Former Playboy Playmates Part 2: Diane’s Story

Diane travels, attends events, learns truth about a friend.

Author’s note: This part of series involving fictional former Playboy Playmates. They are all sisters and will each have two stories — the first one will be interracial, the second will be incest. Diane is introduced in my other story: The Challenge 4. It’s not necessary to read that story but you may think it’s neat to learn a few things about her from it. The events of this story take place a couple months after the first.

Editing thanks go to Todger65.

Former Playboy Playmates Part 2: Diane’s Story

Chapter 1

Diane sat next to a hospital bed in Tampa Bay, Florida, gently caressing the hand of a 71 year old African-American. His name was Sam and they have been sleeping together, when they got a chance, for the last 15 years. Diane was in Tampa to visit her sister, Julianne before traveling to Atlanta for an event an old friend invited her to attend.

Sam’s son, Tony, would be there soon. Diane was looking forward to seeing him; they have been sleeping together, when they got a chance, since they were 18 or so. Diane, now 52, chatted with the older Sam about various things, knowing it would probably be the last time she saw him.

“I still have that old Playboy issue you posed in,” Sam told Diane.

“Oh you do? Did you like it?” She asked, smiling softly at him.

“Very much so. It brought me some happy moments,” Sam joked.

“Uh huh, I’m sure it did,” Diane said, kissing his hand.

“Tony will be here soon, maybe you two can go to lunch.”

“Maybe, but I’m having fun talking to you right now.”

“We had some happy moments didn’t we?” Sam asked.

“We sure did, quite a few. You, your son, and me,” Diane answered.

“You know Tony and I weren’t that close in his younger years. I’m glad he brought me here.”

“You just want to be closer to him so you could try to hit on his pretty white wife,” Diane joked.

“Well maybe, but she’s not a pretty as you,” Sam replied, resting his other hand on hers. He looked at, studying her blonde hair that stopped just above her shoulders, her full lips, blue eyes. “At 52 you still look amazing.”

“Thank you, Sam,” Diane smiled, getting up to kiss his forehead, unintentionally causing her massive breasts to come into view, Sam staring down at her cleavage.

“No, thank you,” He joked, winking at her. Diane giggled and adjusted her top, jiggling her breasts some.

They stared at each other for a moment before Diane stood, walking to close his hospital room door, “I think it’s time Nurse Diane checked on her patient.”

“Yes ma’am,” Sam smiled, sitting up more in his bed. He watched Diane pull his bed sheets off his legs, slowly sliding her hands up his gown, over his knee, his thigh, and listened to her moan when her hands reached his testicles.

“Everything is still there,” Diane joked, squeezing his balls. “Let’s have a look at you,” She said, pulling his gown up further, revealing his large black cock, not fully erect yet.

“Good, very good. Now let’s see if it still works,” Diane winked at Sam, lowering herself to pepper his growing cock with kisses. “Mmm, seems like it still does,” she noticed, licking the shaft several times.

“Oh it still works, only for you though,” Sam said.

“I take that as a compliment,” Diane thanked him, continuing her licks and kisses to his now very erect cock. “Blood flow is working fine, girth and length are still amazing,” Diane, pretending to be a nurse, noted.

The old black man smiled watching this younger blonde give him, what would most likely be his last blowjob. She took him in her mouth, sucking away at the tip, moaning as she bobbed her head back and forth on it. She began unbuttoning her blouse, her mouth remaining on the cockhead, and slid her top down, revealing her huge, bra covered breasts. She glanced up at Sam who was smiling and nodding, enjoying every moment of this.

Reaching around to her back, her head still bobbing her head up and down, she unclasped her bra, letting her gorgeous breast meat out of their cage.

“Mmm, best set of tits I’ve ever seen,” Sam said, recounting the years he spent visiting her in Charleston. “You’re husband never knew did he?”

Diane shook her head “no” while inching his cock back into her throat, taking Sam’s nearest hand and bringing it to a breast.

