Sheriff Cassidy:Chapter 2

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Sheriff Cassidy: Chapter 2

“Alright now Mr. Williams, I’m gonna need you to calm down and tell me exactly what you saw. Can you do that for me?” I asked him for what felt like the hundredth time. While waiting for the State Forensic guys to finish up, I’d been standing out on the road with Williams, trying to get a decent description of the guys who got out of the car, but he couldn’t focus very long. His eyes were moving frantically, unable to focus on one object for more than a few seconds. I knew it would be awhile before he was back to normal, but I had to try harder.
“Williams, I need you to tell me something. You saw who did this, and for the sake of that man dead in the woods and his family you need to tell me about it.” I said, grabbing his head with both hands forcing him to look at me, which he did only for a second before he cast his gaze downward.
“A-a-alright I’ll t-tell you what I saw.” He said, and I let go of him, my hands now cold and wet with his fearful tears and perspiration, I wiped them on my pants.
“There were three of them, one really tall and balding with a beard, and I could see a scar on his neck. The other one, was normal looking, and about my height with black hair. But the woman…. she. I think she’s the one who killed that man.” He said.
“You remember anything about this woman? Whatever you say will only help me.” I said.
“Yeah, it’s her who I remember the most, who I wish I could forget.” He said.
“As soon as you tell me about her you can do just that.” I said, trying to keep him on point.
“I don’t know if you’ll believe a word of this, but she wasn’t wearing nothing but a bra. I mean who dresses like that to kill someone. And she had tattoos all over her body. She had these tattoos on her breasts that I could see, but her breasts weren’t all the way out, you know, like her nipples weren’t exposed. But her breasts, they had these claw marks on them, like a wild animal scratched them, you know with red spots even for blood. She also had these stars on each shoulder, but they weren’t normal stars, they looked more like compasses with all those extra points. Her back I can’t really describe too many of the ones on her back except the snake with horns, that one went all over her back down into her pants.” He said, seemingly more calm, head and eye movement less frequent.
“And she was blonde, and her hair was in one of those things woman do, when they wrap their hair in a roll on the back of their head. But Sheriff, when she was walking into those woods she looked right at me. I mean she even had the gun in her hand, like she wanted me to see. And the guy they were bringing into the woods, I can’t describe because he had a bag over his head.” He said, at the end finally looking right at me.
“Alright, I’m gonna have to take you back to the station and get your address and other information. And don’t worry I’ll be keeping an eye on you these next few days, or if you feel you have too, you can leave town, but you better be goddamn sure I know exactly where you are, for your own safety.” I said, and right on cue one of the forensic guys Brady, comes walking out of the woods followed by Denise, another forensic. Brady was tall, about an inch taller than me, which put him at about six-four and I wouldn’t call him an alcoholic, but I’ve known him to drink heavily at least a few nights a week, which would account for bloated stomach and deathly pale face now. But I couldn’t blame him for drinking, it must be hard looking at dead bodies and crime scenes all the time. These two plus a few others handle all the cases in the city as well, and while I might not see a lot of violence in Chamberlain, these guys are neck fucking deep in a pool of the cities bodies and crime scenes. Since we only have access to the State’s Forensic Department, they’re the only help I’m going to get. I’d like one of our own, but who the fuck’s gonna want to work in Chamberlain County Forensics. That would be great work, collecting DNA evidence of graffiti artists.
Now Denise is about five-nine, light brown skinned with dark brown eyes, long curly black hair tied into a ponytail that sticks out the back of her hat, and even her work clothes can’t hide her figure, and her hat can’t cover her soft pink lips shining with some kind of gloss that I would bet taste sweet and fruity. Black pants hug her legs tightly, and her breasts, c-cups, are incredibly perky and poke out prominently even though her blue collared shirt is buttoned up to the neck. And her I.D. badge just swings from one breast to the other as she walks, showcasing each one, and as they get closer I can smell her sweet perfume.
“It’s not looking good Rob.” Brady said.
“Aw shit man, tell me you guys found something.” I said, watching them both shake their heads no one after the other.
“It’s all pretty fucked up. I mean they really did this guy in, I’m talking finger tips missing, teeth pulled out. The coroner and his guy are back there now, picking up pieces of his skull.” Brady said.
“ You know who I think has something to do with this?” Denise asked looking from Brady to me. Even under that stupid State Police hat she was beautiful.
