we had took its toll, we were both tired.
My body had a stickiness from the hot humid sea air and decided to take a shower, Alexis outstretched herself on the sofa when I got up.
The bathroom had a shower and a triangle shaped Jacuzzi bath, two ‘S’ shaped reclining positions to lay down, formed along the sides of the tub, with plenty of adjustable water massage nozzles everywhere.
I decided to run a bath instead. I went back to the living area while the tub filled up, Alexis was still laying on the sofa, eyes closed. I decided to let her sleep.

Back in the bathroom, I pushed the Jacuzzi button and the water started spraying, creating the whirling effect. I got in and sat, almost laying down in one of the seat positions, feeling the strong spraying nozzles already massaging my body, it felt wonderful, I closed my eyes just soaking myself in the warm whirling water.
When I opened my eyes, Alexis was standing right next to the tub, dressed in a bathrobe.
“May I join you,” she asked.
“Plus, we probably will need some of this, as well, as she poured the bubble bath into the tub.” Not even waiting for an answer she dropped her robe to the floor, revealing her stunning naked body.
She bundled her hair and secured it with a hairpin, at the angle I was sitting, I could see the slit of her pussy, partly spread showing the folds of her inner labia lips.
Her pubic her was neatly trimmed. As she stepped into the tub, she had to step half over me to take the other seat, opening her legs a bit, her pussy almost gaping at me.
I felt the lightning hitting deep down my own cunt.
The soap bubbles already forming everywhere as she sat down.
“Oh, this is heaven,” she said, as she takes her position.

She smiled at me, holding our gaze for a moment, I wondered what she was thinking, about my confession, did she have any feelings for me?
Although she kissed me, that still means nothing, right. I just didn’t know what to think.
She started fiddling with one of the water nozzles, down below.
“You know what would be nice, bubbly champagne?” she said.
“I’ll go check in the minibar fridge.” I suggested.
I got out, grabbed the same bathrobe she wore and went to the living room, in one corner was a build in bar, with some stools around the counter top, I opened the fridge and there was one bigger bottle champagne and a few smaller bottles, plus some other more exotic drinks.
I grabbed the big one, with two champagne glasses hanging from the overhead counter and headed back to the bathroom.

I entered and saw Alexis, half laying on her right side, her left knee sticking out above the surface of the water, the right leg somewhere below.
Her eyes were closed and the position she was in told me her legs were spread a bit.
I popped the cork and filled the two glasses with champagne. When I turned around she was gazing at me with a naughty little smile, “God, you should feel this,” she said.
It was pretty obvious what she was doing, she maneuvered herself into a position where one of the nozzles from the side of the tub, was spraying, massaging her pussy in some way.
Her left knee slowly swaying side to side. I handed her a glass and got back into the tub, she got back up into a sitting position, exposing her breast, with two taut nipples as big as two gummy bears, obviously from the water nozzle.
She took a sip and went back to the same position, this time laying more down, resting her whole left leg on the outside of the tub, which meant the bursting nozzle, must now even be closer to her pussy.
I could see her body tensing up.

I tried to imitate her position but my water nozzle was bursting in the wrong direction, I tried wiggling it into position.
“You need some help with that,” she asked, seeing me struggle. She got up inside the tub leaning forward to adjust the nozzle, her right arm brushed against my pussy in the process, flaunting her right tit only inches away from my mouth, the areola maybe an inch in diameter surrounding a perfect size taut nipple.
I was thinking of just taking it inside my mouth, but the burst of water from the nozzle she managed to adjust startled me.
“Try it now.” she said.
I repositioned myself and felt the water burst much better now, massaging my pussy, it was almost too intense, I adjusted the nozzle’s intensity and moved a bit closer, the streaming water spraying up the length of my slit upwards towards my clit, I led out a soft moan, “Oh yes,” I almost yelled. “It does feel good.” I said.
Alexis did not hear me, she was back in the same position as earlier, eyes closed, winding her bottom below the surface, her left foot’s toes curling as she worked her cunt with the bursting nozzle.

I felt my own orgasm building, I drew myself away from the nozzle, not wanting to cum like this, I had other plans. I sat up more straight, watching Alexis as she worked herself. I hooked my right middle finger and slowly flicking my own clit, while watching Alexis.
She was getting close as she led out moans more loader than before. Then her body start shaking, spasming into contractions, she led out a load roar as she came. Her body kept shaking for a while, she sat up, straightened her body, as she pressed her hands between her legs.

I got up, standing in the middle of the tub and helped her to her feet, motioned her to the edge of the tub, she sat down, her feet still inside the water, resting on her seat area, I knelt on the tub floor in front of her, parting her legs.
Moving closer, using my tongue and with small soft kisses, from her left knee, up her inner thigh, twirling my tongue, licking in small circles, I reached to most upper part of her inner thigh where it met her groin, gently sucking the bony part of it, I felt her tensing up.
I spread her legs more, parting her pussy lips using my two thumbs, revealing the inner folds of her labium. I opened my mouth covering her exposed cunt, slowly sucking the inner flesh of her pussy, tasting the sweet slimy fluids, much sweeter than Mike’s salty cum.
I kept the sucking motion, sliding my tongue inside her vagina, she moaned loader. I alternate between sucking her cunt and slipping my tongue along her slit, tickling, sucking her clit, sliding back down her slit to her asshole, licking around it, she squirmed and moaned as I kept doing this for a long time, just eating her out, sucking her clean, she surged another load of her sweet slimy fluids into my mouth.
This was so much different from sucking cock, unbelievable, I enjoyed every moment of it, another surge of fluids squeezed into my mouth, she grabbed the side of my head, gripping my ears and pulled me into her cunt.
I kept sucking not letting go, she squirmed like a worm, growling like an animal as she came, body shivering.
I let go, small squirts flow out of her pussy, she got up took me in her arms, we kissed and she got the taste of her own cum as our tongues twirled inside each others mouths.