Sam moaned again, her heavy breast filling his hand. He was getting close to climaxing, the heart rate monitor speeding up. He was getting closer and closer to releasing his load down her hungry throat. After a few minutes the heart rate monitor was beeping louder and faster, a nurse would be in soon to check on him. Sam gritted his teeth, wincing in pleasure, gripping the back of her head as the monitor was beeping very fast now.

“Ahhh,” he moaned, cumming, shaking, and injecting semen down a woman’s throat for the last time. “Thank you,” he said, calming down a bit, catching his breath, watching Diane dislodge his cock out of her throat. She wiped the back of her mouth, smiling, quickly fixing his gown and bed sheets.

“I was thinking of climbing on this bed and riding you, but it would it feel so good, I’d get so into it and loud, that a nurse would catch us for sure!” Diane laughed, making the old man smile.

She was buttoning up her shirt when a nurse finally did enter; checking on Sam’s vitals, making sure his heart rate was fine. At this point it had settled down. The nurse nodded suspiciously to Diane and exited the room. Sam’s son, Tony, entered about 30 seconds later.

Chapter 2

After a few minutes of chatting, Tony took Diane to lunch at a nearby restaurant. They sat and chatted for awhile.

“I suspect he won’t make it past the weekend,” Tony said.

“I’m so sorry,” Diane added.

“It’s ok. We weren’t that close in my younger years, but now things are fine. I’ll miss him but am thankful we reconnected in the last 20 years.”

Diane nodded, holding Tony’s hand from across the table. “If he passes while I’m here, I’ll be around for you if you want to talk or need some company.”

“Thank you,” Tony patted her hand with his other.

Diane was enjoying her dessert in Tony’s car on the way back to the hospital. Nodding her head while Tony talked, his cock stuffed down her throat, a mess of saliva and drool all around its base.

“You know, I haven’t seen much of your sister lately. I know she went through a rough divorce,” Tony mentioned while driving, Diane working on his cock. “Julianne is the one sister I have yet to fuck.”

“Oh?” Diane said, taking his cock out of her mouth for a moment. “When did you sleep with Stephanie?” she asked, referring to her other younger sister.

“A few months ago. She came to visit Julianne. I was in the backyard, enjoying a drink and she came on over, naked as can be, and we rolled around all over the back yard.”

“Wow! That does not seem like her at all!” Diane laughed before resuming her task.

“Oh yeah, I kid you not. It was great too. I slept with Tiffanie, causing her marriage to end, Stephanie, that one night in my back yard, your half sister Alyssa, and of course you since we were teens.”

“That leaves Julianne,” Diane said.

“It does, maybe one day I’ll have her.”

“She’s going through some bad times, maybe when she get through the rough patch she’ll be more open to dating or,” Diane said, kissing his cock head, sitting up, “She’ll sneak on over to your backyard.” She winked before continuing to suck his cock on the way back to the hospital.

They pulled into the parking garage, “We’re here,” Tony said. Diane sat up wiping her mouth dry. Tony had cum a few moments before, but she was hungrily sucking as much seed out of him as possible.

“So you said you’re going to Atlanta soon? I am too.” Tony said.

“You are? That’s great! Yeah I’ll leave here in a few days to go there. It’s a shame we aren’t going at the same time, we could ride together and I could suck this cock the whole way!”

“That would be nice, but yes I’ll be going up there a day or so after you. I’m going to an opening of a strip club a friend of the family is inviting me to,” Tony explained.

Diane arched her eye brow, “I wonder if we’re going to the same place. I have an old friend that invited me. Bob. He’s the land developer that owns the club and shopping center it’s in.”

“I know Bob. He’s a good guy, he paid me and my father handsomely for a few tasks to complete.”

“Hah, that’s great you know him too. What sort of tasks though?” Diane asked.

“My dad was a private investigator and he was paid to find you. I was paid as well a few years later to help find your sister, Tiffanie,” Tony explained.

“Why would Bob want you to find us?” Diane asked.

Tony shrugged, “No idea.”

“Huh, interesting,” Diane noted.

