Meagan’s Life Lessons

Teen Meagan’s Sexual Life Lessons Begin

Meagan’s Life Lessons
by BrettJ © 2009

16-year old Meagan Rivers was home from Boarding School and assumed she’d be on her own for the summer. There was no way in hell her parents were going to allow this because A) she was much too young and B) the little blonde was hell on wheels, which is why she’d been set to school in Europe in the first place. They’d sent their daughter to the Private, supposedly-strict school because she was “incorrigible” and a “Raving Nymphomaniac” one counselor had told them. Since turning fifteen, Meagan had discovered she liked fucking, she liked it a lot. She didn’t drink, she didn’t smoke, she just derived pleasure from her body – what was the big deal about that? She’d been fucking one of the guys from school when her parents came home and busted them, she never saw Terry again and her father’s face went tomato-red. They made some calls and shipped the young blonde off to school the next week. Meagan had arrived home a few weeks earlier than planned, having achieved Straight-A’s on her finals. Her parents had been planning a trip to France and were going to pick her up at the end, but her early arrival threw a Monkey Wrench into everything..

Pretty, blonde Meagan wasn’t stupid, just spirited. If her idiot parents thought being at an all-girls Boarding School was going to slow her down, they were dumber than she thought. She just started playing for the other team and found that loving girls could be a lot of fun – so could loving women, some of the more daring teachers had taught her a few tricks. With her all-American cheerleader good looks, she’d found lots of girlfriends who helped tutor her in exchange for passionate nights between the sheets – and a few teachers granted her extensions or assistance for the same privilege. Meagan put it all to good use, she intended to make something of herself, she just wanted to have some fun along the way.

Meagan was not going to sit around all summer and be bored, not only that, her parents insisted she get a summer job. She didn’t want to work at some dull clothing store or at a Dunkin Donuts or anything like that, earning minimum wage. Meagan could feel a war brewing.

Her Aunt Melissa came to her rescue. She and Melissa were close, as Meagan’s mother was nearly 45 and Melissa was 30, closer to Meagan’s age. She had also been a bit of a “Wild Child” in her youth, so she understood where Meagan was coming from.

“I just lost the hostess in my restaurant to a possessive girlfriend, so I really need a new hostess. I could pay Meagan a decent wage, plus she’d get a portion of the tips from the staff. As for living arrangements, Meagan could stay with me at my Condo and keep me company and help out. What do you think Meagan, would that be something you’d be interested in, sweetheart?”

Meagan had to refrain herself from jumping up and down. She knew her Aunt Melissa would likely loosen the leash a bit and she’d always liked Melissa’s restaurant, which was somewhat eclectic, fine dining downstairs, casual family dining upstairs.

If there was anyone Meagan wanted to emulate it was her sexy, worldly, gorgeous Aunt Melissa. Melissa was a risk-taker, when she’d divorced her husband 6 years ago, instead of taking alimony, she asked for her Condo and a lump-sum payment, which she used to build the restaurant from the ground up. Risky in a down economy, but it had paid off in large dividends. Melissa was totally debt-free and enjoyed each and every moment of her new single life to the fullest. Meagan had often suspected her aunt’s “Wild Child” wasn’t gone, just hiding.

“Don’t pack too much hon, you’ll be earning good money and be able to buy some nice, new things,” Melissa said to her niece. Melissa saw her sister’s frown, Margaret had never approved of the way her younger sister dressed, a little too risqu?or her tastes.

“Sexy things, I hope,” Meagan whispered to her aunt.

“Count on it,” Melissa laughed back. “Have you got something sexy you can wear? One of the trademarks in our fine dining area is our young, sexy staff.”

“Why don’t you help me pick something out when we get to your place?” Meagan suggested. She leaned in and whispered “I don’t want Mom to see everything; it’ll just start another fight.”

“Very sensible,” Melissa chuckled. “You’ll do well. Come on kitten, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Meagan couldn’t get over her room at her Aunt’s Condo – it was light and breezy, beautifully elegant with a nice view of a backyard garden, lots of sunshine, fine linens and a real, honest-to-goodness brass bed. She was unpacking when her Aunt Melissa walked in.

“”What do you think of your room, kitten?” Melissa smiled.

“Oh Aunt Melissa, this is nicer than my room at home – and I’ll have lots more privacy, thank you so, so much!” Meagan gushed.

“You’re free to come and go as you please hon and do your own thing – within reason,” Melissa explained. “I’ll expect you to be on time at work and put in the hours, but other than that, we’ll have lots of time for some fun this summer. That’s the most valuable lesson I’ll ever teach you sweetheart – you can do whatever you want, so long as you look and act respectable. That’s how the game is played.”

