Court Records Chapter Two

There is no reason for Sara to go home


Hope against hope, Clem quietly descended the staircase. Would the call and his movement have awakened her?
To his joy, she appeared to still be sleeping soundly.
Sarah had turned a little. Her legs were together, but she had turned her upper body such that her top now faced his easy chair. Her white blouse had fallen open completely, revealing even more of the satin camisole. It was a beautiful pose. It reminded Clem of a painting he had seen years ago in a museum.
Clem slid into his old chair. His mind racing as he tried to comprehend this unbelievable situation he was in. Sarah was breathing steadily and with each breath her young body moved quietly; she was a study in beauty and temptation.
Time passed. Clem sat very still thinking what it would be like to have the affection of a woman once again. This was a young woman, very beautiful, but young; however plenty old enough to stir his male hormones to the boiling point. Sexual desire, long denied, now coursed through him. He admitted to himself he was thinking of those things he should not. He had to be responsible. He had to get under control. He was exhausted.
He shut his eyes ostensible to think things through, but he dozed.
Sometime later Clem was awakened by movement. He opened his eyes to see Sarah sitting upright on the edge of the daybed facing him and looking directly into his eyes. The window behind her now framed early evening shadows and dark clouds.
“Hello sleepy head”
Clem offered in a subdued tone as not to scare.
She acknowledged wiping at the eyes with the back of her hand.
Clem rose and moved over to sit on the edge of daybed. He was amazed that she made no effort to move away, to cover up, and to button her blouse or skirt. She simply turned toward him,
“Wow, how long have I been sleeping; it is getting late. What’s your name?”
She asked one question after another.
“Clem! Mr. Clem Warren.”
He offered.
Well what am I going to call you?
She asked rhetorically,
“Mr. Clem I guess.”
He replied softly.
With that a quiet back and forth conversation began. Clem was impressed and flattered. Impressed with her mature comments and questions; she was clearly used to being around adults. Flattered by her interest in him and what he did out here in the country.
The conversation was very disarming. His emotions were firmly back under control. She was a delightful young lady. How could he have lost control the way he did a few minutes ago? The way she looked at him and took interest in what he said made her a joyful intrusion into his day. He would do the right thing for sure,
“Hey Sarah Wanewrite, it’s been fun talking to you but we have got to get you on your way home.”
He was kicking himself for his earlier lack of control, but as she turned toward him to speak, sexual red flags once again flew; she was way too cute, way young and way too vulnerable.
To his dismay she complete avoided the subject. She only looked at him and asked more questions,
“What do you do here? I smell apples everywhere, do you farm apples?”
He had to answer her questions. She was charming and so interesting to talk too.
It was clear she was in no hurry to leave. She seemed flattered by his attention. She was curious about him.
As the conversation continued, however, Clem became more and more concerned. This young nymph sat beside him chatting like a grown woman without making any effort to close and button her blouse, get out of his house, and get on her way home.
Could she be a plant, placed by misguided law enforcement? Clem lived the life of a recluse for several reasons; one of them was a constant fear of a reoccurrence with the law. He had a record. He was certain there were some in local law enforcement that thought he was still a threat and wanted him out of their jurisdiction.
It was all so strange. Was she real? She seemed so worldly for someone her age, not the least bit concerned about being alone with him in his house. Didn’t she know how attractive she was, how sensual she looked to an old man just sitting there?
Then another scary thought crossed his mind. He could be in deep trouble if she thought for a moment he was trying to keep her from leaving. Imprisonment is a felony and he knew the meaning and penalty for felony.
Everything logical was screaming “get her out of here!”
“Well, not that I want to my love, but we better get you on your way!”
He tried his best to look stern.
She looked at him strangely.
“Where is your bathroom? I really need to go.”
That was all she said. His mind was such a jumble of concerns about this and all she wanted to do was to go to the bathroom!
He pointed. She stood, casually buttoned the waist band of her skirt, straightened it and went back the hall toward the bathroom.
Did she know how sensual she looked as she walked away? Did she, even for a moment question how her things had come undone? Why did she leave her blouse unbuttoned and open?