Her and Tony parted ways and she headed back to her sister’s house. She took Julianne shopping, buying her some jewelry for the upcoming Valentine’s Day, joking with her sister that she’s just pretending to be sad so she could get presents. Julianne didn’t find it funny and started crying. Diane hugged her depressed sister, apologizing, telling her she loved her, attempting not to tear up herself.

Chapter 3

Sam’s funeral was a few days later. Diane quietly sat in the back, giving Tony a brief hug, nodding to his wife and made her way back to Julianne’s house, next door to Tony’s.

2am that evening and Diane’s tits were bouncing up and down in the hot tub in Tony’s back yard. He was gripping her waist with one hand and chugging on vodka with the other. She was fucking him senselessly, not caring if his wife awakened or not.

When Tony came inside her, she held him close, kissing his cheek, “It’s ok.”

Diane took a sip of vodka, wiping a tear from her eye, caressing Tony’s face. She helped the hugely muscular black man out of the tub, her arms around his waist, leading him quietly inside the house. She got him a towel from the hall closet to dry him off; drying up the water they tracked into the home, and escorted him to bed where his wife appeared to still be sleeping.

Diane left his home, traversing nude across the short gap between Tony’s and Julianne’s house and took a shower, heading to bed shortly after.


The next day she arrived at her friend Bob’s huge house in Atlanta; hungry and tired from long day of driving. Bob greeted her, smiling warmly at her, hugging her. Diane thought about why Tony and his father were hired by Bob to find her and Tiffanie but decided she’d ask another time.

Bob had dinner prepared for her and they ate together in his large dining room area. They talked about the strip club opening, Bob thanking her again for coming to the event. He suggested if she wanted to dance she could.

“Oh no, my dancing days are over,” Diane said. Bob laughed understandably, thinking about the day he met her as an adult 15 years prior, the lap dance, and the night of sex. They had remained close friends ever since then.

“Well if you want to do private dances in the back room, you certainly can. Maybe a private dance for me here tonight?” Bob winked. Diane laughed at the 70 year old multi-millionaire.

“I’ll be glad to,” Diane rose to her feet, walking seductively across the table. She went to her knees, allowing her large breasts to slide across Bob’s crotch a few times before rising to her feet and turning around to gyrate her butt across his lap. She turned once more and straddled Bob, running her hands through his white hair, kissing him slowly.

Diane knew not staying with her sister Tiffanie in Atlanta while she was there was a good idea. Bob took Diane to bed, kissing her neck, bare breasts, and tummy, before arriving at her trimmed bush. Moaning, while holding his head there, Diane knew Tiffanie had settled down in her wild ways and that Diane had not. She knew this time here in Atlanta would be filled with sex with Bob, and maybe other men at the strip club. She was so looking forward to it.

As Bob climbed on top after her climax, entering her and thrusting, Diane looked lovingly up at her friend, “Perhaps he knew my mother,” she thought to herself, trying to reason why Bob hired private investigators to find her and Tiffanie.

Diane noticed his lovely blue eyes, smiling up at him while he slammed into her, shaking the bed. She was getting close to climaxing again. Her long legs wrapping around Bob’s waist, holding him there, wanting him to fill her with cum.

They came simultaneously a few minutes later, looking into Diane’s eyes, rolling off to her side. She turned to face him, her fingers trailing through his trimmed white beard, smiling at each other as they drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4

“How do I look?” Diane asked Bob the next night before the opening of the strip club. She was wearing a short, sequined, red cocktail dress that hugged her curves and came down mid thigh.

“You look incredible,” Bob said, fixing his tie.

“Here let me help,” Diane said, standing before Bob helping with his tie, looking into his eyes once more when she finished. She kissed him on his lips and the two left his home for the event.


“Nice to meet you Miss Diane,” Fat Rob, a mountainous black man shook Diane’s hand after Bob introduced them at the strip club’s opening event.

“If it’s ok with you, can she sell some private lap dances?” Fat Rob’s employer, Bob asked.

“Of course!”