“I got a description of some guys and a girl from that guy over there.” I said, pointing to Williams.
“I don’t know about anyone specifically, but ever since that club opened on the city limits, our fucking caseload has tripled. “ She said, this time only looking at Brady.
“What club?, I asked.
“Ask him.” She said, now looking right at Brady.
“I went there one fucking time. Are you gonna hold that shit over my head forever. I listen to your bullshit all day, and then I mention getting my dick sucked one time and you can’t let it go.” Brady said.
“ I don’t care about your dick, I brought it up because you know goddamn well blowjobs aren’t the only thing they specialize in there, now why don’t you just tell what we already know?” Denise said, seeming pissed.
“Fucking, Christ, Alright I’ll share. Look Rob, there’s a lot of shit that happens outside of Chamberlain that you don’t know about, and one of those things is The Red Dancer. It’s a Russian club about three miles away from the city, with a big red lady in red neon lights in the front. It advertises as a bar and gentleman’s club, a place to get a drink and a dance.” He says, then illustrates his point by moving like he’s dancing with a girl and spanks the air as though it were an ass. He continues on until Denise stomps on his foot, which sends him into a fit of laughter, till she does it again and he regains composure and the smile even disappears from my face. “Jesus Denise! Alright, look, If you have more money to spend, you let the bartender know and they’ll set you up for a private dance and how intimate the dance gets depends on how much you spend. Now me, I only threw in another hundred bucks for the bj, and it’s fifty to get the private dance. I know what you’re thinking a hundred bucks is a lot for just a blowjob, but these girls are fucking pros. Her dancing alone was fantastic, but her mouth set some pretty high fucking standards for the rest of the mouths to come, if you know what I mean.” Brady said, discretely pointing at Denise, which she saw.
“Rob, help me not to shoot this fucking guy.” She said, her fingers rubbing her forehead under her hat.
“Alright, just because their services extend a little farther than most why do you think they’re the ones responsible for your extra cases?” I asked, looking from one to the other.
“Because you didn’t see it alright. There were some weird motherfuckers hanging out there. The kind of people you wouldn’t leave your dog alone with.” Brady said.
“Tell him about the woman.” Denise said.
“Yeah there was this crazy looking broad there, covered in tattoos, wearing just a fucking bra. I mean it’s not crazy her just wearing a bra in a strip club that’s expected, but she wasn’t dancing or talking to anyone. She just drank and stared at the women, I mean you could see all the dirty things she was thinking. It did get me a little hard, but eventually she went into the back rooms with this red headed lady sporting double d’s. I mean she had some crazy fucking tattoos man, one of them was a snake with fucking horns. And that shit was all over her back.” Brady said.
“ Can you remember anyone else, because so far she matches the description of one of the people who Williams identified as responsible for killing that man?” I asked.
“Yeah, just the bartender, he was this normal looking guy but he never said a word. He just took your order and got your drink. All night, not one thank you, or a hello, or goodbye. Just silence. It was weird if you looked right at him, I mean he had these dead blue eyes with no feeling. Like he was just built to fix drinks.” Brady said.
“You don’t remember a bouncer or doorman, because Williams described some big fucking guy that was balding and bearded?” I asked.
“Naw man, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had one of those guys around, fucking bad guys always have one of those Jason motherfuckers locked in a closet, waiting to be unleashed on some poor soul.”
Brady said.
“Why don’t you just go down to the club, incognito of course, and see if you can I.D. one of these guys? Because the State departments been pretty backed up lately, so I don’t think we have the manpower to get a real investigation of that place going, and I know Chamberlain county isn’t keeping you too busy. No offense.” She said, smiling for that last part.
“Alright I’ll go down there, scope the place out. Do some real police work, show you guys why until today Chamberlain County has been the safest place on Earth.” I said, smiling back at her and emphasizing real police work.
“Talk as much as you want, we’ll see what you do when the wolves are at your door.” Denise said, turning around and walking away.
“Russian wolves.” Brady said, turning and following her and watching her ass.
“Assholes!” I yelled out to them one last time, before they got in their car and drove away. As they drove away I could see the coroners bringing out the body on a stretcher. The body was of course covered and they also carried a separate black bag, which I’m assuming held pieces of the man’s skull. And with that I turned to Williams and we drove back to the station.
“Oh thank goodness, you’re alright.” Shelly said, hugging me as soon as I walked through the door. I could feel her hot bosom pushing into me. Her body felt so soft as I wrapped my arms around her in returning the hug.
