A guy and his…? 59 Attack

post war?

Jake Freemon – Main character                                                Rita – older female and one of Juno’s sisters
Gen – Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina – Rita’s daughter
Jinn – What the genies are called                                             Trully –  second Jinn doc Rasmir’s little sister
Tommy Sinclair – Friend of Jake’s and fellow worker            Nyrae – Juno’s powerful Jinn  
Mary – Boss’s daughter                                                              Nuha – Leader of Deadly Trio    
Juno – Jakes big Boss and Mary’s Father                                 Abla – sister of Nuha member of Deadly trio
Jinn Council – Council of major Jinns                                        Fatin – sister of Nuha third member of trio
Yasmen – Gen’s mother                                                            Tyrin – neighbor of Nyrae’s parents
Doctor – the Jinn doctor (Hiram)                                                 Aahil – one of the twin Jinn princes
Rasmir – Gen’s father                                                                 Aalee – other twin Jinn prince
Rosalinda – Jake’s second Jinn – Once called Dreama         Amira – Jinn Princess sister of twins
Rashala – Gen’s niece and Jake’s 3rd Jinn                               Al-Mazhab – King of the Jinns
Tankena – evil brother of Rasmir                                             Qistina – Ex Queen of the Jinns, the Leader
Sheeka – former evil female Jinn Jake’s 4th Jinn                    Marie – Juno’s ex – wife
Akeesha – Sheeka’s twin sister                                                 Kasha – Marie’s powerful Jinn
Inger – Mary’s Jinn, Akeesha’s lover                                         Zahra – evil elite Jinn working with Marie

“GEN!” Jake was yelling the moment Tankena’s image disappeared. Three of his Jinns appeared immediately as well as Nyrae, Akeesha, and Inger. 
“Master?” A concerned Gen said as soon as she saw the look on Jake’s face. “Are you well?”
“At the moment I’m not sure,” Jake replied. “I was just visited by a visage of Tankena. He told me that he no longer wishes any harm to me. He also stated that we both have a problem. A common problem. I’m really not all that sure that he was telling the truth though he did seem worried.”
“Worried Master? In what way?” Gen asked.
“It was the way he hurried, his eyes darting everywhere as if expecting an attack. He wished to have a meeting with me. I don’t think that is going to happen for a while. I just want to get your take on all of this.” Jake said as he sat to listen to all that were there.
“Master,” Gen started. “It has been a very long time since I have actually had anything to do with uncle Tankena. I really think that you should talk to father more on this. He is well aware of all that Tankena did and tried to do.”
Jake was nodding his head that he would do as soon as all the talk was finished. “Do any of the rest of you have anything to add?”
“Master,” Rashala started. “I believe that you shouldn’t be left alone anymore. This Tankena was the second in charge for the leader during the war. For her to elevate a male to that level signifies he is far smarter than you might think. One of us needs to remain with you at all times.” Here she looked at Jake’s crotch with a wry smile. “No matter where you go!”
Jake’s head snapped around to stare at the look of lust in Rashala’s eyes. “With most of you with child that might not be a real good thing!”
Rashala pouted a moment then a wide almost wicked smile appeared on her face. “I still have at least a week Master Jake. I find that my desire for you has increased ten-fold!”
“Yes Master Jake,” came the voice of Amira and Gen. “It is quite difficult to fight the urge to strip you bare. Then throw you on the bed even as we impale ourselves on your manhood.”
Shocked Jake looked around at the four Jinns around him, damn if all four weren’t panting. That plus they were all eyeing his crotch as if it were the holy grail that they had to get their hands on.
Sighing Jake thought well it was going to be a while obviously before he’d get a chance to plan or talk to Rasmir. Suddenly Jake found his self naked on the bed with four naked female Jinns around him. Even as Amira drove herself all the way onto his member he heard Inger squeal as she and Akeesha were naked nearby. Inger was between Akeesha’s thighs sampling her lover as Akeesha was Inger.