“Thanks,” Diane replied, “My ‘on stage’ dancing days are long gone!”

Fat Rob leaned in close, whispering in Diane’s ear, “Miss Diane, I’d love to pay you, but perhaps with something other than money?”

Diane looked confused, but caught on when Fat Rob gently guided her hand to the large bulge in his crotch. She glanced at Bob who was chatting with another associate. “Absolutely,” She grinned.

Tony arrived a little later, receiving a hug from Diane. He presented her to his son, TJ, a tall, muscular police officer in the Atlanta area. Tony informed Diane TJ was moving back to Tampa Bay soon and this was a final night out. Tony suggested he and his friends come to this event. Diane smiled, noticing how amazing TJ looked; she hadn’t seen him since he was 18 or so. She thought fondly back to having sex with TJ’s dad before he got home from high school.

“Which reminds me, Diane, care to give him a private dance?” Tony asked.

“Oh no, dad that’s fine,” TJ embarrassingly said.

“I’d love to,” Diane grinned, accepting some cash from Tony. She led TJ to the back room, giggling at his awkwardness.

TJ sat in slight shock, watching Diane work before him. “Not bad for an old lady, am I?” she asked the 30-something.

“No ma’am. But you aren’t old, maybe in your 40s?” TJ asked.

“Ha! No, try early 50s,” Diane answered.

Moving and dancing slowly to the music on TJ, Diane leaned in close, “Did you know that I’ve had sex with your grandfather and your father?”

“Um, wow, no I did not,” TJ shifted his weight in his seat in the back private rooms.

“I bet you are just as endowed as they are.”

“I wouldn’t know,” TJ answered.

Diane paused, looking around the room into the other stalls. She saw only black men in them. The dancers were all white of varying ages. Some of the strippers were on their knees, their head bobbing up and down in the men’s laps; some were straddling their patrons, their breasts being hungrily sucked on. Diane smiled, thinking that this was a great club.

She pulled her dress up, revealing her braless breasts, sat on TJ’s lap and brought his head to in between her tits. TJ tried to speak by he was muffled by their mass.

The song ended a few minutes later, Diane loving TJ’s bulging erection pressing against her bare crotch. “Ok, looks like that’s it,” TJ, trying to maintain his manners, said.

“Oh no, I’m not done with you. One more song,” Diane winked at him, a new song blaring through the speakers. She went to her knees, unzipped his pants, giggling when his eyes widened. Diane fished his cock out, peppering it with kisses.

“You are the one family member of Sam’s I have yet to fuck. I’m going to do it right now,” She grinned climbing onto his lap, guiding his massive erection into her.

“Oh wow,” TJ stammered. “This probably isn’t legal and I’m off duty.”

“Don’t be nervous, look around,” She said.

TJ did so, looking beyond Diane into another stall, noticing a short haired brunette squatting up and down on a black cock. He nodded to Diane and loosened up a bit.

She smiled and began squatting up and down on TJ as well, just like the brunette. “So big, just like your dad and grandpa.” TJ winced, nodding his head.

“Grab my tits,” Diane ordered her, TJ complying, moaning lightly at their weight in his hands. “That’s it, just like that, enjoy yourself. I am,” she said.

TJ opened wide and began sucking a huge tit, grabbing it with both hands, sucking hungrily at its nipple. Diane moaned and began squatting fast and faster, milking his cock. “Yes!” she cried out.

The song was almost over and her orgasm was near. TJ’s face was contorting with pleasure; she knew he was close too.

“Cum inside me baby, it’s ok,” She said, out of breath. TJ gripped her ass tightly, gritting his teeth and began bucking his hips upward to meet her downward squats. He was cumming, filling her with his potent seed.

“Ahhh yes,” He moaned, Diane shaking and convulsing on his cock, collapsing in his arms, holding him.

“Thank you,” She said, happy at her accomplishment, hoping Tony would achieve his own goal of sleeping with all her sisters — only Julianne remained.