Clem sat stunned. What in the world was she thinking? Why wasn’t she scared silly and anxious to get on her way home? His head was overrun with questions.
Sarah soon returned still unbuttoned as before. Clem was dumbfounded. This young, beautiful creature seemed to have no desire to cover up, no desire to leave, and no concerns about being alone with an old man like him. What was she up to?
His sense of responsibility swept over him again. He stood up to meet her coming into the living room. He led the way straight out the front door on to the porch. He was heading down the steps to continue right on toward the front garage when Sarah hesitated,
“Where are we going? You are not going to make me head home now. It is getting dark and it looks like it is going to storm. I cannot ride all the way back up that gravel road at night. My bike doesn’t even have a light.”
Her look melted his heart.
What a dilemma. Clem knew she was right. The evening appeared dark and threatening now that he had stepped out onto the old porch. What was he to do with her? He for sure could not have her call anyone from here this late. He was far too smart to have his phone number in any way connected with her being gone so long. Also he could not allow someone to come here to pick her up. They would then realize he had spent all this time with her dressed like this. For the same reasons he could not drive her home…seduction is all someone would see.
This was getting more confusing by the minute. Harry had said he was coming over around nine or so. It was already eight.
This story of this young nymph had been something he wanted to share with Harry when she first arrived; but now she was no longer a story to be shared and joked about. She had become a precious, naïve, young woman he wanted to protect and get home safely, but he certainly wanted no one to know she had ever been here. Her safe return was most important, but staying out of trouble was a close second.
When it came to the law he had a deep conviction to avoid any trouble what so ever. He knew there is only trouble if it became known he was harboring a young woman of this age. He had his run in with the law earlier in life and vowed to stay absolutely clear of any legal complications for ever more. This had to be handled very discretely. He had to steer clear of trouble.
“Listen Sarah, you have to help me do something. I have enjoyed talking with you, but I would be in so much trouble if your parents or anyone else knew you were here. You are a beautiful young lady and I need to get you back where you belong, and you need to help me find a way to get you back there such that no one knows about your every being here. Understand?”
Sarah looked at him and smiled,
“Yes Mr. Clem, I understand. I read a lot of books. You would be in a peck of trouble if someone knew I was here. You want me out of here right now at any cost…up the road…out of your life…and forgotten. The problem is I can’t think of a way to do that. It is getting late and dark. I can’t ride home in the dark. I really don’t have anyone to call to come and get me and beside all that, I like being here with you.”
Clem became aware of his very unwanted erection. This was too much. She had to be a plant. The sheriff was going to be here any minute…life for Mr. Warren.
“What in the world do you mean? Surely you have parents who are getting very anxious to see you and know that you are safe. Do they work? Have they been gone all day? When were you supposed to be back from your bike ride?”
“Mr. Clem, no one knows I went on a bike ride and no one cares much about where I am. My mom and dad are divorced and my mom lives in South America. She does not talk to me anymore since she moved. My dad goes to Europe and the Far East on business; he in Hong Kong now with a new lady friend that moved in with us. She wants me to call her mom, but that is just for show. She was supposed to take me to music camp this morning and I guess she forgot last night while she was begging to go on the trip with dad. They left and no one was told to take me to camp, so I pulled my big bags into the old milk house and found that old bike to ride. That is how I got here.”
Clem felt a panic building inside. It was clear she was not a plant by the law. He knew her story was true…she was not leading him on…she was just not the type to play games. No one could make up such a story on the fly.
What should he do?
His mind was racing wildly through the dilemma and as he did, he noticed Sarah was becoming calmer and more comfortable standing on the porch talking with him. He turned toward her and she responded by turning in his direction. Her blouse still was open revealing her very light weight camisole. In the gathering light she seemed older for a moment. She certainly acted mature for her apparent age. He had no choice but to trust in her maturity and solve this together with her.
“Sarah I will let you spend the night if that is best. But two things…we must get you home somehow first thing in the morning even if I have to push you up that hill…and second…I have an old guy coming over in about ten minutes to see me, I do not want him to know you are here. If you want to spend the night you are going to have to go upstairs into the bed room now and remain quiet until he leaves. Can you do that?”