“You’re not out of a job yet, Shells, I’m gonna need you to take down Williams information.” I said, when she finally let go of me.
“Alright, It’s Henry Williams, right? I believe I spoke to you on the phone. Just have a seat over here and we’ll be done soon enough.” Shelly said, directing him over to her desk. A few minutes later when I could see she was still preoccupied with Williams, I left, saying I had something at home I had to do. I did not want her to know where I was headed.
I went home and changed out of my uniform, into what I thought were normal clothes and took my car out instead of the Sheriff’s. My GPS told me The Red Dancer was only a twenty-minute drive from where I was. It was a lot closer than I thought. If the club is as bad as Denise thinks it is, it’s a surprise I’m only just now hearing about it. The drive would’ve been a pleasant one, except I was so excited I could hardly focus on the road and I was definitely speeding. Finally, I pulled into their parking lot, which was crowded and I saw the red neon lady on her back, legs raised in the air. The Red Dancer, written in red neon next to it. I could already hear the muffled sound of music from inside my car. As I got out of the car, left my gun, and walked toward the place, there were others walking with me, the place was still filling up. I don’t visit the city much, but this must be the only strip club for fifty miles if there isn’t one in the city anymore. Something must have happened to that other place. I believe it was called Jenny’s Playhouse. That place has to be gone for all of these people to be here, either that or the promoter’s a motherfucker.
As I got closer, I could feel my heart pumping faster and faster, and my face suddenly felt hot as I approached the bouncer and the velvet rope stanchions.
“Fifty dollars for entry.” The bouncer said, or I think he said, his Russianor Eastern European accent was very strong, it sounded like “feeftee dawlers for inthree.” It sounded really nasally. I could also see he was a big man dressed to disguise fat as muscle, and look as menacing as possible. As menacingly as he looked, I was still pissed Brady didn’t mention the fifty buck cover charge.
As I handed over the money, he nodded and lifted the rope letting me in. When I walked in, immediately my body was vibrating from the sheer noise of the music. The place was huge, it must have been a warehouse or something before. There were booths lining each wall, where dancers spun and shook on tables between seats. And the main bar was huge, set right in the middle of the place, with about three bartenders working, and there were girls walking around taking orders and serving drinks. Against the back wall, there was the stage with three girls working it, covered with bills. The waitresses wore red short skirts with tight red shirts either cut short or tied in a knot. The shirts, embroidered with the Red Dancer logo.
It was almost overload, I saw bodies of all kind. Women everywhere; heavy veiny breasts, small breasts, thick asses, bubble butts, Asian, Black, White, Hispanic, tall women, short women, parts real and fake coming together. It was pussy everywhere.
I just took it all in for a minute, and then went and sat in the nearest booth, and this booth featured a woman olive skinned, Latina, with brown hair that had blonde streaks. Her cheekbones were high and nose small and pointed, and her lips full and red. She had already stripped down to a purple thong and heels, and her breasts would shake fast or jiggle slightly as she moved. Her tits were full and round, but her nipples were small and pointed. I watched her as she humped the pole, with each thrust her ass almost touched the table, as she bent fully down slowly and then exploded up. She gripped the pole below where her breasts were, showcasing the bounce each time. Next time she looked my way, I waved a twenty at her, and she came over and began gyrating, and holding her tits up, licking the nipples, making them wet. I held the twenty out for her to take and she turned, and slapped both her hands on her ass cheeks, which had almost devoured the G-string, then she bent over and pulled the string from her ass and I just went for it and held the money against one of her ass cheeks and she trapped it there with the string, showing her cleanly shaven pussy and asshole. Her pussy already glistening, her lips were prominent and wet and a brownish pink. She then gave her ass another smack and spread her cheeks apart giving me a better view and as her lips spread It was all pink flesh and wet and my cock was hard. Then she looked around and went to the next person waving money, mine still held closely to her ass. I was already thinking about the backrooms, looking for them, but now I needed one. I spotted an employee’s only door with a clone of the bouncer in front of it, but then I saw the woman in the next booth, and as soon as I had a quiet semi, I walked over there.
She had long blonde hair, a soft round face with green eyes, and lips shiny and pink. Her body fully exposed now, glistening with sweat, as she danced to the music. Her body was tanned almost bronze, and her nipples were just a brownish pink, with an ass that made me wish I was underwear. Her cheeks were so round and juicy and perfect, and with the tan her ass was a golden brown. Her light brown pubic hair was grown out, but cut along the sides to just a strip going from the pubic bone down to her pussy.