She put her dress back on while he put his cock back into his pants after she cleaned it with her mouth. Diane took TJ by the hand and led him back out to meet up with his friends. She kissed his check, wished him good luck on his move to Tampa, and went to find Bob.

Chapter 5

After mingling more with Bob and Fat Rob and providing a few more special lap dances for the black customers, it was time to head back to Bob’s.

Fat Rob paid her first, taking her to the back office of his, revealing the fattest cock she ever saw and offering it to her. Diane’s mouth attacked it with gusto, stretching her lips as wide as they ever have been.

“I guess this is why they call you Fat Rob,” She said looking up to him. Fat Rob nodded and smiled.

Her other set of lips were stretched out next. Fat Rob laid her on her back on his desk, pulling her legs apart and entering her. He held her by her outstretched legs and pounded her pussy mercilessly, making her cum in seconds with his very fat cock. After he sprayed semen onto her tits and tummy, Diane moaning as she rubbed her “payment” into her skin.


Later that evening, Bob was behind Diane in the shower, thrusting slowly in and out of her.

“Diane, listen,” Bob said, after his cock slinked out of her cum-dripping pussy.

“I want you to move out of your house in Charleston. I’m building a neighborhood there and I’d like you to move into it at some point. It’s not finished yet.” Diane was taken aback by his kindness. This rich old man really cared for her. She began putting two and two together.

Bob sighed, looking over her large breasts, “Diane, I — “

“Shhh,” Diane hushed him. “I know you’re my father. I look like a female version of you!” she laughed. Diane caressed his face, pulling him close for a hug.

“I’m going to take care of you when I pass away,” Bob said.

Diane nodded, wiping away tears, the steam from the shower enveloping then. He took a risk in telling her. Diane figured it out though. The private investigators, the look in his eyes, their resemblance, it made sense now.

She promised Bob not to tell her sister, Tiffanie, letting him be the one to do so. The next morning they made love once more before she left, heading back to Charleston.

When she returned home, she saw the divorce papers were signed by her husband, causing her to smile — a nice little present for her return home, not wanting to be there around him The smile turned to tears when she thought about the man whom she assumed was her real father. Wiping her eyes, she knew that he would still be her dad, and Bob would be her father — knowing there was a difference.

Diane thought about her own son, Elliot, shaking her head the second a thought about him in bed entered it. She assumed he’d never want someone as old as she was. She thought about all the black cocks she’s serviced in her life time, wondering if it was all just a ploy to make herself feel wild, young, and sexy.

She thought about never being faithful to her husband. She couldn’t remember one time where she wasn’t lying, cheating, and hiding her actions form him. All the men were black, except one — Bob. Diane shook her head in slight shock at the fact Bob turned out to be her biological father. Disgust, anger, and sadness did not trickle into her thoughts. She almost had to laugh at the situation.

She thought about her son once more before bed time, thinking about how much she loved him, briefly entertaining an incestuous thought about her relationship with Bob possibly becoming a catalyst, for something similar for her son. Her thought’s slowed down before going to sleep, aided by wine, hoping his son’s wife was making love to him at that moment in their house across town.

Chapter 6

Bob invited her back to attend another event with him in March. It was an annual event his publishing company threw each year for employees and models of a magazine that was marketed toward African-American males age 18-35, called Elite Magazine. Diane happily agreed to be his date.

Their reunion wasn’t awkward. She hugged him, kissed him, and led him to bed — not caring about anything. Diane attended the Elite Mag event with her father the next night, always on his arm, smiling as he introduced her as his date, not his daughter. She was fine with that too.

There were a ton of models there, many coming from Miami for the event. The women were all white and the men, except for Bob and a few photographers, where all black.

Diane couldn’t help but notice two very large, hulking, bodybuilder-like black men sticking close to one another. Bob must’ve caught on to her ogling and spoke up,” That’s Rodney on the left. I’m not sure who the other one is, maybe his friend or brother? They do look similar. Rodney had been modeling for the magazine since before my company bought the company that published it.”

“Ah I see, interesting,” Diane smiled.