We were both standing in the tub, I lifted her left leg and rested it onto the side, making her spread her pussy wide open, gripped her between the legs, massaging her pussy.
I slipped my middle and ring fingers inside her vagina and start fingering her, my rapid movements making a slapping sound as my hand hit her groin, slush.. slush.. slush.. as she came with every stroke, I knelt before her, kept ramming my hand in and out of her cunt, her cum juices streaming down my arm, she just kept cumming.
My arm was getting so tired I had to stop. She raised me to my feet. I placed my right leg on the side of the tub, and she start fingering my pussy, first with two fingers, ramming me to an orgasm, my cunt was soaking wet already squirting my juices past her fingers, she had four fingers inside of me and I knew I could take more, I grabbed her hand and slipped her whole fist inside my vagina, her eyes wide as she realized she had her fist inside of me.
I easily accommodated her whole hand, at first she just kept it there, slowly start moving it deeper, she knelt down to get a better angle, fisting me with short motions, she had more than half of her forearm inside my cunt.
With faster movements now, she brought me closer and closer, “Come on Alexis, make me cum” I almost scream.
She start ramming her arm into my cunt. l led out a scream as I squirted my juices down her arm, when she withdrew I shot two more squirts into the tub.
“Jeez, I wish I could squirt like that,” she said. “Absolutely, amazing.” she continued.

We finished the bottle of champagne, both took a shower and were back in the living room, dressed in only our bathrobes. It was as if a weight have been lifted from my shoulder, to finally felt what it was like eating Alexis pussy.
Since that night in her hotel room, it was an incomplete experience for me.
“Wow, I still cannot believe you took half my arm up your pussy,” she said.
I told her, ever since I had Lizzy, I came to realize that I could insert bigger than normal size objects up my cunt.

I told her about one occasion, alone at home, cleaning Josh’s room, it always looked like a hurricane blew through his room when he was younger. That morning I woke up horny, Mike has been away on a business trip and he was not there to satisfy me.
I picked up the baseball bat from the floor, before putting it into the closet, I decided to try something. I went to my bedroom, closed and locked the door, got naked on the bed. I was wet even before I started, inserting the batting end of the bat into my vagina, without any friction it slipped in comfortably.
After I orgasmed using my sons baseball bat, I measured the diameter, 2.8 inches and calculated by the markings on the batting shaft, I was able to take 11 inches of bat inside me.
Since then I got myself a huge, thick 12 inch rubber dong, one of those with the ‘octopus sucker’ on the one end, that sucks against a wall, toilet seat or anything else really.
Then you can ride it like a dick, so whenever I get the urge when Mike’s not around, then Mr. Dong is my biggest buddy, my favorite spot is to mount it against the bathroom wall and take it in, doggy style.

She just laughed and told me she also uses toys to satisfy herself, various kind of vibrators and even a Sybian machine.
We talked about everything else, she asked me what my biggest sexual fantasy was, I did had one, earlier when I was younger, to be fucked by two men at the same time, I told her.
Her biggest fantasy, to be fucked by an African American man, always wanted to know if it is true what they say about the size of their dicks.

“Well, you came to the right place for that.” I said. Most of the locals around here seem to be African American. “Plus, you probably won’t get a better opportunity, away from home, where nobody else knows you.” I said.

“And how do one create such an opportunity.. I cannot exactly walk up to the first black guy.. excuse me Sir, but I need you to screw the living daylights out of me.” she laughed.
“You won’t have to, remember, …The bees to honey, …Magnet, …earlier this evening in the restaurant, the drinks we got from some guy …it was not because of me …get it?
I bet if you were alone, you probably would have ended up with a man at your table.” I continued.
“You have two options here, …one… To do exactly that, go to the bar in the hotel lobby, alone, or …two… which is the more easier option.” I continued.
I told her when we checked in yesterday afternoon, I read a brochure at the check-in desk. At the massage parlor in the lobby, you can have mud baths, full body massages and other parlor services.
You had choices, a masseuse or a masseur, or both if you want or you can even choose a specific person and have it in the privacy of your hotel suite.
How much easier can it get.
I told her about an article I read once, poling statistics showed that more than half of all massage sessions ends up in some sort of sexual act.
You can really control what happens on that table.

I saw her processing, contemplating it. “Were you serious about your fantasy?” I asked.

“Absolutely …I saw a porn movie once, in my younger days, in one scene a blond girl got fucked by a black dude, he had this huge cock …ever since then, whenever I see a black guy, I imagine how it would feel, not only because of the cock size but also the thought of my white skin against a black body, kind of intriguing .” she explained.

Just one thing though… “How would you feel about it …me getting fucked by a black guy…?” she asked.
“Earlier tonight on the beach, you said you had feelings for me.” she continued.
“I can see it in your eyes …the way you look at me …it would break my heart to hurt or disappoint you, by doing something like this …just to fulfill a fantasy. Would not be worth risking our friendship,” she said.
“It is still your decision …how can I deprive you, a beautiful single woman, from your wildest fantasy …it would be selfish from me,” I explained.
“True, it may hurt, but I will have to deal with it.”