Zahra felt as if she were locked in her body without almost all her power. How could she have been so stupid! Then her mistress had her appear to Nuha and the others like she was! Cringing she felt that she would never regain the respect (or fear) of the others for a long time.
Marie hadn’t expected the trio or Tankena to accept, at least this time. Though from what Zahra had told her Tankena was starting to have a change of heart. Damn it! That was all she needed was for that ass to try and join forces with the Ever Last Master. Smiling as an evil thought came to her she started to nod yes! She just might have to resort to that again even if it hadn’t ended well last time. 
Zahra was finally starting to feel a little of the feeling creeping back into her face. Though her arm and leg were still almost useless. Even with as much pain as she was feeling she knew she had to keep going. Concentrating as hard as she could, she finally could feel the magic start to heal her face. An hour later she looked into a mirror seeing that almost all the damage was gone. That plus a great amount of the pain was fading. Sighing she could feel her power starting to return in full.
Looking over to her mistress she could see that Marie was hatching a truly evil plan. Good Zahra thought maybe this time it wouldn’t involve her getting injured.

It was a few hours after Jake had started with all of his Jinns and Amira that he finally finished satisfying the last. Not tired Jake sat up and waited for what he knew was the inevitable. Even as he watched his eyes went wide as first dozens then hundreds of tiny lights started to appear around the room.
Rubbing the talisman Jake hoped that the doctor could help. A moment later the doctor appeared his mouth hanging open as the tiny lights fell to the floor, shimmered then they were full bodies of living Jinns! As more and more popped in Jake wished the room was larger to hold all of them.
The Doctor smiled it was good to see that Master Jake was learning as fast as he was. Nodding to the Doctor Jake thought a moment then all were clothed. Again rubbing the talisman the council was there in a moment.

Rasmir smiled Master Jake was becoming more and more someone that the Jinns would never forget. Here he was thinking of others before his self. “Though I am sure you may not wish to know,” Jake started. “It was your beautiful daughter that started this, this time.” Jake said a sly smile on his face.
Rasmir smiled back, “Master Jake, she is after all a sex Jinn. I would expect no less of her. The fact that this many have been brought back is a good sign. As with the others, any that are return is a cause for celebration in our dimension. For so long, our two cities have lain empty or near empty. Now? At least there is hope that the Jinn dimension will survive.”
Jake was nodding as he stood walking around the room looking at all the people. Even as he was walking each he passed at a slow walk gasped then stood amazed. In all Jake counted three hundred fifty seven.
A stirring behind Jake drew his attention to the bed as Amira and Gen were sitting up. Both had a shocked look on their faces then just as suddenly they were both smiling. “It is good Master Jake, the fact that there are still more coming back is encouraging.”
Finally Jake was at the end of all the people. Looking at a small group of twenty five he could only shake his head. Jake was about to speak when he heard a gasp again behind him. Looking back he saw that Rosalinda had awoken her hand over her mouth tears falling from her eyes.
“Rosalinda are you alright?” Jake asked a look of concern on his face.
“Shaken Rosalinda tried as best she could to get the words out. Then she was whispering pointing to the group of twenty five she said. “Mother! Father!” Looking at Jake with a questioning look Jake started to understand.
Hanging his head slightly Jake walked to Rosalinda holding her close. “I’m sorry Rosalinda, they have an intense hatred of human kind. I don’t know why I have never really been able to tell why they have the hatred they do. I was about to speak to them but you may if you wish.”
“Really Master Jake you would allow it?” When Jake nodded his acquiesce she walked to Jake kissing him tenderly thanking him.
Jake sighed he was sure that she wouldn’t be able to sway them though he hoped. Even as he watched both the male and female sat up as their energy returned. Shaking his head he went to talk to Rasmir keeping an eye on Rosalinda. He’d just started to talk to Rasmir when he heard low arguing. Looking back he could see that the couple was rejecting everything that Rosalinda was telling them. Rosalinda arose a look of shock on her face as she moved to Jake.
Jake wasn’t sure but he could almost see the tears that were threatening to break out. Growling Jake started to walk to the couple when he felt a hand on his arm. Looking back he saw that Rosalinda had a hold of him shaking her head no.
Nodding to her Jake immediately understood as he again approached the twenty five. “You, all of you are alive. As if I care! I am a fair man have always been to all that were released. No, I won’t kill you though,” here Jake looked at Rosalinda’s parents. “A few of you I should just because of the pain that you are giving your family members. No, I banish all of you as I have the rest of those that refused to live. I just hope it is worth not having family near.”
Two powers is all I let you leave with!” Suddenly twenty three winked out leaving the couple in front of Jake. Shaking his head at them he looked at the both of them with pity. “I hope you enjoy banishment, I love your daughter and the child she carries. Though I can see that this means nothing to you. Be gone!”
“A child?” They started to say. “We weren’t told…” Then they were gone.
[Father?] came a voice. [Please don’t be sad. I can feel that they were already starting to change, though I am afraid it might be a while yet.]
Jake looked at Rosalinda a passing sadness on his face. “I know little one, I can hope though always.”
[Yes father I know as will I.] The voice said then was quiet.