Sarah turned without a word, went through door and directly up the steps.
“The bedroom is on the right and the bath is on the left. I converted that other room to storage years ago.”
Clem’s words followed her up the stairs. He heard the squeaky door to his bedroom open and shut firmly. He stood alone on the porch surrounded by the ever increasing night noises of the country.
He sat down on an old glider and stared off down the drive. How in the world did this happen. He tried to calm down, get rid of all his erotic thoughts and the erection that had plagued him.
He needed to keep his priorities in strictly in order. First, was the safe return of this precocious, friendly, young woman, second was assuring there were no complications with the law. Harry played no part in either, he had to be ushered right back down the road.
He all this organized before Harry got here.
Minutes later he saw the first sign of head lights coming down the hill on the dirt road and soon Harry’s Ford sedan turned up the drive and parked down by the garage. Harry got out and headed up the drive walking in the beam of the head lamps. Clem watched in silence. Harry arrived at the porch and the head lamps went out on his car.
Harry was always loud. Maybe he was hard of hearing, who knows; but right now there was no question Sarah would hear everything he said.
“Clem, how you doing…can’t believe what you were telling me on the phone. She rode right in here on a bike. How about that? You live way out here in the middle of nowhere and something like this happens; I live right in town and nothing ever happens. Where is she? Love to meet her…let’s go inside.”
Clem did not have a chance to say a word until Harry turned toward the front door.
“Harry, wait a moment. My visitor is gone…she was here a couple hours…hate that you drove all the way out from town if you came to meet her…I got her bike fixed and she rode back the way she came. Cute kid…maybe just a school girl out playing a little hooky from her classes.”
Harry turned and dropped down on the porch glider.
“Well that’s the story of my life. I should have called you when I got home from the station and saved the drive.”
With that, everything was back to normal. It was just two old coots sitting on a porch bullshitting now.
Harry soon grew weary just shooting the breeze. There were better things to do back at the bar in town.
“See you on the weekend. Too bad I missed her!”
Harry threw over his shoulder as he wandered back down toward his car. In no time he was headed back down the hill toward town.
Clem noticed a bit of dust behind Harry’s car. A sure sign that things were drying out a little and if it did not storm tonight Sarah would have an easier time getting up the hill in the morning.


Clem opened the front door quietly, closed it behind him and locked the dead bolt. A strange possessive feeling came over him. There was a woman locked in the house with him; a young, beautiful woman who really wanted to be here. One by one he checked each of the down stairs windows and the back door. He moved slowly, carefully allowing his mind to try and grasp the situation.
Do the right thing…echoed through his brain.
Finished with security, he moved across the room to the day bed and removed a hand sewn coverlet revealing clean sheets. Clem opened up a light blanket folded at one end of the bed and pulled it up into place. It the hall closet he took a pillow from the shelf and completed Sarah’s bed for the night.
One step at a time he moved up the steps to the bed room. It was a little earlier than normal to go to bed, but he wanted to get this process behind him. There was a constant worry in the back of his mind. He wanted the little nymph down on the daybed quickly…he wanted to fall asleep quickly…he wanted morning to come quickly…and he wanted to see her perfect little skirt clad butt disappearing back up the hill quickly. He had to do things right. There could be no legal screw ups in his life. Something like this could be a real problem for him with his legal record.
She had been very quiet as requested; probably sitting in his easy chair reading one of his books.
With every admonition he could muster, he opened the door to his bedroom. He was calm, organized and he would do this right…he really like this young woman…he wanted to treat her correctly…like a daughter he had never had.
In the subdued light he could see Sarah in his bed and on the dresser just inside the door were her skirt, blouse, and camisole neatly folded and placed in a pile. His heart raced. She was nude in his bed covered by just the sheet. Holy shit! Why would she do that? Why would she make this so complicated?
Clem moved across to the bed, leaned over and shook her arm through the sheet.
“Sarah! My buddy is gone. You can go down stairs on the daybed. I made it up for you. You will be comfortable down there.”
Sarah turned over onto her back and moved up on the pillow. She appeared wide awake, she looked up at him with a strange captivating look in her eyes, but she said nothing.
He had to be decisive, responsible.