I watched her, as she ran her hands along her body, moving to the music. The more she danced, the more her body seemed to shine and accentuate all its best parts. At this point I was ready to lick drops of sweat from her ass. The way she caressed her body softly and rubbed her wet tits together, sometimes sucking in the nipple, It was really getting to me. At one point she spread her legs, showing me her soft pink pussy lips and her little pinkish-reddish asshole, and bent over looking right at me between her legs, and then looking at me from upside down she gave herself a hard spanking, digging in and pinching her ass between her fingers. Then, she fingers her pussy and sucks it dry, still looking at me from upside down. She then stood up, walking over to the pole, and bent over getting her ass cheeks on each side of it, and then moved her ass up and down, the pole between cheeks the entire time. Her eyes on me the entire time.
My cock was once again heavy in my pants. Now I had to get more of her. I got up and headed over to the bar. I looked closely at the three bartenders, who all had black hair, blue eyes and looked “normal”. Now the one I need doesn’t speak, so let’s find out who doesn’t respond well to customers. I stood there awhile, my back facing the bar and just listened. Until…
“Hey I’m talking to you. Can’t you hear? I want my change motherfucker.” A guy said, and that’s when I turned and saw a big guy yelling at a bartender, who remained stone-faced, completely unfazed, ice blue eyes staring straight ahead. He stared back at the guy blankly for about a minute before holding his arm up, and making a three with his fingers. Then I saw the bouncer by the employees only door, move very quickly for a man his size, and before the guy knew what happened, the bouncer had his arm bent at the breaking point behind his back and was forcing him out.
“Fuck you, you undead cocksucker. What, did you have to call your fucking daddy? Huh! I’ll be waiting for you, I’ll be waiting.” That was all I heard him say before his voice was drowned out by the music. So this is almost a positive I.D. I walked over to the man, and I just put fifty dollars on the bar, and nodded at the booth where I was. He looked over to where I nodded and made a thumb up gesture moving his arm up, signaling more. I put another fifty on the table and he made the okay sign with his hand. Then he signaled over a waitress and pointed at me and then the booth. She then went to the booth and I could see her tell the blonde to come down and then whisper in her ear. The blonde then collected her money and left through the employees only door, soon after another woman walked out. She was about six feet tall in heels, shoulder length red hair with bangs, and breasts completely out with red heart stickers on the nipples. As she walked to the booth her breasts swayed from side to side, hanging heavily. She turned heads from every booth, her booth was full before she got there. She looked like Bryce Dallas Howard, on sexy steroids.
“Yes, everyone loves Vera. Shame you have already chosen, Vera is the best, not to say Nina is bad, but Vera is best.” The waitress said, watching Vera along with me. The waitress was a brunette, wearing the uniform, except her skirt was up so high you could see the tight zebra striped underwear that hung tightly to her ass, climbing into the crack. Fuck, I love looking at girl wedgies. Her skirt could have been replaced with a headband, and it would have the same effect.
“Maybe I should join you.” She said, having caught me in the act of staring, touching my arm gently, before turning and walking away.
“Follow me.” She said, waving me on. We walked through the place dodging customers and scantily clad employees, until we got to the employees only door, where we were waved through by the bouncer, who I guess, threw that guy out pretty fast. Once through the door, I saw two more doors, we went through the one on left and there was another security guy with a visible sidearm standing in front of one more door.
“Anton, we have a paying customer.” She said.
“Who for?” Anton said.
“Nina.” She said.
“What about you? What are you doing here? Playing chaperone again huh?” He said, opening the door and waving us through. Already, only a few steps in I could the moans and growls of pleasure coming from each room in a long hallway with rooms lining each side. Each room was covered by just a red curtain. Some of the curtains open.
“Fuuuuuk!” I heard a man scream from a room coming up and then a loud slapping sound.
“Some people like to have an audience.” The waitress said, as we came to the room with the curtain drawn aside, we saw a tall Asian woman with jet black hair, wearing a leather boots and a leather corset, with just her tits hanging out, with tiny brown nipples. She had a large rough wooden paddle and the man was in what looked like one of those weird medieval prison restraints, that lock up your head and arms, with his pants pulled down and a cock hard enough to punch a hole through a door.