Nuha, Abla, and Fatin had finally gotten bored screwing human males to death. None of the males had done much for any of them. All three of them sighed, their thoughts drifting to the time that they all had, had with Master Jake. Only one time and they had all been satisfied. Hell even Nuha as strong as she was had fainted at the extreme pleasure.
Smiling all three of them were itching to have another time with him. Then they were all suddenly looking at each other as they were shaking their heads, What in the hell was going on? Looking around they all saw that they were close to the city that Master Jake was in.
All three of them tried to stop, finding it to be almost the hardest thing they had ever done. By the great Jinn Nuha thought was his body that overcharged with sex attraction? Shaking her head again it was difficult to clear it. Throwing up a dark shield she pulled her sisters to her before they lost all of their senses. Backing away as fast as she could Nuha finally felt the attraction fade.
Zahra smiled an evil smile as a plan started to form in her mind. So! Even as powerful as Nuha was she was also no match for the attractive power that Master Jake had over the opposite sex! This was very interesting. Perhaps she could use that to her advantage!
Even as the plan was going through her mind she was sighing. Her mistress had sent her out after certain humans again. Sighing she hoped that her power would be high enough when she got close though. Here she pulled out several long pins that she would use if she had to. As she discovered pain was the only defense she had against the sexual power of Master Jake.
Looking into her orb again she saw that the Deadly trio was still having trouble getting away. True they had reduced it greatly, they were still within the area enough to still be effected. Shaking her head it would serve all of them right if Master Jake fried all their asses! Laughing Zahra continued on toward her first target.
Juno was sitting in his office when he started to receive reports. Reports that certain females of the family were once again going missing.
Shaking his head he could feel Marie’s hand in this again as last time. Calling Jake, Juno was about to speak when he heard a commotion outside his office.
Mary was enjoying having Inger under her desk between her wide open legs. God damn her Jinn could lick her better than anyone but Jake! Looking over Mary saw that Akeesha was smiling wide as she waited her turn to taste Inger’s mistress!
Mary was leaning back not really paying attention when a tall, brown haired, slender woman appeared in front of her. Akeesha’s eyes got large then she released a titanic wave of energy. Laughing the brown haired woman waved her hand pushing the energy back toward Akeesha. Suddenly the new arrival stopped as she felt more power start to push with the first Jinn’s power.
Smiling Zahra increased her power to twice what it was, but was still unable to push it further. A moment later an older man appeared a look of shock on his face then another Jinn behind him. Looking close Zahra saw that it was one of the Jinns that had been with Master Jake. Then her smile disappeared when Nyrae poured her power into the counter attack.
Shit! Zahra looked at Mary and Juno bowing then winked out even as Jake and his Jinns appeared. Looking around Jake had all of his Jinns make sure Zahra was gone. Turning back toward Juno then Mary, Jake was about to turn away when he saw the tears on Mary’s face.
In a whispering voice they heard Mary as she cried, “No! Inger no! Please! No!” Akeesha now afraid herself flung the desk against the wall looking at an unconscious and bleeding Inger. Akeesha fell to her knees as she gently cradled Inger’s head in her lap.
Looking up at Jake she saw that he was already rubbing the talisman summoning the Doctor. Moving quickly The Doctor started to pour energy into Inger then backed away hanging his head. “I can’t do anymore. I am at a loss how to help her. All her physical injuries are healed. These others,” the Doctor shook his head. “I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do.” Turning away the Doctor seemed to be talking to someone for a moment. Nodding he turned back, “I’m afraid it is up to you again Master Jake. Truly said you and another will have to travel in her mind to free her. I’m afraid it’s the only way.”
All eyes turned toward Jake as he looked at the helpless form of Inger. He owed her as he did all of them. There was no want, there was only that he had to. “Alright Doc I’m ready.”
“Just understand Master Jake almost all in her mind can destroy you ’til you find her.” The Doctor told him.
“Please Master Jake, please let me accompany you. I know her far better than anyone I believe I can help more than anyone.” A tearful Akeesha said.
“I feel you should also Akeesha. Let’s go we have a hero to save!” Jake told them all.
Akeesha hugged then kissed Jake as they both lay down beside Inger closing their eyes.