“I am going across the hall and take a shower. You move down to the day bed while I am in the shower.”
Sarah didn’t move. She just continued to look at him with the same beguiling eyes.
“Why did you take your clothes off?”
He asked. Trying to be a bit more assertive and get her moving.
“Put something on and go down stairs.”
“If you want, wear one of my T-shirts from the top drawer in that dresser. Good night!”
Clem crossed the room, without another word and headed down the hall and into the bathroom.
He forced himself to think of right things, stay calm and lose himself in hot water and soap.
Hope against hope she would be down stairs where she belonged when he returned to the bedroom…hope against hope she would still me lying there with that look in her beautiful eyes.
Clem dried thoroughly and put on boxers and a white T-shirt that he had taken to the bathroom.
He dried and dressed very slowly. He scrubbed his teeth slowly. He did not want the answer to the question in his bedroom quite yet. He wanted to savor the possibility. He did not want this adventure to end.
Once finished he quietly went back across the hall and opened the bedroom door. The room was much darker than before. He could see little except for his side of the bed and the white sheet turned down ready for him.
What a considerate little gal. Someone had raised her correctly. He shut the door and started across to the bed. It was dark except for a little light coming in through the open window from the yard light. That little bit of light comforted him every night and he would definitely need all the comfort he could get tonight. Trying to forget that sweet innocent little gal asleep downstairs would not be easy.
Clem slid into his bed and pulled the sheet over him. For a moment he lay very still on his back. The cool sheet felt so good. He had in made. He had done the right thing.
That was, until he heard the door open and Sarah came into the bedroom.
“Mr. Clem. I can’t sleep down there alone. I‘m scared. There are so many strange noises outside. I want to be up here with you.”
Clem froze,
“Listen Sarah, no way. You do not know how a man thinks, what a problem it is for me to do what is right with you here in my house, let alone in the same room. Please go down and try to sleep. We must get you home first thing in the morning.”
Sarah took the remaining steps around to stand at the other side of the bed,
“Mr. Clem, listen! I read a lot of stuff and I have been told everything about men. I am old enough to know about sex stuff and I really need to sleep up here where I feel safe.”
His erection literally lifted the sheet upward.
“Sarah, this is the country and little critters make noise at night. I understand you are not used to it, but nothing is going to harm you. Go back down and give it a try. Please!”
“By the way…what do you mean…when you say you know stuff? Does that mean you know what kind of trouble I would get into if I did something to you?”
“You mean like sex?”
She offered, standing close to the bed.
Clem gulped,
“Yes Sarah, you are a young woman. You should not even be thinking about sex at this age.”
“How old do you think I am Clem? I know everything about men and sex. Years ago my crazy tutor lady, Myrtle taught me everything. She told me all the wild stuff and then gave me a lot to read. I read all the time. I read her stuff and then I read a lot of sexy books from my dad’s library upstairs just for fun.”
Sarah stood at the side of the bed, not moving.
“Please let me stay here with you. I know what trouble you could get into, but only if I say something. I will not get you in trouble for helping me. No one will know. I really have no one who cares. Please, please just let me stay up here. I will leave in the morning.”
Clem said nothing. A strong feeling of self control came over him. It led to wild rationalization. No way would anything happen. He had been through too much with the law before and she was too young to be tempting. Besides, doing anything with someone so young was probably impossible.
Sarah was standing on the other side of the bed. In the dim light she was just a shadow, but it was enough to show she still wearing only her thin camisole and white panties. The white was so evident. The rest of her was a very seductive shadow.
He fell silent.
She turned back the sheet and simply crawled in beside him. Not another word was spoken.
Clem lay very still on his back. His arms straight down at his sides.
He was more frightened than he had been in years.
Should he move down to the daybed? If he left her alone up here it would solve nothing. The noises of nature were as loud up here as down stairs.
Moments passed and he started to calm. Perhaps sleep would simply overtake both of them now; it had been a busy, trying day for sure.
He could feel the cool breeze from the window and with it came the wonderful sounds of and early summer night in the country. He had his head under control. He could handle this for sure. He prided himself in being a responsible human being.