“Rachel, I told you before, for me to react to anyones affection, man or woman …I had to have a deeper connection, than just a normal friendship, to share my bed or to have any sort of sexual relationship with that person. Everyone I slept with …was not just a one night stand, I had on some level …feelings for them.
Rita was the only person, I really cared for, but I never loved her.” she admitted.
Did that mean she does not have strong feelings for me? I thought myself.

“If I should do it, it would be out of pure lust, just to experience it, no strings attached.” she continued. “I will sleep it over,” she said, smiling at me.

She made us some hot chocolate and we decided to turn in for night.

I laid in bed, thinking about what she asked. How would I really feel if she did get fucked? The pure thought of it, made me a bit horny and sad at the same time.

Chapter 6.

Sunday morning, I woke up at the crack of dawn, got up and went to the living room. Her bedroom door was still closed and decided to let her sleep in, poor thing.
She has been quite busy the past week or so, preparing for this trip, drawing up the agreements and legal documents.
I decided to make some coffee and found the coffee machine already brewed, I saw the empty mug in the kitchen sink.
Alexis must be up then.
I softly knocked on her door but no answer, I opened it slowly and found her bed to be made already, she was not in her room.
I quickly changed into the same clothes I wore last evening and walked outside onto the porch leading to the beach, then I saw her standing with her feet in the waves, God she looks beautiful.
She turned around as I came closer, “Morning you, I didn’t want to disturb you,” she said.
What a beautiful morning it was, sunrise on a tropical island. The sun rays made a beautiful shimmering effect on the calm ocean.
We strolled back to the suite, had some coffee, got dressed into more proper clothes and decided to drive around the island.
We had breakfast and on our way back stopped at a flea market, something like a country fair back home, an open market selling almost anything.

She did not mentioned anything about the previous night’s discussion.

Back at the suite we decided to go sun bathing on the beach, drinking fruit cocktails and Bahama breezes every now and then.
Alexis, wore a red bikini top and bottom, sun cap and sun glasses, she had the body of a playboy super model, a few guys openly gazed at her as they passed by. There were not too many people on the beach.
We were laying on two beach stretchers, facing each other. She was laying on her elbows with her legs draped down the side of the stretcher, making her legs spread at almost an 45 degree angle.
I could see her bikini panty creeping up her pussy’s slit. She noticed me staring at her. She swayed her legs, slowly side to side …almost teasing me.
I applied sunblock lotion to my front legs, belly, arms and face.
“Can you do my back, please” I asked. I rolled over and she squeezed some lotion on my back, running some down the back of my legs as well.
She smeared the lotion on my back, using her palms, my whole body filled with goose bumps.
Slowly rubbing my back, down my upper left leg, calf, her hand came back up inside my inner thigh, I felt her hand pressed against my pussy, my breathing became more rapid, she went down my right thigh, down to my calf, back up again …smearing the lotion …I open my legs slightly more as she rubbed the lotion to my inner thigh …her hand pressing hard against my crotch. Maybe she is thinking about last night.

I quickly rolled over… “I think you should do it…” I said. “Do what…” she asked. “Get a massage…” I suggested. “You think so..?
I nodded yes.
“I will do it …but only if you’ll watch,” she said.
I was caught off guard by this request, I don’t think I would be able to do that.
“So how are we going to do this.” I ask.
We decided to cool off in the ocean, then went back to hotel room.

We were back in the hotel suite, I made us each a magarita and we sat down on the sofa, a bit tired from the sun and fresh air.
We discussed our plan, Alexis will go book a masseur at the parlor for later the afternoon. When he arrives, I will get in the closet in Alexis room which had louvered Bi-fold doors fitted.

Alexis went to the lobby and booked herself an African American, she told me she had to choose between two black men and a Puerto rican.
Most of the staff were off on Sundays. She chose the better looking black man, which apparently was quite a big guy.
He would be here in about 20 minutes. Alexis sat down on her bedside, looking really nervous. I spoke first. “You don’t have to do this,” she took a deep breath and said. “I want to, are you still OK, watching?”

“Yes”, I said. I got myself a bottled water and went back to Alexis’s room.

She was in the bathroom, when she got out, she was dressed in black lace underwear. She walked up to me, putting her hand on my cheek leant forward and kissed me, her tongue part my lips, we embraced, my arms curled around her waist, she sucked my tongue with more passion, my hands on her ass, I pressed her against me.
The main doorbell rang. It was time, she stepped back, our eyes held in a gaze, she turned around and disappeared into the living room.
I got in the closet. In was quite spacious and I could almost see the whole room through the static louver door.
Alexis entered the room first, followed by the masseur, a 6 ft 6 inch, brought shouldered, black African American male, he looked like an athlete of some sort.
He had a portable massage table and a bag holding all his massage oils and who knows what else. This was probably a bad idea, I thought to myself.
The gentleman spoke with a deep manly voice, were do you want me to set it up.
“Maybe here at the foot end of the bed.” Alexis decided, it is probably the best spot, she was obviously thinking of me, that spot would give me the best angle to see everything.

(Note to reader: for reference purposes, I named the masseur, Mr.Big)

Mr.Big unfolded his massage table and placed it on the spot Alexis chose. She got onto the table, laid on her stomach, legs slightly spread, with her feet closest to me, still wearing her lace underwear.
I could see the cloth of her panties between her legs. The light, mounted to the wall next to closet, lit up the whole area where she was laying.

