A Door Closing (pt I)

I had just dropped Winnie off at her apartment, after a night of hanging out at a mutual friend’s place. There was little fanfare as she climbed out of my car, just the usual “Call me tomorrow.” Of course I’d call her tomorrow, I’d called her every day, or vice-versa, for the last 5 months. Winnie and I had met online one night and had good conversation, and decided to meet for drinks the next night. We’d hit if off immediately and got along like that. We’d left the bar and gone back to her apartment after a few hours of live music, beer, and billiards. At her apartment we smoked some weed, and I got acquainted with her orange tabby Frodo, and we sat around and talked and asked each other the usual questions. We made out briefly that night and the next, and while we both enjoyed each other’s kisses, there was an underlying trepidation in us both, and the kissing ended after the second night. We hung out nearly every night yet, shooting pool and drinking and dancing and going to parties and playing drunken Scrabble. We loved each other’s company and always had a blast together. She was 22, seven years my junior, tall and naturally beautiful, with the silliness and exuberance of a young girl.
Our friendship abruptly turned romantic one weekend a few months later while partying with a friend who’d moved to a town a couple hours away. I apparently did something that turned her on, and our desires got the best of us, and as our friend was visibly jealous of our new found affection for one another (he wanted her), we made a hasty drive back to Winnie’s apartment at 3am to consummate our new relationship. This new relationship lasted but a week or so, but in that time we had a lot of great sex, spending all day every day together. It was strange and some what scary for me, actually making love again….caring for the girl I was having sex with. Winnie was scared too, and we agreed together after dinner one evening that we were better off as friends. We resumed our friendship fairly easily, though there was some obvious tension and dispute between us. I wasn’t concerned, as Winnie had decided to move back to Colorado and get back together with her ex in a few weeks, and I knew the distance would either make or break the friendship. We continued to hang out every night, but this night, driving her home from our friend’s, was the first time we’d been alone since ending our fling several weeks prior.
It was only about 1am when I pulled away from Winnie’s place, and I decided that I wanted to get a hold of Sonya, a cute little 19 year old that I’d met and started fucking a week or so after Winnie and I stopped our romance. Problem was, Sonya’s cell phone was shut off, and as it was too late to call her parents’ house, the only way I had to contact her was online, and my computer at home was sick. I stopped at my work, a new car dealership that I had keys to, to use one of the computers in the shop to get online. If Sonya wasn’t online, maybe a new girl was. I got inside the shop, went to my usual computer and signed onto yahoo messenger. Damn, Sonya wasn’t online; I left her a message to call me on her home phone when she could, and prayed that I’d be hearing her screams of delight later on. I lit a cigarette as I perused the girls online in my town, but no one new was on. I decided to read some news online and finish my smoke, and go home and wait for Sonya to hopefully call.
Just as I was finishing reading one last article, Winnie popped up on my buddies list.
“Hey” I wrote her.
“Hey” She responded. “Are you at work?” She knew I stopped there at night to get online sometimes.
“Yup, just wanted to check something on eBay”
“Yeah, I figured, I called your house to see if you were home yet”
“Why, what’s up?” I asked.
“Oh nothing, just don’t feel like going to sleep yet. You should come back over.” This caught my attention.
“For what?” I answered, having a decent idea of what she was getting at.
“I feel like being bad…we should have one last night in bed together.”
This caused a quick stir throughout my body, as if I wasn’t already turned on enough by the thoughts of the way Sonya loved to bounce up and down frantically on my cock.
Winnie and I conversed through this idea of one last romp in the hay. We were both concerned about complicating existing matters more. She was, after all, leaving town in just a week at this point, and her ex-soon-to-be-current boyfriend was to arrive in a few days to help move her. We’d ended our sexual relationship neatly, and although there was the previously mentioned tension and petty dispute, we’d stayed completely civil and close. Very little changed, we just stopped sleeping together. Winnie had, in fact, met Sonya once when I brought her over to our mutual friend’s. Winnie knew I was sleeping with Sonya, but showed not the slightest hint of jealousy and was her usual friendly silly self, even commenting to me how cute and little Sonya was. (it was comical to see 6’, 160 lb Winnie standing next to 5’1, 100 lb Sonya) We loved each other dearly, and both saw our friendship as invaluable (and happily still do two years later). We decided to act like adults and heed logic instead of our libidos, and so decided that I wouldn’t be driving back over to Winnie’s apartment for a farewell fuck.
to be continued…..

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2007-08-01 08:37:52


2007-02-07 00:53:35
shoulda took the time to write a story with your introduction


2007-02-06 04:12:12
nothings clear


2007-02-04 17:29:14
Okay, I give up. What the fuck was this all about?


2007-02-02 09:40:01
too short and basically just backstory –

if it’s a work in progress, do it in another program, save it, finish it, then post it on here!