Then, her young hand moved over in the dark, explored and found his. It was just her hand. Her hand was warm. It felt good. She closed her fingers around his. It felt good to have her there.
“Thank you, Mr. Clem.”
Sarah said; then not a word.
Clem lay very still. Perhaps sleep would come now…but her simple move of gratitude had him to coming unglued. His erection raged. That one simple move on her part had destroyed his conviction.
Did she want his attention? What should he say or do?
Clem gently closed his fingers around hers in return.
Moments passed and neither of them moved. Perhaps sleep would come now…but there was a stirring in the bed as Sarah turned toward Clem, lifted the covers between them and reached across his chest hunting for his left hand.
Her young body was right there, facing him, nude except for her thin camisole and white panties.
Clem turned toward her. Their hands interlocked.
Gently Clem pulled her closer in the dark and she responded. Just inches separated them.
Clem slowly encircled her with his arms. She murmured something he could not hear.
Her long hair, which had been tied in a pony tail, now streamed over his arm to the pillow they shared. It felt so good.
Somehow, her arms had found their way around him: one under his neck and the other around his waist.
They lay quietly embracing. What an unlikely couple. Perhaps sleep…
His chin rested above her head and yet their lower bodies matched evenly.
All of a sudden, he became aware that they were clenching one another very tightly. All the safe space between them had disappeared. It was like each wanted more and more of the other.
Just as Clem realized how tight they were holding one another, he heard a little giggle from Sarah,
“You are hurting me Mr. Clem. You are going to break me in two.”
Sarah whispered as she tried to free herself without a lot of conviction.
Clem released her and she lifted up just a little allowing him to move his arm from under her.
This dream was over. This embrace had become too much. Thank goodness she was safe; she was not hurt. She could not blame him. It had been a spontaneous thing, one to which both contributed.
Perhaps sleep would come…but, they were still facing one another and their bodies were still tightly together.
Clem froze. He did not want to destroy her trust. He did not move.
Her arms came back around him and her right leg moved casually up and over his lower body as she snuggled close to his side.
He lay very still. Perhaps sleep…but after a few moments his nerves were a tingle again. Sarah was moving ever so slightly against him and her breathing had grown very strong and regular. Was she asleep or was she aroused?
His question was answered when he distinctly felt her kiss his chest through the T-shirt.
“Thank you!”
She murmured.
The only things separating them were his shirt and boxers; and her camisole and white panties.
Minutes passed. Clem could not move. He knew her right leg was lying solidly across his erection. She could surely feel it. Why didn’t she move away?
Then she began an ever so slight movement against him again…almost indiscernible at first, but soon it became a loving routine in the dark. She would move against him. He would struggle to remain still but shudder slightly each time she moved. Then her lips would respond with a gentle kiss each time she felt his body move.
She seemed to know so much. She was playing a game with him? Was he just a character in a novel? Was she just testing to see what he would do?
Clem could take no more. She was just a tease. He pushed himself away and sat up abruptly.
“Young lady, you cannot do this to me; it is way too tempting. This isn’t a harmless game. You don’t know what you are doing when you move like that.”
Sarah only moved closer to him and coil around him as he sat there. She looked up with that look.
“Mr. Clem I know all about sex. I told you my old lady tutor told me all about things long ago. Crazy Myrtle gave me books to read and I read them. I have spent so much time thinking about being like this with a man. I am alone every day. I have no one to really talk to about things. You are my first real friend.”
He looked nervously down,
“We have got to stop. I can’t be that man. That man for you has to be someone a lot younger. You have got to go down stairs. There are laws against this.”
Clem just rattled.
She move tighter to him,
“Mr. Clem, please don’t get upset. It is just like what you said about the noises in the night air. Nothing is going to hurt us. We can be safe here together. You are the first person to treat me like a real person and talk to me. My parents are gone; the tutors treat me like I am a dumb kid, and the staff think it is work to talk to me. You treat me like I am what I am, just a gal who likes being with you.”
Clem was astonished at her mature forthrightness.
“Mr. Clem I know all about sex. It was taught to me over and over. Old Myrtle seemed to like the subject more than any other. I know everything. I know where babies come from.”
With that comment she took Clem’s right hand and placed it against her lower front.