“You can go talk to them if you like. You like dark meat, don’t you?” Bob grinned, poking the side of her black cocktail dress.

“I do. Very much so,” Diane smiled back at Bob, kissing his cheek slowly, her tongue lightly pressing against it.

“Then go play, sweetie,” Bob said.

Diane kissed him once more and made her way to the two men. As she got closer she noticed they were talking to five women. One of them was a 6 foot tall, Puerto Rican named Fernanda that worked for Bob. Diane was introduced to her earlier in the evening. When Fernanda saw Diane looking over at her group she waved, making her way to her.

“Hello again!” She said in her thick accent. “Saw you standing here alone.”

“Oh yeah, I was just going to say hey to, um, well, them,” Diane nodded in the direction of the two black men.

“Ah yes they are quite large aren’t they?” Fernanda asked.

“Yes, they are,” Diane moaned inwardly.

“Let’s dance,” Fernanda grabbed Diane pulling her to the dance floor. “That is Rodney and his brother Ronnie. They are here to have a great time!”

“Now watch,” Fernanda nodded in the direction of the black men. As she danced, Diane noticed Rodney and Ronnie escort one of the white women outside the hotel banquet hall.

“They’ll return with her soon,” Fernanda explained. “Her name is Taylor, she’s a model too, and she has a very big booty! You know black men love that!” Diane nodded in agreement.

“They also love big boobs too!” Fernanda said, grabbing and shaking Diane’s breasts, causing her to laugh.

The two women danced for several more hip-hop songs, finally noticing Rodney and Ronnie return with Taylor. She was smiling. Next they took another woman.

“That is my younger sister, Claudia. She is also a model and she got the booty, while I got the boobies,” Fernanda explained, watching the two men leave with her sister in the distance. Diane couldn’t help but laugh at the woman, grabbing and shaking Fernanda’s breasts in return.

A short while later the men reentered the room with Claudia smiling, her hands combing through her disheveled hair.

“Looks like she had fun,” Fernanda pointed out. The two ladies chatted a bit more about Bob, Fernanda saying how great he was to work with, when the two black men took another women outside with them.

“Ah yes, that is Angela,” Fernanda said. The two dancing women watching the dark haired beauty leave with Rodney and Ronnie, “Her big butt is very nice.”

Diane chuckled, starting to realize what was happening.

Angela returned minutes later and began talking to the final woman. She was tall and had nearly black hair. Diane watched her arguing with Angela from afar.

“That is Angela’s sister, Alice. I just met her today, like you, but it does not seem like she is interested in leaving with them,” Fernanda observed.

“Hmm,” she said, watching Alice push her sister away and march off. “Follow me!” Fernanda pulled Diane with her, through the crowd, to meet up with Rodney and Ronnie.

Fernanda introduced Diane to the two men, suggesting they chat a bit. Fernanda whispered into her ear to be a substitute for Alice.

Fifteen minutes later, Diane found herself outside in the alley next the hotel with two very large black cocks in her face. She was squatting in front of them, a hand on the base of each one, slurping and sucking on them. She switched from one and then went to the other, covering them both in drool. They were delicious; her pussy was nearly dripping on the concrete with desire.

Having sufficiently coated both of them in her saliva, Diane stood, completely removing her dress, revealing her hourglass, braless, pantyless body for them. Rodney and Ronnie’s eyes lit up and they both said, in unison, “Oh shit.”

Ronnie picked her up, spun her upside down, planting his tongue in her pussy. Diane arched her back, upside down, looking forward to Rodney’s rod. Reaching for it, grabbing it, guiding it to her mouth, she sucked away on it. Within moments she was ready to cum from Ronnie’s tongue work.

“Your tongue is bigger than my soon to be ex’s dick!” Diane exclaimed.

“Yep,” Ronnie said, flipping her back around, guiding her legs behind him. He slowly guided his cock all the way in, lifting her briefly for his brother.

“You want the back end?” Ronnie asked.