“You fucking pussy. This is what you want?” Whap! “Fucking pathetic. Say it.” Whap! “Say what you want.” She said winking at us.
“I want you to keep spanking me.” He said, his head down, face completely flushed.
“What?” Whap! “I didn’t fucking hear you.” Whap!
“Mistress, keep spanking me please, mistress, please.” He said.
Whap! Then, dropping her paddle, she moved in front him and grabbed a handful of ass in each hand spreading her cheeks. “Lick my asshole you fucking pervert.” She said.
And after that we left, the Mistress waving us goodbye. As we walked, we passed another room with its curtains open. Inside, there was an older woman, bent over with brown hair streaked with grey, her torso covered by shirt and jacket, her ass naked, being pounded by a thick blonde woman, with big milky white tits and pink nipples flopping around, wearing a huge black strap-on. Her mouth being stuffed by a curvy black woman, wearing a black strap-on. And they pounded her in unison, thrusting in and pulling out in unison. I could see spit hanging from her mouth, as she choked on the fake black cock, and the strap-on fucking her was wet and soaked in her cum, and as her ass met the blonde’s ample hips there was a loud clapping sound, and you could see the vibrations rippling through all of their bodies. The blonde woman looked intense as she stared the woman’s asshole in the eye, as she drove that plastic cock in and out. The black woman repeatedly spitting on the dildo and her face, spreading the wetness, trying to drive the fake thick slinky cock down her throat.
“Did you think men were our only customers?” She said, looking up, smiling at me.
“Not at all, I mean, I know a few dirty girls myself.” I said.
“Yes, handsome man like you, I’m sure.” She said, leading the way further down the hall. As we walked, the moans and screams of pleasure coming from every room served as a constant reminder of where we were. A different sexual fantasy being fulfilled behind each curtain.
She stopped suddenly, looking into an open room, and I rushed to see what she saw.
In the room, there were three people linked in a chain, working together to cum as hard as their bodies would allow. The first was a beautiful black haired woman, who lay on her back writhing and screaming in pleasure. Her hands would go from a death grip on the woman in the middles head, to molesting her breasts, to flailing around like she was on fire. At least her bottom half was. The woman who made up the middle was on her knees, back arched ridiculously, relentlessly pressing a purple vibrator into the first woman’s clit, while sucking up and down her pussy lips, really stretching the skin, sucking it into her mouth. She would stop to make her own pleasure noises, which she muffled by pressing her face into the soaking wet pussy in front of her. Her mouth was completely soaked in girl cum, It looked as though she just finished eating a pile of bacon. Even her nose was wet. And at the end of it a man drilled her hard. And as he drove in and out, on the condom he was wearing, you could see her juices and cum and lubricant mixed as a white foam. And I could see one hand hidden underneath her, his arm moving furiously, as he worked her clit like a dj.
The waitress now had one hand lightly rubbing her pussy through underwear and the other on the wall supporting her. I watched, as that hand got lower and lower, closer and closer to my dick area, until there it was on my jeans, squeezing my cock. Then, without even taking her eyes off the human chain linked by genitals, she unzipped my zipper and reached in, slowly moving her hand up and down my cock, before carefully pulling it out. While still frigging herself with one hand, she then let go of my cock, brought her hand up to her mouth, and stuck four fingers in to the point of gagging. She grabbed my dick with that spit covered hand, and my cock felt cold at first, but then warm, as she held her hand there at the tip, rubbing it, making the head wet and slick, before moving her hand up and down my cock. Spreading my leaking pre-cum. My cock got stiffer and wetter, until she was able to effortlessly slide her hand up and down. I could hear squishing sounds each time she got to the tip.
She then smiled up at me and let go of my cock, and with a snap, pulled her hand from her panties, the air cold on her soaking wet fingers and my slick cock.
“Come, we have a room of our own, and Nina will be waiting.” The waitress said, leading us further down this impossibly long hallway, with my cock hard exposed through my zipper. My mind still filled with so many questions for her, but my sense of duty as an officer would succumb to the need to shoot my load on these exotic women. Exotic to me, anyway. She suddenly paused in front of one of the rooms.
“There you are. This one.” She said, walking into a room.
“I brought you a surprise.” She said, as I walked in cock hanging out of my zipper hole. Both women then locked eyes with my dick. Nina, her legs already spread on the bed waiting for me.