“I also know you and I are not going to get into any trouble. Please don’t be scared. Is it wrong for a man to just hold a younger woman? It feels so good to be close to you. Please lay back down.”
In one move Clem lifted his undershirt and threw it over onto the chair. He was resigned to his emotions. This girl needed him and frankly, he needed her as well. He could do this. She was right. Nothing could possibly happen.
He lay down on his back. Immediately, her arms came around his neck and her right leg came back over him.
“Do you know what that is?”
Clem asked; knowing she had to be aware of his erection with her leg positioned as it was.
Sarah replied; nothing more.
Gently Clem moved her upward such that her leg was higher, no longer passed directly over him as before. As he pulled Sarah upward into his arms she moved further than he had intended. She brought her upper body completely on top of him such that her young breasts were directly at his lips.
He kissed her there fully expecting her to be startled and withdraw. She did not.
Clem slid his hands down her sides; his desires momentarily out of control. With one hand on each side he slid her cute little camisole up and she rose such that he could take it over her head. It joined his shirt on the chair.
Now nude above the waist, Sarah allowed his lips to consume her bare breasts, completely. She moaned audibly and drew him upward in a protective fashion as he moved from one breast to the other. She drew him to her tighter and tighter as she responded.
The night sounds coming from the open window were joined by the quiet sounds of two people loving one another.
She moved her breasts back and forth against his lips and murmured in ecstasy as she did. An undeserved feeling of innocence came over Clem as he simply lay on his back and allowed her movement.
Soon however his hands started slowly down her back, gently embracing her, until he reached her panties. Without removing her breasts from his lips, she lifted automatically as his thumbs went inside the waist band on either side and slid them down, and off. They joined the other things over on the chair.
Sarah was now on top and completely nude. With her panties gone, her moisture immediately came through his boxers first dampening his right leg and then, as she moved onto him, dampening him completely.
Clem had never been so aroused in his life, but a new sense of control passed over him. He was certain no penetration was possible if he simply lay still and let her enjoy being right there.
She had moved directly back over him so she could bring him back to her breasts. His lips responded.
She moaned and a new motion began; a motion which now included her entire body working over his.
Clem’s hands returned to her back.
Sarah would move downward. Clem would release her breast. Her kiss would go to the side of his neck as she moved down against him, legs together, with only his boxers between them. Then she would move back up until he once again could consume her breast, only to repeat the downward movement again.
After numerous cycles, Sarah’s legs finally began to move outward forcefully on each of the downward movements. Somewhere in the process the front of his boxers had opened and she was directly against his erection.
Clem stopped, lifted his hips for a moment, Sarah lifted too; and in one motion his boxers landed on the bed side chair.
They were completely nude together and things were completely out of control. He was directly against her.
Clem was still convinced this could go no further. Any form of real sex was impossible. This was just outrageous temptation.
Without hesitation, Sarah slid downward until she had him firmly against her.
Right away it was confirmed. There was no way, absolutely no way. She was so warm, so moist, but there was absolutely no…
“Thank goodness we are safe” Clem muttered to himself not knowing he could be heard.
Sarah offered with a little moan.
She clung tightly to his neck and slid upward until her lips were by his ear,
“Nothing in all those books told me how good this would feel Mr. Clem. I know you think it is wrong, but oh my; is it exciting for me. I have seen some of the party people at the estate doing it. I watched down through the railing. What I have seen I will not tell you about right now. I am too busy!”
She chuckled.
With that she moved down firmly against him. He automatically responded by embracing her and moving upward against her holding her tightly. A flood of moisture came to him as she once began moving along him.
Her movement began very high on his body, as she placed her breast in position for his kiss; and it ended as she came down solidly against him below.
Fortunately, there was absolutely no entry, but it sure wasn’t for lack of trying.
Each time she moved downward she would murmur something and come back to his lips, only to slide back down a little harder.
Suddenly, she shook from head to toe, again and again. She clung to him with an unbelievable strength, shaking, convulsing.
He tightened his embrace.
Sarah was climaxing violently in his arms.
Sarah was his, or was he hers.
She lay there on top of him encircled in his arms, quietly, shaking from head to toe.