“I’ll be glad to take that ass,” Rodney snickered. He guided his big cockhead to her anus, gliding it in, noticing how easy it was to do so, if he only knew how many men had taken her anally. Her drool acting as lubrication helped.

Within several minutes Rodney was situated deep inside her, to the base of his cock, in her colon. He and his brother began working together, sliding in and out of her in synchronization. Ronnie would push in and pull out, while Rodney pulled out and pushed in. It was like a seesaw of cocks going in and out of Diane in each hole. She was in paradise, cumming nonstop at the full feeling. She had never had two at the same time. Her screams of ecstasy were echoing off the buildings next to the alley.

Both men timed their orgasms at the same time, Ronnie providing a countdown from five. They had done this many times with many different white women. Both their cocks erupted inside Diane simultaneously – Ronnie filling her pussy and Rodney her rectum with semen. Diane nearly passed out.

Ronnie sat her gently on the ground, pulling their dress slacks back up, chatting with her while she put her dress back on. Diane learned Ronnie was moving to Charleston soon and she promised him that they could hook up every once in awhile.

They parted ways and Diane found Bob, dancing with him, for a few more songs before they left.

Chapter 7

Bob entered her shower later that evening. Soaping up her back, running his hands down her sides, over her hips, butt, and back up again, bringing them to a rest on her breasts. Bob kissed her neck, whispering in her ear.

“I loved your mother so much. She was my mother too,” Bob said.

Diane turned around, a confused look on her face, “So you and your mother got together and I’m a product of that?”

“You are.”

“So what does that make us? Siblings and parent and child?” Diane asked, a silly grin coming over her.

“I suppose?” Bob shrugged.

Diane laughed, turning around, presenting herself to Bob. He entered her from behind, running his hands over her back as he slammed into her in the shower.


After lunch the next day with her sister Tiffanie, talking about their sister’s Stephanie recent move to Minnesota, and deciding not to tell Tiffanie about their biological father, Bob, Diane drove home to Charleston. She wondered what Bob would give her upon his death, feeling slightly bad about it afterward.

She called her son, Elliot, asking him to meet for lunch. He declined, causing a bit of sadness in Diane. She wanted to hug him, hold him, and talk to him. They were somewhat close, but not like best friends, she wanted to change that.

A few weeks went by, her ex husband moved out; one of her daughters spent time with her. Her son stopped by offering help to move furniture. Diane was so happy to see him, insisting he let her take him to dinner. He obliged, going to a nice restaurant with his mother. Diane kissed him slowly on the cheek, taking him a bit off guard, seeing him off as he went home across town to his wife, wishing he could’ve stayed with his mother a little longer.

Diane was left home alone, sitting on the couch, feeling old and tired.


A couple weeks later, Ronnie was at her home, relentlessly fucking her in every single way in every single room. Books were knocked off the shelf, the mail and magazines were flung off the counter, a lamp was knocked over, her bedroom was a mess. Everywhere Ronnie and her went in a hurricane of sex, that part of the house was left in a mess.

Finally, after screaming, cumming, slamming the bed against the wall so hard the 52 year old Diane thought it would break; she collapsed on top of the muscle bound black man, sweaty and exhausted. It was mid-afternoon; she finally got him to cum. He had been holding out on her for fun, enjoying her and him tearing the house apart in her attempts to milk his cock.

Rolling off Ronnie, catching her breath, she thought about her father, Bob, who she planned on calling to say hello to the next day. She thought her son, attempting to figure out how to improve their relationship, wondering if her experience with Bob was a catalyst for that.

“Give me 15 minutes,” Ronnie grunted. Diane nodded.

Sure enough 15 minutes later, Ronnie was sucking away at one of her breasts, his index finger embedded into her ass, and his cock embedded balls deep into her pussy. They went at it like animals the rest of the day.

Diane felt wild, young, and sexy.

The end.

***There will be a second story with Diane. It will feature her son. It will most likely be much longer than this one. You will see that the moms in my story universe love big, juicy, black cocks. However, they love one specific cock much much more – their son’s.***