“oooh, come here. I have been waiting for you. Dancing gets me so wet. I have had nothing but rubber dick and toys.” Nina said, pointing to a small table with various masturbatory aids. Her pubic hair was slightly matted down with her wetness. As the waitress undressed, I could see her pussy shaved completely bald.
“I said, come over here, I have been waiting.” Nina said, when she spoke, I felt the need to please her. Of all the people she’d seen, I wanted to be the one who made her cum tonight. I walked over, unbuttoning my pants and letting my cock completely free. I got down on my knees, and she placed one foot over each shoulder, and looked at me expectedly, as I spread her pussy with one hand, and eagerly licked at her clit. As I dived in head first, her smell hit me, pungent and sweet it was. I took my other hand, and right away I was able to sink three fingers in her soaking cunt.
“Get up here, Marta, I want to fucking taste your pussy.” Nina said, in short heavy breaths, and the waitress, Marta, climbed over her body, and sat on Nina’s face with her legs spread wide and bent over, with her asshole and pussy facing me. I could see Nina’s tongue lapping at Marta’s pussy, as Marta sat over her face, with her hands spreading her ass cheeks. Marta was already moaning in pleasure. Then Nina took one wet index finger and began circling Marta’s asshole, gently pressing on it, while still licking and sucking her pussy. I got an idea, and took my index finger, already wet with Nina’s juices, and began to push into her asshole. With my fingers attack on her asshole and my mouth on her clit, Nina began moaning into Marta. I then pressed another finger into her asshole, as she did into Marta’s. Marta’s moans were wild, from loud screams to low and guttural, as Nina picked up the pace, and filled her ass with fingers and licked at her clit.
“Oh god yeah, suck on my fucking cunt.” Marta growled, grinding her pussy into Nina’s mouth.
“Yyyeeeesss. Faster, do it faster.” Marta said, and Nina worked her fingers into Marta’s asshole at lightning speed. Marta, now her hands were quivering jiggling her ass, struggling to keep her cheeks spread for Nina. She finally let go, her hands flying to Nina’s head, as she trapped her there, clamped between her soaking wet thighs with her mouth locked onto her pussy. The heat between her legs alone would be almost enough to suffocate her.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You fucking slut, don’t you fucking stop.” She screamed, as she continued to ride Nina’s face, trying to pull her into her pussy. And Nina didn’t slow down at all, as she even worked a fourth finger into Marta’s asshole, and was fucking her ass with that part of her hand as she licked, and sucked, and nibbled at Marta’s pussy.
“Make me fucking cum. Make me cum. Make me cuuuummm.” Marta said, as she came hard, with a few last wild jerks. Her body shook with that orgasm, and she kept shaking, as Nina continued eating her out and relentlessly finger fucking her ass, after she had already cum. Overloading her nerves with pleasure, almost like a punishment, showing her dominance. Marta, so overwhelmed with pleasure, could only grit her teeth and whimper, as a forced orgasm rocked her body.
I watched Marta’s reaction while still licking and sucking at Nina’s clit and pussy, and digging my fingers around her now wet asshole. My mouth and cheeks, and chin, now completely wet and greasy looking with her wetness. Her asshole was so wet, there was no resistance left at all. While Nina was still punishing Marta with pleasure, I pulled my fingers from her ass and pussy, and wet my cock with them. Lubricating my dick with her juices, it got really slick, really fast. I stood up, and spread Nina’s legs, got on my knees between them, and pressed my wet cock against her asshole, feeling the heat, my cock was now completely hard. And I pressed in hard, eliciting a loud groan from Nina. I pressed in further and further, the job getting harder with every inch. Her heat completely surrounded my cock, as I pushed completely into the glove of her ass.
“uhhhmmm-uhhhmmm-mmm.” Was all I could hear from Nina’s muffled noises. She began to squirm underneath me, as I pulled out slowly. I pulled out until just the tip was inside, then I spit on my cock and began sliding it back in. I pulled out slowly to the tip again, and then slid back in spreading the wetness, further inside her. Now I could feel my cock leaking and the slow fucking getting easier as the pre-cum spread and lubricated her further. My fucking, caused Nina to tighten her grip on Marta’s asshole, like a bowling ball with all those fingers inside it. She had her other hand gripping Marta’s ass so tight, I was beginning to see the red imprint her hand would leave on her ass.