No entry, not even close but she had still managed an enormous climax.
Clem lay holding her, panting and not knowing what to do or say.
Sarah broke the silence without lifting her face from his chest,
“Wow was that something. That was wonderful. Did I scare you?”
“I have never had one like that. I have little ones playing at home. I know what that’s all about, but I have never had one like that. Wow! Can I just lie here on top of you?”
He muttered not knowing what else to say.
The conversation was over; she was holding him tightly with her lips against the side of his neck. Clem could feel spasm after spasm pass through her body. Each time she responded with a flood of moisture onto him.
Clem felt a certain peace. She had climaxed. That removed a lot of pressure for her, for sure.
Perhaps they would sleep…
He allowed his arms to relax downward to the bed giving her full freedom to leave.
He was filled with a sense of calm resolution
He had been ready but there was no way they had been able to…
Time passed unnoticed. He was still resting, lost in thought, when he felt the first of her renewed movements on top of him.
Sarah seemed lost in his arms as she began to move along him. It started slowly, quietly, but it grew much quicker this time, until she was lost in frenzy, trying one angle, then another.
Her murmurs became a moan as his arms came up around her to hold her. Then her moans grew stronger. He was certain she was hurting herself.
With strong arms he brought her to a halt.
“Sarah, stop. Come to your senses. We have done enough! That has got to hurt like hell; Stop!”
He held her tightly to him so she could not move.
Sarah lifted enough to look down directly into his eyes,
“You are right. That hurts like hell. So please just let me alone so I can hurt myself. Turn me loose you monster”
She lifted her face from his chest again, gave him a most seductive grin, and dropped her lips to his neck.
With that Clem released her and she return to loving him. His arms encircled her and his hands went gently down her back and found her beautiful bottom. As soon as he did, she came down harder than ever.
Time after time from one side then the other she tried; each time flooding him.
No way; he was absolutely certain nothing could happen just when it felt like she might have succeeding in doing something they should not be doing.
No pain, no comment…she stopped, raised up just a little, looked at him with her seductive grin and came down firmly along his body.
She went down on him as far as she could go, and doubled over once again in another grand climax.
Clem responded. Time after time he responded as he had sworn to himself he never would.
Tremendous guilt immediately followed. He had done something he should not have. She had the sure evidence a court would need to convict.
Then moments later as she moved to lie beside him, he became even more aware of the results. Everything was a mess.
Clem lay in panic. He looked over at Sarah lying on her back, so pretty, so sweet. What had he done? Nothing could be worse. He was a convicted felon from way back when. He had been found guilty of assault in a case that had to do with an army buddy, and too much drinking. His sentence had been heavy, his parole had been long, and he never wanted a run in with the law again.
Now he lay beside someone very young and, by any definition, a court would say he had raped her.
All she had to do was tell anyone and he was in jail for life. He could feel the sliminess of fear mixing with all the other moisture on his body. What the hell was he to do?
She came on to him…right…but no one would listen, no one would care. That made absolutely no difference in court. He was frozen with fear. He did not know what to do, what to say.
Sarah moved out of the bed. The hall light came on. The bathroom door closed, but still he could clearly hear and what he heard only contributed to his unmitigated fear.
Then there was the sound of water in the basin.
The hall light remained on as she returned to his bedroom and his bed. She was carrying a warm wash cloth and a towel from the shower.
She moved the sheet down from his body and came up beside him on her knees.
She quietly whispered close to his ear,
“I can remember years ago, my mother would do this when I was scared and sweaty at night. It felt so good.”
Saying no more, she started to gently wipe his body from his waist to his knees, followed by the dry towel. Right then nothing could have felt better.
He relaxed just a little. The fears subsided as she finished and moved her nude body down alongside his. Once again his right arm held her firmly to his side. She moved as close as she could possibly get and carefully put her right knee over him. He brought the sheet and light blanket up over them as her right arm went across his chest and the other under his neck. She gently kissed his chest and sighed softly.
For tonight all was going to be grand. Clem had not had a female close to him since his wife died years ago. Sarah felt so good. He would enjoy the moment and leave all the problems for tomorrow.