Meagan started unpacking again when Melissa stopped her. “That blouse is perfect for work, nice and gauzy and pink, very feminine. Do you have a nice skirt to go with it and some nice lingerie?”

”Skirt yes, lingerie no – Mom isn’t big on it and I didn’t have a lot of money this year from last year’s summer job,” Meagan responded.

Melissa handed her niece her VISA Card. “Go to La Femme Boutique, the owner is a friend of mine, tell her you need lingerie and I’m paying for it. Do you have a nice pair of heels?”


“Okay, get two pairs, at least one pair of stilettos. Don’t worry about the money, like I said, we’ll have some fun this summer.”

“Aunt Melissa, I love you … how will I ever thank you?”

“We’ll think of something.” Melissa winked. “Go on luv, have some fun, I’ll see you tonight when I get home from the restaurant.”

Meagan got a cab and went to La Femme with her aunt’s Credit Card. She introduced herself to the owner, a pretty Asian woman named Nancie Tyler. She was very attentive to Meagan’s every need; she was friendly, welcoming and a bit flirty & touchy-feely. Meagan got the vibe this woman was either bi or Gay, she had no issue with that, because she was equally attracted to Nancie. She made a mental note to return to the Boutique sometime soon and check out her little hunch.

She walked out with almost more packages then she could carry, Nancie even gave her a pair of thigh-high boots to try out, insisting that “Melissa will approve, trust me.” Meagan called some friends and went out to dinner, had a nice time but was home by 9. She fell asleep in front of the TV watching “CSI”.

Around midnight, or so she assumed, she heard some noises coming from the other room. A bit of squeaking, a few whispers, she caught a few choice dirty words and then some moans. Good for Aunt Melissa – she was getting fucked! It was a bit naughty, but Meagan began rubbing her pussy underneath her skirt, feeling her body grow aroused, her cunt moist. She heard the moans grow louder, but she didn’t hear a man’s voice. She would have sworn she heard two sets of moans – both female – was her Aunt Melissa into girls? How devilishly kinky, the pretty teen thought.

Over lunch the next day, Meagan showed her aunt the new purchases. Melissa paid careful attention to each and every item and wore a big smile. She broke into a broad smile when Meagan sheepishly showed her the boots. “Nancie knows me very well, she’s right, I don’t mind. They’re very kicky, but I wouldn’t wear those to work. Wear the little peach colored bra and matching thong, the blouse I liked with the tiny skirt and the heels. Make sure to be nicely made up and smelling nice. You’ll get lots of extra tips if you do.”

Melissa didn’t steer her niece wrong, her first night at the restaurant was a lot of fun. She had over 40 extra dollars in her wallet when she left, which she put aside towards another visit to Nancie’s Boutique. She was really curious about the sexy Asian woman.

Over the next few weeks, her tips increased and her Bank Account grew. Lots of customers left their phone numbers, the single men, more women than she would have expected and even a few couples. Meagan kept a few of those numbers, anxious for a little adventure or two once she had some free time. She hadn’t been laid in weeks, thank God for her tiny vibrator and lots of batteries.

A few weeks later, one of the busgirls became ill, so Meagan volunteered to help the other three waitresses clean up and close for the night. She loaded the last few dishes in the Dishwasher and went by her aunt’s office, seeing that the light was on. She thought that Melissa had left hours ago, so she looked inside to make sure everything was okay.

It was more than okay. On her knees was her Aunt Melissa, sucking the very large cock of her head Chef, Jean-Paul. Behind her aunt, eating her pussy, was a long-legged black girl Meagan had never seen before. She appeared to be close to Meagan’s age, but the black girl had to be nearly 6’ tall and was stunning. From the looks of things, the trio had been at this for quite some time. The grunts and noises they were making were getting to Meagan, her hands drifted under her skirt and past her tiny thong to stroke her hot, horny pussy.

“You’re a wonderful boss Melissa, you may not pay the best wages in town, but you can’t beat the Job Perks,” the hard-cocked Chef groaned as Melissa’s blonde head bobbed up and down on his cock.

“She’s really tasty too, Daddy,” the black girl said. Meagan hadn’t known Jean-Paul had a daughter, she figured she was either adopted or his wife was black, but it didn’t matter – she was witnessing actual incest and it added to her excitement. Jean-Paul got out of the chair and Melissa positioned herself against her desk while the black girl got in front of her. “I love eating your cunt Serria, you have the sweetest little cunt, I’m glad your Mommy & Daddy don’t mind sharing!” Melissa murmured between licks.

“Mom says you should come over this weekend Melissa, some of her girlfriends are going to be there – we can all have fun,” Serria sighed as the blonde speared her tongue deep into her cunt.

“Can’t darling, I have to be here,” Melissa said as she continued licking and her pussy was being filled with cock.