Mr.Big had his oil out, holding the bottle upside down, dripping it on both her calves.
He smeared the oil using both his hand up and down her calves, moving to her feet and ankles, between her toes, he slowly worked his way up to the back of her knees, using small circular movements, then running both his thumbs from her knees down her calves again.
Once or twice he used his elbow to rubbing it up and down her calves.
He poured oil onto the backside of both her thighs, spreading it with the palm of his hands.
He slowly started rubbing her left thigh with both hands, the same circular motions using his thumbs sliding both hands up and down her outer and inner thighs, she spread her legs a bit more.
He did the right leg, same thing, sliding his hands up and down her inner and outer right thigh, she arched her buttocks slightly, he slid his hands up her thighs again, lingering at the top, almost touching her crotch.
I could see her body tensed as he worked her inner thighs, slowly up and down rubbing hard into her flesh, touching her crotch with every massage stroke.
He unhooked her bra, dripped oil in circles all over her back, smearing it with circular movements. Her body was shimmering like a crystal glass.
He rubbed her back using both hands, pressing his thumbs moving them up and down her back.
He asked her to lift her bottom and slid her panties down to her ankles, also loosing her bra, she was completely naked now.
He oiled her buttocks using both hands, rolling them in circles, using his thumbs massaging both butt cheeks, he was standing on her left side left hand on her left butt, using his right hand rubbing down her left thigh again, back up her inner thigh, she slight spread her legs more as he work her inner thigh up and down, touching her arching crotch.
I could see glimmering moistness in her exposed slit now, she is getting wet.
Mr.Big asked her to roll over. He draped a towel over her crotch and breasts, oiling her legs and belly.
He massaged her lower legs and moved up her upper legs, his hands working and rubbing in circular motions.
He parted a legs a bit as he rubbed her inner thighs, her toes curling each time a came close to her pussy.
Mr.Big asked if she wants her breasts done, she lost the towel, which was probably a ‘yes’ answer.
He dripped oil on both breasts moving to the far end of the table, he took both tits, massaging them with a pressing motion rolling them round and round, gripping her now taut nipples, squeezing them between his fingers, her dragged her right foot up to her left knee, spreading her legs apart.
I could see her slick wet hairy pussy.
Mr.Big new he had her in his bag, he kept massaging her breasts, she spread her legs wide open, then draped her legs, dangling it down the sides of the the table, when he moved back to the side of the table, I saw the massive bulge of his cock in his pants.
He was slowly moving his circling hand down her belly, running his hand down her spread left thigh, up again and gripped her pussy with his right hand, rubbing it hard with the palm of his hand, she led out a load moan. With her right hand she grabbed his at his crotch.
He dropped his pants, his huge black cock, almost 11, maybe 12 inches, thick as a boa snake, sprung to life.
She took it in her hands gently stroking it, up and down the massive shaft, he stuck his right middle and ring fingers inside her pussy, fingering her wet cunt, rolling her clit, using his thumb.

She got up from the massage table, led him to the bed, pushing him backwards onto the bed.
He was on his back, Alexis next to him, again stroking his cock, her arm looks thinner than his cock. She started running her tongue up and down his dick, thick veins bulging from top to bottom on the one side.
He was laying with his head closest to me, Alexis kneeling between his legs, she ran her tongue down and then up licking his penis, circling his penis head, shining with pre-cum already, back down to the base of his penis, taking one of his testicles in her mouth, his balls were to big to take both at once, she spitted on his penis lubricating his cock, she kept doing that sucking his balls, running her tongue up his shaft twirling his penis head.
She took his penis head inside her mouth, sucking on it, two more inches went down her throat, her cheeks caving in as she sucked on him.
She took more of his cock inside, steadily getting more of it with every suck, she had less than two inches left. I could see her using her tongue and throat muscles, massaging his buried penis inside her.
She did not gag once, she knows how to suck cock, that is for sure, she slowly released some of the inches, bobbing her head up and down his long shaft, sucking viciously.
She stopped, letting go of his penis, licking down his shaft again.
When she came backup to the head again, glancing in my direction, bobbing her head up and down again. Her eyes smiled at me, enjoying every moment of the show she is putting on.
He grabbed her rolled her around, she was underneath him now, he took both tits in his hands, sucking on them, biting her nipple, stretching it, drawing her breast towards him.
She arched her head back looking towards me from an upside view.
He went down between her legs, sucking her pussy now, she moaned slightly, her eyes closed as he worked her pussy, sliding his big tongue up and down her slit.
Watching him eating the same pussy I ate yesterday, was almost unbearable.
He rolled her over, picking her up with one hand motioning her into a doggy style position. She turn around facing half away from me, making him move to this side of the bed, clearly with the intention of giving me a better view. She was on all fours, spreading her legs apart revealing her gaping cunt hole, he used some of his massaging oil, lubricating his penis, only now, I saw the full extend of his penis, he was stroking his shaft to its full enormity, it was HUGE.
I might be able to handle that size, but his going to rip Alexis to pieces.
He got in behind her, slowly sliding his penis head through the slit of her pussy, up and down, he inserted his penis head into her gaping cunt. giving her more inches with every stoke.
She is moaning as he kept forcing his cock deeper inside of her, her hands gripping the linen sheet.
He had about two inches left, she could not take the full length of his penis. he start rocking his shaft with slow strokes in and out of her cunt, her pussy lips stretched to the limit around his 2 inch thick cock.
I felt my own pussy pulsing in my bikini bottom, I dragged it softly down to my knees, dropping it to my ankles. I rubbed myself using my right hand, I was soaking wet already, I rolled my clit between my fingers.
Mr.Big has found a slow but steady rhythm fucking Alexis from behind, slowly bringing her to an orgasm, as his long shaft rams in and out of her pussy, forcing cum juices to squirt with every stroke past his penis shaft.
He was fucking her long and deep now, she was rocking her own body back and forth into his waiting penis.
God I was so horny, my wet cunt dripping slimy juices down my legs.
I knelt inside the closet in one knee, slipping my bottled water all the way up my cunt, slowly fucking myself with it.
God, I wished I had that big cock inside me now.
Alexis was making growling animal like sounds with every stroke she gets, he was fucking her like a beast.
I was ramming my own cunt viciously with the bottle, I held my own breath not to make a sound as I felt my own orgasm building inside of me.
Alexis came with a roaring sound, she fell forward, Mr.Big not done yet, he grabbed her again, rolled her over, spreading her legs as he forced himself inside of her again, she struggled against it, but he pinned her down with force.
I realized she was trying to stop him, but he kept going. I acted instantaneously, bumping against to closet door, I slid the door open and stepped out of the closet.
“Take me instead.” I said. He let go of her.
“Alexis, wide eyed like a scared animal move to the side of the bed. I was still wearing my T-shirt. I got onto the bed on all fours in a doggy style position, Alexis still laying on her back staring at me in disbelief.
My cunt was already soaking wet from watching, he stuck his middle finger in my hole, obviously to feel how wet I was.
His penis felt huge as he entered my soaking wet pussy, with every stroke he gave me more inches until I felt his cock head hitting the back of my vagina.
Alexis’s eyes grew even wider as she realized he had his whole dick inside of me, every inch.
He fucked me, I felt the thickness of his shaft, at least 2 inches in diameter, pressing against the sides of my cunt hole, filling me up completely, thrusting in and out of me.