As my cock slicked her asshole with our juices, I spit on her pussy and started rubbing it in, and thumbing her clit. Marta, with seemingly superhuman strength, pulled Nina’s fingers from inside her, and stood up and sat back down, this time facing me.
“yyyeeess. Fuck my ass, with that big cock. Keep fucking fucking me, you dirty fucking man. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes, I need your big fu-“And that was as far as Nina got before Marta covered her mouth with her dripping pussy. Marta then moved my hand and began sucking at Nina’s pussy. Licking and biting her clit, making Nina almost scream into Marta’s pussy.
She kept licking and sucking at Nina’s pussy, as I pounded into Nina’s asshole, my balls now slapping her wet ass cheeks. I fucked her faster and faster, my cock getting hotter with the increased friction with her asshole. The tension building up, cock muscles flexing. To keep from cumming, I pulled out, and gripped my cock at the tip and squeezed out a tiny droplet of cum. That was all I would allow myself, it wasn’t time for the show to end. Then after the need to cum subsided, I moved my hand down to the base and began slapping Marta’s cheek with my cock. She pulled up from eating pussy and sucked the head into her mouth. Tasting Nina’s asshole, and enjoying it, Nothing but slurping and sucking and mmm’s from her mouth. Then I pushed back into Nina’s ass, thrusting in all the way to the base, before pulling back out and letting Marta suck me back into her mouth. She then lifted my cock up and sucked one of my balls into her mouth, rolling her tongue around it. She would suck in each one, and make apopping sound with her mouth whenever they traded places and one came out. I slapped my cock between her eyes as she sucked on my balls. Once they were good and wet, dripping with saliva, I pushed back into Nina’s ass, driving all the way home. I pounded Nina’s ass until, the combined efforts of me and Marta began to show. Nina squirmed and struggled against the now in control Marta. Giving up trying to push her off, and relenting to just holding and squeezing her beautiful body, as me and Marta fucked her to orgasm. My cock, and her tongue and fingers. I drove balls deep into Nina’s ass with each thrust, while Marta sucked her clit into her mouth and finger blasted her. Both of us moving and working furiously, as Nina, not to be outdone began attacking Marta’s pussy and ass with renewed vigor. She was once again fucking her ass with four fingers. This time she drove in deeper and deeper, until part of her thumb could fit. And then she wriggled around and pushed until I could no longer see her hand, like it was a dirty magic trick, her hand disappeared into Marta’s ass. I could see Marta screaming and moaning with a mouth full of Nina’s pussy, covered in her juices. We were a time bomb fucking away until we exploded in orgasm.
The pressure in my cock began to build, and Nina’s ass seemed to be burning at a thousand fucking degrees, as I fucked her faster and faster. The pressure built until finally I felt the cum shoot out cock into her ass.
Nina finally exploded into orgasm, as jet after jet of my hot cum hit her ass. That combined with Marta’s continuous pussy abuse, caused Nina to shout and groan loudly as her orgasm held her in grips of ecstasy. Her body shook and squirmed under Marta’s as she came hard.
As Nina came she made wild movements in Marta’s asshole, causing her to scream in pleasure. The wild jerky movements so deep inside her ass, soon brought her orgasm causing her to make throaty sounds, and drool all over Nina’s pussy.
I pulled my cock, and watched Nina’s asshole spasm, opening and closing, as my cum slowly spilled out of her. After Marta was released from her orgasm, I held my cock up to her, and she sucked me into her mouth. Then she pulled me out with a loud popping sound.
“You will fuck me before you leave.” She said, before stuffing my cock back into her mouth. Pushing it in until it hit throat. Nina finally pulled herself from underneath Marta, and stood up and walked over to my side of the bed, while Marta kept sucking my cock. Nina was still beautiful, her blonde hair now wild and a satisfied look in her pretty green eyes. She then grabbed me and pulled me in for kiss. I could taste only Marta, on her sweet soft lips, and only Marta as her tongue touched mine. Her tongue in my mouth, mines in hers, and back and forth, as Marta continued sucking my cock hard, tasting Nina’s ass.
Marta pulled my cock from her mouth and the women both pushed onto the bed, laughing.
“I told you’re not leaving until I have this inside me.” Marta said, smiling and squeezing my cock.
“I’ll give you what you want.” I said.
“You mean what she needs.” Nina said.