“Can’t the new girl keep an eye on things for the afternoon?” Serria groaned, either in frustration or passion, it was hard to tell.

“Meagan. I suppose I could ask her and …”

Melissa had startled Meagan by mentioning her name and she’d gasped, all eyes saw her peeping at them. Melissa didn’t say anything, then laughed out loud.

“Well darling, I guess you know what kind of naughty lady your Aunt Melissa is. So I guess the question is, are you going to leave or stay in here and join in the fun?”

Meagan’s answer was to do one of the quickest strips on record. She moved to Serria first, as she seemed to be close to Meagan’s age and she had never had sex with a black girl. Their lips met and they fell to the carpeted floor and moved into a side-by-side sixty-nine, licking each other avidly. Meagan was pleased to see that Serria’s pussy was shaved bare and her tits were perfect little peaches with cocoa-brown nipples. She was very responsive and Meagan was equally delighted to find the girl knew her way around a cunt; her tongue was digging in deep.

Meagan looked over and saw that now her aunt was on the floor as well, mounting Jean-Paul’s thick cock and riding him fast and furious. She didn’t think she’d ever seen anything as sexy as her blonde, sexy aunt fucking the Chef like a wildcat. She was surprised no one had heard anything, the way Melissa was carrying on.

Serria wanted to fuck her father next, that left Meagan with Melissa. The two women cuddled and kissed, fingertips just grazing their bare skin, lips met lips and they talked softly as they played.

“So, we both like girls. That’s going to make my living with you a lot more fun,” Meagan sighed as Melissa tweaked a nipple between her thumb and finger. Her pussy got even wetter.

“Mmm-hmm, neither of us will have to sleep alone, although we’ll have to discuss boundaries,” Melissa sighed as her niece nuzzled her neck. “Mind you, I’m such a perverted slut, if you find anyone you want to share with me, I likely won’t object.” Melissa giggled.

“I feel the same way. I almost came into your room the night I moved in, I was sure you were having sex.”

”I was. Were you listening? Did it make you horny?”

”Yes I was, and yes, it did. Who were you fucking?”

”Nancie. She called me after you left the shop and asked if we could get together, you really turned her on, sweetie. We’ve been lovers for years, you know?”

“No, I didn’t know, but I got that vibe when I met her. Next time you bring her home, I want to ride her face and watch you fuck her with a strap-on, okay Aunt Melissa?” Meagan said, her perversity surprising her aunt.

“You don’t need to call me `Aunt’, all of my lovers call me Melissa or even Missy.”

“I’m your lover now? Wow. Who’d have thought when I came to live with you for the summer, things would turn out this way?”

Melissa’s fingers were grazing over the blonde fleece covering Meagan’s pussy. “Well, to be honest, I was hoping it might lead in this direction, that’s why I hired you and then sent you to Nancie. It all worked out very nicely.”

“I guess it did. Hey, why hasn’t anyone bothered us, with the noises you were making and how loud Serria is when she cums, I’d think …”

“It’s a sound-proof room, sweetheart.”

“Ah, okay.”

The two blondes were slowly moving together for some more oral sex, but Melissa had one last thing she wanted to say to her niece. “Listen hon, I know you hated that Boarding School, so why don’t you enroll in the local Community College, you’re way ahead of the regular High Schools here. That way, you can keep working here and stay with me as long as you want. I can talk to your mother and assure her you’ll get a really good education.” Her mouth descended on Meagan’s cunt right after that and Meagan couldn’t think much after that, although her first thought had been “Boy, that’s an understatement.”

Meagan got to party with everyone that night, they let Jean-Paul fuck her from behind while his daughter’s pussy was available to her and she and Melissa lost count of how many times they made love. The next day was a Sunday, so Melissa and Meagan spent a lazy afternoon making love, talking about the future and realizing being together suited them both very nicely.

A year later, Meagan was working hard towards completing her degree in Business Administration and was also made a partner by Melissa. Melissa told her lover that now they were “Partners in life, partners in business” and the aunt & niece celebrated in the newly-renovated bedroom they both shared.

“Problem now Missy, is now we’ve got an extra bedroom we’re not using. Any ideas on what we should do with it?” Meagan asked her aunt-lover as they snuggled in bed.

“A few. Jean-Paul says his daughter is going to Culinary School next month and it’s close to here, she could use a place to stay. Should we offer her the spare room?”

“Hmm … let me think about it, YES!” Meagan giggled. “If she’s as good as her father, we’re in for quite a treat after she moves in.”

“Were you referring to sex or her cooking skills?” Melissa teasingly asked as Meagan began kissing down her body.

“I’ll get back to you on that later,” Meagan sighed as her lips grazed against Melissa’s freshly-waxed pussy and began licking …