As gross as it may sound, I started enjoying it. He kept fucking me, Alexis still laying watching as he violated me. I grabbed my tits massaging them as he thrusts away.
I felt as he moved me up the mountain, slowly.
He turned me around on my back, spreading my legs apart, entering me again in the missionary position, fucking me viciously, I was screaming, feeling the orgasm nearing, strong as a beast, he picked me up, lifting me and got up next to the bed, my legs still rapped around him, my pussy filled with his massive organ, my legs were dangling freely as he grabbed me around the waist with both his hands, ramming me up and down his long shaft, I held onto his neck with both hands, throwing my head backwards, my tits bouncing up and down as he kept fucking me, this was by far one of the best fucks I ever had.
He sucked on my tits while I squirmed around his big penis, bouncing myself up and down feeling his big cock sliding in and out with long strokes, God this felt so good.
Pearls of sweat was running down my back and belly, he was still holding my waist, supporting me as he kept ramming, his body slick from his own sweat.
I was almost in a trance, noticed Alexis leaving the room in my peripheral vision, but I was enjoying myself too much to care.
I saw a sideways view in the mirror and what Alexis said about the contrast between black and white skin, was kind of intriguing.
I could see his huge cock disappearing inside my cunt every time he went down his shaft, long strides, using every inch.
I’m beginning to loose my grip, as both our bodies were covered in slick sweat.
He stepped forward, backing me up against the wall, lifting my left leg, throwing it over his right shoulder, my right foot barely on the floor.
I held onto the dresser, he kept fucking me hard, I could clearly see my cunt lips stretching around his penis, as he fucked me in an upward motion, feeling his cock head, hitting deep inside my vagina.

I smiled at myself, knowing that I aced the ‘test of size’, because no matter how he hard he fucked me, he felt almost loose inside me.

I came with a sudden burst of pussy juices, forcing it past his ramming cock, growling like a dog, possessed by the ‘demon of lust.’
He picked me up again, kept fucking me as he felt my orgasm, I let go of his necked falling back onto the bed, he swung me around on top of him, his dick still stuck inside of me, I was wiggling my ass back and forth, twirling and twisting, bouncing up and down his shaft feeling his penis thrusting my pussy.
Sweat were dripping from my face. I changed my position swiveled myself around, got in a squatting position, leaning forward supporting myself with my hands, slowly working myself up and down his shaft again.
I glanced backwards down between my legs, I got in a steady rhythm, watching his rock hard cock disappeared inside my soaking wet pussy, I used his full length again, a slushing sound escapes with every stroke, slapping my bottom against his waist. It looked fucking amazing.

I leant backwards, still squatting, resting on my hands placed wide next the his head. I had a full view in the mirror again, my legs spread wide, his cock thrusted my pussy.
He supported me with his hands holding my butts, lifting me up and down.
It looked awesome, watching in the mirror, his black prick fucking my cunt hole, my tits bouncing in rolling circles, nipples taut.
I kept ramming him, forcing his big cock all the way, in …out …in …out, slushing my juices with every thrust, I came again.

Alexis entered the room followed by the Puerto rican guy, just as I squirted more of my juices in a wide burst through the air. Both their eyes wide as they watched the scene on the bed.