“I see the way you watch us, dancing, the way you move your body. How you like to “Watch” us fuck the guests. I see how you really want to be Marta. Sexy Marta.” Nina said, with each word getting closer to my cock, and then swallowing the head as Marta held it. The sucking feeling was intense on the head of my cock, until she let up, pulling off my cock and looking at Marta.
“I know you really want to be a slut. A dirty whore. So suck his fucking cock.” Nina said, afterwards Marta taking in my cock as deep as she could get it, over and over again, gagging and spitting until my dick was painfully hard. Nina then sucked at my balls while Marta sucked my cock, and it was pure bliss. And as Marta moved from my cockhead, and licked up and down the shaft, Nina joined her and both their tongues moved in unison, spreading hot spit, and pleasure. And at the top their tongues would meet and the tips would touch and slap each other, and they would pull in for a kiss where their lips and tongues would meet the tip of my cock. They would share a slobbering kiss over my cockhead. Then they would run their tongues back down to the base. Using their tongues to glaze my cock with their spit, their breath making my cock feel the heat, as they went up and down with their pink wet tongues touching and kissing at the top. I felt their hot fleshy tongue muscles up and down my cock, the best part being that sweet loving tongue kiss at the top, between their mouths and my cock. Nina’s beautiful green eyes staring back at me, as she and Marta licked my cock, was an image I would never forget.
Neither would the next thing I saw. As I somehow looked past the two beautiful women sharing my cock, I saw another standing in the door way, I guess we never closed the curtains. She was blonde but her hair was bundled up, and she was only wearing a black bikini bra, barely containing her breasts, She had tattoos covering her, and I recognized all of the ones, Henry Williams mentioned. She stood there, with her breasts heavy on her lean and muscled body. Her only other clothing, black pants with black boots. Ice blue eyes staring at where tongues met my cock. She watched us, as I watched her. I watched her until suddenly the redhead Vera appeared in the doorway next to her, and they both watched as Nina and Marta took turns sucking my cock into their mouths. I watched them until they left, leaving us to pleasure ourselves.
Marta then stood up and began to lower herself onto my cock, Nina holding it at the base. Her pussy was already incredibly slick and wet, and my cock stretched her but slid in easy enough. Once her pussy touched my pubic bone, and I was buried inside her, Nina took a seat on my face and I tasted her once again. She sat facing Marta, who was facing me, and as they both rode me, they kissed slowly, deeply and passionately. I hadn’t yet tasted Nina’s asshole, so I began to lick fervently, while thumbing her clit up and down. And I could hear them moan into each other, as Marta began to grind back and forth faster on my cock. Then, Marta got up on her knees and began to ride my cock up and down. I could feel her heat on my cock disappear and then completely envelope my cock. She would rise up to the tip of my cock, and then drop down until her ass cheeks touched my balls. She kept bouncing harder and faster, each time delivering more pleasure and more pain, as her ass cheeks punished my nuts. But the feeling of being deep inside her hot, slick fucking pussy overwhelmed the pain, and the pressure began to build. All the while, I was busy, tongue fucking Nina’s asshole, and clawing her pussy with three fingers. All three of us once again, locked on a familiar path. The need to cum pushing us to drive ourselves into the other madly.
I began meeting Marta, with every one of her down strokes, I was driving my cock up into. Her moans building, getting louder and louder, along with Nina’s. My body giving them pleasure, as I drove into both of them, tongue in one, cock in the other. All of building towards an orgasm.
“Gimme all your cum, gimme all your fuuucking cummmmm!” Marta yelled, as my cock explodes, shooting jet after hot jet into her pussy.
“Oh fuck. Yes. Yes. Cum inside me fucking cum inside me.” Marta growls, her own orgasm taking over, as her pussy convulses around my cock, squeezing it, milking it for everything. Nina is the last to cum, as her pussy grabs my fingers, tightening around them, and I move my tongue from her asshole to her clit, licking with incredible speed. The licking and sucking her clit prolongs her orgasm, overwhelming her pussy nerves, giving her pleasure to the point of pain. Her words are incomprehensible, the only thing I understand from her, are her moans and gasps in pleasure.
Nina then climbed off my face, leaving her juices, and laid down beside me and kissed me deeply. Marta laying on my chest, my cock still inside her, still pulsing, leaking cum, but slowly wilting. And we laid like that for a while, until the post-coital bliss subsided, and the facts bubbled back up to the surface. Someone was murdered in my fucking county, and the ones responsible for it are right here in the Red Dancer.