(Note to reader : for reference purposes, I named the Puerto rican guy, Mr.Rican)

Before I realized what was happening or to protest, Mr.Rican was already naked.
He was much smaller in body size, but nevertheless handsome. His penis already hard, much smaller, 8 to 9 inches. He jumped onto the bed, in a standing position.
Mr.Big kept his rhythm, fucking my cunt relentlessly while Mr.Rican served his cock to my waiting mouth, I gulped it up in one swallow, he mouth fucked me.
The salty taste of his penis, almost made me gag, but I kept sucking. We kept this going on for a while.
We changed position, I took Mr.Big’s 11 inch cock in my hand, still lubricated with my slimy cunt juice, stroking it with long strides.
Mr.Rican took me from behind, I barely felt his smaller dick inside me. He was ramming me, with quick short strokes.
Alexis kept out of the action, obviously letting me fulfill my fantasy. She was sitting on a round comfort chair in the far corner of the room, with what seemed to be a two sided rubber dong halfway up her cunt, jerking her pussy, her mouth open, forming a tout letting out swallow breaths in a whistling sound.
I had Mr.Big’s prick in my mouth, bobbing my head up and down his shaft, taking in all the down my throat, massaging it with my tongue. I felt Mr.Rican spreading by butt cheeks, circling a finger round my asshole, it felt strange but really good.
Slowly working my ass, he slipped a finger down my anus, still ramming my pussy, fingering my anus, it felt really good. It was hard concentrating, too many sensations going on.
I felt my asshole relaxing more, he withdrew his penis, I felt him sticking two fingers in my cunt hole, getting them wet, sliding them both up my anus, I jerked forward for a second, but it almost made me cum, I never had anything up my asshole before, it was a strange but awesome sensation.
He worked my ass with his fingers, then with a rapid sudden movement, his penis head was up my butt hole, slowly fucking my ass.
Mr.Big positioned himself, inserting his penis head inside my cunt hole, he just gave enough inches, trying not to hurt me.
In my wildest dream, I never thought I would have two dicks inside of me. It was uncomfortable at first, but slowly it turned into an unbelievable sensation, Mr.Rican, just kept still, while Mr.Big rammed himself, all the way up my cunt.

His stamina was surreal, like an Olympic athlete. They both kept fucking me.
I felt the first burst of Mr.Rican’s cum inside my asshole, he withdrew squirting the rest of his cum all over my back.

I rolled over on my back, almost out of breath. Mr.Big got off the bed, lifted Alexis from the chair.
I moved to the side of the bed, as he had her on all fours on the other side of the bed.
Mr.Rican dressed himself and left, obviously had clear instructions from Alexis.
I got up and got onto the round chair. Mr.Big had his cock already buried inside her cunt, he was standing beside the bed thrusting her with his shaft.

I had Alexis’s two headed rubber dong, sixteen inches long, as far up my cunt as it could get, jerking myself to an orgasm. Her legs were spread wide, I could see her lips stretched around his thick shaft, she moaned as he rammed her, his legs started trembling, he moaned softly as they came simultaneously, he shot his load deep inside her, his thick white semen mixed with her cunt juices squeezing out of her pussy.
He withdrew shooting his last load over her ass and back. She fell forward, her whole body still shivering as she came again.
I squirted, what must have been the last fluids left in my body, as I removed the rubber dong from my vagina hole, feeling totally numb.

I waved Mr.Big off to get his stuff and go, he got dressed, folded his table, packed his bag and left.

Alexis was not moving, she just laid there.
“Are you OK, Alexis?” I asked.
“Barely.” she replied. She rolled over on her back, “What about you?” she asked.
I told her that I felt dirty …like a cheap slut, which I probably was.
“What the hell was I thinking?” I asked.
“You rescued me, you thought he was going to hurt me, didn’t you? She got up from the bed and knelt before me on the floor.
“I suppose I did …yes,” I admitted.
I got up, “I have to go clean myself,” I said. As I walked passed her she grabbed my hand.
“I am so, so sorry. Please don’t be mad” she begged.
“I am not mad at you, Alexis, I just hate myself right now” I said.
I got in the shower, scrubbing myself from head to toe, once twice, my tears hidden by the running water. How am I ever going to look Mike in the eye again and tell him that I loved him.
I am not sure how long I spent in the shower. I stood there just soaking my filthy body.
When I got back in the living room, she had also already showered as well. Her hair was still wet and she was wearing her bathrobe. I had myself dressed, ready for bed.
She made us coffee and joined me on the sofa, I sipped away at my coffee, rerunning the scenes through my head.
Alexis rested her head on my lap, stretching her body out on the sofa. Our eyes met, there was something different about her eyes, more soft and gentle than before and they were questioning mine.
“Why did you do that, why didn’t you stay in the closet?” she asked.
“He was going to rape you.” I said, “I had to do something, to stop him.” I continued.
She told me how scared she got when he turned her around, his eyes had a weird glassy look. She thought he was high.
We did not speak for a while, an awkward silence in the air.
“So, what was your original plan with the rubber dong?” I asked, trying to break to awkwardness. We both burst out laughing, Alexis blushed, covering her eyes with one hand, like a child caught with his hand a cookie jar.
“I was going to use it on you,” she joked.

We talked about the next days meeting for a while. We also decided to check into another hotel on the West side of the island the next day.

We turned in for the night, I was already in bed, when Alexis knocked on the door, she peeked around the door.
“This is embarrassing, you have every right to say, no,” she said.
“Can I share your bed with you tonight?” she asked …maybe it is just my imagination, but my room is still filled with the smell ‘sex’ and sweat,” she said.
“Absolutely, no problem” I replied.
She left to go dress into her nighties. She came back wearing a snow white night gown, she is absolutely breathtaking beautiful. She took her gown off, revealing her satin almost see trough nighties, also white, the bottom edge halfway down her upper thighs.
She got onto the bed and laid down beside me, maybe half a foot separated our bodies, I was already under the linen sheet, it was hot inside the room and I had the ceiling fan on, blowing cooler air through the room.
She stayed above the sheet. I turned on my side facing her, head on the pillow. She was laying on her right side resting her head in her hand. We looked each other in the eye.
Her bright blue eyes full of questions, but I decided not discussed what happened before, unless she asks about it.
“You can get in under the sheet.” I said. She got in halfway, covering her waist down. She was laying on her back, her head on the pillow, starring at the ceiling.
I switched the nightstand light off on my side of the bed. I got comfortable on my side facing her again, she rolled over stretching herself to kill the light on her side, her nighty ran up her legs, revealing her naked butt, she wore no panties.
She laid on her back, I could still see her face in the dim light coming from the hallway.
“Sweet dreams,” she said.
“Rather sweet nightmares.” I laughed.
“Good night, Alexis” I said.

I kept watching her, as she drifted off to sleep, my Lord, I probably have the most beautiful woman in the world, in my bed tonight.
I turned away facing the other way and fell asleep. I was woken by Alexis, as she moved closer to me, I could almost feel the warmth of her body against me.
I stayed still waiting for her, then I felt her against me, I was laying in a ‘S’ shape position, our bodies almost melted together as she rapped her left arm around my waist, holding me.
I never wear panties to bed, I felt her pussy hair against my butt. I took her left hand in mine, moving it up between my breasts, not letting it go. I fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up laying on my back, Alexis right next to me with her left leg thrown across my legs, her left arm on my upper body.
I had no idea what the time was, judging by the light coming from the sliding porch door, it was close to dawn.
She was still sleeping, her breathing soft and steady, her head was against my shoulder. As I moved my body, Alexis opened her eyes.
She rolled onto her back. I grabbed my watch from the bedside table.
It was almost 05:30 in the morning. I switched the bedside lamp on. She cover her head with the sheet.
“No …no, I don’t want to get up,” she said.
“Morning, I’ll go get us some coffee” I said.
She was still completely under the sheet.
When I got back she was still in bed, only her head sticking out. I sat next to her on the bed. She looked as if she just stepped out of a beauty parlor, how is that even possible.
We had our coffee and I jumped in the shower.
Back in the room, Alexis had left my room.

I dressed, did my make-up packed my suite case, getting my briefcase and laptop ready.
Alexis appeared, wearing a grey pencil skirt and jacket, scarlet color satin blouse. Her grey high heel shoes made her look even taller.
Her hair hanging loose, keeping it from her face by a scarlet color hairband. Stunning as usual.

Chapter 7.

After we checked out, we drove to the city of Nassau, meeting our client for the meeting with the Real Estate developers.

We arrived at the meeting venue, as we entered the meeting room, the buzzing sound of voices silenced at the sight of Alexis.
Her aura was something else, as if she radiates some sort of chemical numbing agent.
We seated ourselves next to our client, accompanied by his female assistant. The rest of the attendees were all from the Real Estate company led by an handsome looking African American guy. He was Alexis counterpart apparently.
Alexis immediately took control.
“Good morning, everyone, shall we begin.” she asked, smiling at everyone with that intoxicating smile of hers.
She asked me to take notes.
She went through the contracts and legal documents explaining new clauses added to the agreement. She answered all their questions and addressed all their concerns. I felt a positive energy round the table. She knows her stuff. She must have put a spell on them, I thought to myself
Our client did a presentation on a new hotel and casino complex that will attract even more tourists to the island, explaining the financial benefit for the country’s economy.
We had lunch and afterwards we visited the prospected site on the eastern board of the island. At 03:30PM we were done for the day.
We drove down the coast line and found a cozy quite hotel on the South east side of the island.
We checked ourselves into a two bedroom suite overlooking the ocean.
We changed into comfortable clothes and had an early dinner in the hotel restaurant followed by a stroll on the beach.
We found a cozy little pub with quite a large crowed, a local band playing nice music. We each had two of our favorite Bahama breeze drinks.
It was almost dark as we strolled back to the hotel suite.
We watch the beautiful shimmering effect created by the almost full moon on the ocean surface.
I felt her getting in behind me, she draped her arms around my waist.
Her wet tongue between her lips moved slowly up my neckline towards my left ear nibbling on the lob.
I felt a tingling sensation running down my spine. God it felt good.
I turned around facing her, our mouths met, I felt her tongue darting into my mouth. We kissed with allot of passion and I felt the loving feeling rolling in my stomach.
I was busy falling hard for this woman.
Back in our hotel suite, I phoned Mike and the kids and we spoke for almost an hour.
Alexis phoned her parents back in Boston.
We sat on the porch overlooking the moonlit ocean, a soft cool sea breeze brushing against my skin.
Alexis looked at me, her eyes still questioning me, through out the whole day I caught her on numerous occasions, staring me down.
“You have something on your mind, don’t you.” I asked.
“About yesterday, yes,” she replied.
She asked me how it felt getting fucked by two men and if my fantasy was anything like I imagined it.
“Not exactly, I never thought it would be with two non Caucasian men, for starters. Secondly, I never had a cock up my ass left alone having two cocks inside me at the same time.
“How did that feel, having two cocks inside you,” she asked.
“It looked awesome from where I was sitting, seeing you getting fucked both ways, it made me extremely horny,” she said.
She said the way I fucked those guys were beyond any imagination, my ability to take in a 11 inch cock as if it was nothing. My stamina keeping up with Mr.Big was unbelievable.
I told her it felt amazing getting fucked by the two of them, a sensation unlike anything I felt before.
A different sensation that I had with Mike, especially taking it up the ass.
I saw her getting restless or maybe even horny, brushing her own hand up her inner thigh as she listened to me.
I asked her about her experience and she explained at first it felt wonderful, the massage she had was really amazing. When he fucked her from behind, his enormous cock up her tight pussy, was unlike anything she felt before, but when he rolled her over, the panic almost set in.
“Those eyes scared the crap out of me.” she admitted.
“I really don’t know what I would have or could have done, if you were not there,” she said.
“I will be forever in your debt for saving me, offering your own body to protect me,” she said.
I blushed and admitted that the fucking session I had with Mr.Big before Mr.Rican arrived, turned out to be the best fuck I ever had.
Pure lust took over, I felt possessed.
The intensity was unbelievable, just the enormity of his penis, if anyone could not loose themselves in that, seriously, then I don’t know.

It was already late and we decided to turn in for the night. I got in bed and went over the notes of today’s meeting. We had a phone conference with Mike and Rob the following morning, at least we didn’t have to get up so early.
I went to the living room to get myself a glass of water and walked passed Alexis’s room. I paused as I heard a soft moan coming from her room, her door was completely closed.
I listened more carefully, sure, it was definitely soft moans. I went out onto the porch, her bedroom window was to the left, partly protected by brushwood to obscure a direct view from the beach front and cast a dark shadow around the window area.
I stepped around the brushwood, the blinds partially open. I peeked around the edge of the window. Alexis was on the bed, completely naked, her legs widely spread. She had her rubber dong buried more than halfway up her cunt, wiggling, whirling it round and round.
She massaged her tits using her left hand. Her head moving side to side as she worked herself to an orgasm. She took the dong with both her hands slowly fucking herself, thrusting herself with small strokes. Her head lifted from the bed stretching her wide spread legs , her stokes became longer and more rapid. She was closing in and without holding back she lead out a load moan, squirting her cum juices in a wide half circle across the bed. Her legs trembling as she pressed between her legs rolling sideways as she kept cumming.
I quickly moved back into the living room area, got a bottled water and disappeared into my room.
A soft knock on my door, Alexis, stepped in. She had only her nighties on, no gown.
She jumped onto the bed beside me.
She just wanted to go over the events for the next day, at ten we have our phone conference with Dave and Rob, to discuss today’s meeting and then at 01:00PM we have a meeting with the Central government of New Providence, in Nassau.

Alexis, woke me up, with a steamy mug of coffee in her hand.
“Morning sleepy head,” she said, kissing my forehead.
Wow, she is getting more at ease with me every day, last night on the beach and now the kiss.
We phone conferenced Dave and Rob at 10:00AM. We discussed the notes I emailed to them yesterday.
“Alexis, I heard only good things about you, had great ‘feed back’ from the client, yesterday, he thinks its a done deal,” Dave said, sounding excited.
Alexis and I looked at each other, with wide eyes. If he only knew what we are doing of the clock.
“Well, good luck with the government this afternoon, I have all the faith in you two,” he said before hanging up.
We had brunch at the hotel restaurant before we drove the Nassau.

The meeting went smoothly and Alexis made an impressive speech, before the council board, who gave their preliminary approval, pending on the Real Estate developers decision.

She sounded excited as we drove back to the hotel.
We laughed and joked about Dave’s comment, ‘about good things’.

I thought about the last couple of days, how my life has been changed
How filthy I felt inside, ruined almost, eating away at me like a cancer.
I thought about, Mike, how I betrayed him, Lizzy and Josh, how this might changed their lives, because my feelings towards Alexis is growing by the minute.
I knew to prevent anyone from getting hurt, I would probably have to take some drastic action, like quit my job or get a transfer.
My gut feel, told me that Alexis has feelings for me too.
The last two days she acted differently towards me. I don’t know if I should just straight up ask her about it.
I remembered some of my discussions with Mike, the psychology of relationships.
That love has so many different faces. The love you feel for your child, your dog, your spouse, your family, your friends, they are all different, have different emotions attached to them. You act differently towards different people in your life and their reactions have different affects on you as a person.
You cannot love two people intimately at the same time, one is going to lose.
You can lust after many people, screw them and not love them, like I did with the two masseurs.
What myself and Alexis did, feels different, I have feelings for her, deeper than it should be.

“Penny for your thoughts,” she said.
“I was just thinking about the past couple of days,” I said.
“What I did, what we did, how is that going to change my life, my marriage,” I continued.
“I am going to be honest with you, I think I am in love with you,” I admitted.
She did not say anything at first, then asked if what I feel was maybe because of what happened sexually between us.
Maybe it was, I told her.
“I don’t want to come between you and Mike,” she said.
“Let’s cool it down for a while and see what happens,” she suggested.

I felt sad hearing those words, but it is probably for the best. I looked at her and she looked sad as well.

We drove back to the hotel and just mellowed out on the sofa, watching TV and drinking wine. We ordered room service and had dinner in the hotel.
We went to our separate beds and I fell asleep with her on my mind, tears in my eyes.

To be continued…