Taking Beth part 2

Beth is at home worrying about how to deal with her brothers safety, Jackson and what happened to her at the prison

Part one

Jackson, Jackson, Jackson! Since leaving the prison last week he was all Beth could think about. He dominated her waking thoughts, as she glided around the house in a dream world, frustrating her little daughter and annoying her husband at how distracted she was. Being taken forcibly in the Governor’s office had awakened something in Beth that she was struggling to control.

Beth had made herself have sex with her husband on that very first night back. The very moment she had got home. It had been an attempt to wipe the events at the prison from her mind and to re-establish an equilibrium. It had failed utterly.

The whole episode had been a disaster and simply reinforced the irresistible passion she now felt for Jackson. It had pissed her off, that she had been forced to use all her feminine charms just to get her husband to make love to her. She had taken a shower for more than just reasons of seduction obviously. She had needed to wash away any scent of what she had been up to. But then she used her towel wrapped body to tempt him. Immediately she had wished she had not bothered. Jackson had eagerly taken her and then proceeded to use every single part of her body, like a virtuoso musician would the keys on a piano. Her husband in contrast was still in first grade playing scales. When it was over, after a mercifully short time, she had rolled away and tried to blank her mind. But all she could think about was how her body turned Jackson on and how she wished it was Jackson beside her. He would simply be preparing to fuck her again rather than just dozing off.

That not to say guilt and disgust weren’t in her head all the time too. Not so much at what she had done. She was largely reconciled to the fact she had found herself in a hopeless situation. It was impossible to think that she could stand-by and let her brother get hurt. Beth knew she had to do whatever she needed to, so that didn’t happen. Jackson was clearly so in control of the prison and therefore her brother, that giving herself to him was all she could do. Nothing else would have worked.

However, she knew there was no defending the pleasure and tremendous desire for Jackson that had consumed her, once she had met him in that cell. How many times had she told him that it felt so good? She had meant every word. How many times had she pleaded with him not to stop? Her body had responded in ways it should not have. It was not right and that did play on her mind. But overwhelmingly she wanted more.

Beth could not resist the power and strength that he had. That delicious sense of male testosterone and Beth knew Jackson simply did whatever he wanted. When he wanted. And if that happened to be to a married woman and a mother, then so be it. She had to admit she liked being with a man like that, and it contrasted strikingly with her husband. Not to mention the excitement that seemed to follow Jackson around. He was in command and he knew it. However still her mind was unsettled about what was happening.

She shuddered at the way she had so willing blown him and her eagerness to take that great big dick down her throat. It had tasted so good, when it should have disgusted her. There should have been no sense of pride that she had deep throated him so successfully. She still felt that glow even now. That was not Beth at all. This was not the kind of person she was. Or was it?

She had held nothing back for a man who had taken advantage of the trap she had fallen into. She had given herself to no other man in this way. Not even her husband. That naturally gave her a whole different thing to feel guilty about. What did this need to be controlled and dominated say about her?

The rest of the time she pondered what she should do. That was the real issue. She needed to know what she should do next time. She feared being taken to see Jackson again and how she might spontaneously act. Beth knew she needed to resist him and only a firm plan and the strongest resolve would help her succeed. The truth was she knew exactly what would happen. Maybe she could reconcile herself to what she had already done. Trapped in such a difficult corner she had made, what she truly believed was, the only decision available to her. If the situation reoccurred in exactly the same way again, there would be no kidding herself. Beth would have walked knowingly into that situation. She would have been a willing participant in having sex with a stranger and it would undeniably be adultery. Jackson would not be her tormentor, he would be her lover. Oh god it was such a mess.

Jackson’s body drifted through her mind. Could she really give him up? His washboard stomach and chiselled abs. His big muscular arms and of course another organ he had been blessed with was pretty impressive too. She sighed, God almighty did he know how to use it too. Beth’s hand had slid down between her legs as her mind wandered. For a few seconds she stroked herself. Back for the umpteenth time in the Governor’s office being fucked by Jackson and then she shook herself back to reality, forcing her hand back to her sides. Getting distracted and those kinds of thoughts would do her no good at all right now.

Today was visiting day and she would need to leave for the prison later. Beth did not doubt that Jackson would want to have her again. This thought process led immediately onto Beth replaying their sex session in her mind again. How many times had she done this? Over and over she would contemplate their actions and Beth instead of being appalled would become so turned on. Her hand slipping inside her knickers and next she would be laying naked on the bed, stroking herself, until with a little cry she would make herself come. Once she had even called out Jackson’s name as she lay driving herself over the edge. That time she had jerked up, embarrassed by what she had cried out. Although she knew her husband was at work and her daughter at nursery, she listened intently in case someone was there to hear her.

Beth’s body and minded ached for more but this had to stop. She would try to make Jackson see that he had taken her as he wished. That had been the price she had been prepared to pay to keep her brother safe, and that is why she had played along. He would not believe her. The way she had acted was clearly not a performance, but she must stick to her guns. Deep down she knew he would want her to satisfy him again and Beth did not doubt he could find somewhere safe and private for this to happen. But if it came to that she would be more measured. Do what she had to but just the bare minimum. She would be an automaton. Beth had managed that with her husband for years, so why not Jackson?

She could get away with maybe only three visits to Jackson before her brother was released and then she could go back to normality. This time would pass. And if she enjoyed some of her time with Jackson then so what? No, she must stop thinking like that!

Stop it she told herself. Stop it! You will get over this. And then the doorbell rang. Frustrated and cross with herself she vented her anger at being disturbed. Most probably it was her husband, forgotten his keys or passport or something. He would be very short of time now, so she rushed to the front door, preparing a tongue lashing for him as she went. At least she could release some of her anger and make herself feel better.

Part two

“You?” Whispered Beth as she opened the door. Her eyes widened in shock. She took a small step back and her hand flew to her mouth. Her first instinctive reaction was to try and close the door again, but she was too slow, and he was way too quick. His strong hand slapped against the wooden frame to stop it closing. For the briefest of moments, the door did not move but then the pressure he was applying became overwhelming and he pushed it open. Beth helplessly let go and stepped further back, paralysed by the sight of her visitor. “You?” She said again.

Beth was wearing a thin tee shirt and a long skirt with sneakers. That gave him a wicked idea which he immediately acted upon. She went to protest, but as usual Jackson knew exactly what to do. Knew how to instantly take control and how to catch her completely off guard. Her options to resist disappeared before she could even work out what they were.

“Eeeeeek,” she cried out. “No! No! Not here! Put me down! Put me down!” These rambling cries happened sporadically, as the moment he had forced the door open he simply scooped Beth up. Jackson stepped into the hallway, swiftly ducked and placing a hand under her knees he lifted her into the air. His other arm coming under her back to support her. For a moment she hung in the air in front of him. There was a wide toothy grin on Jackson’s face. He kissed her on the neck as she hung there. Then Beth was lifted up and disrespectfully thrown over his shoulder and carried into the house. Just like she was a sack of potatoes. From her view over his back Beth watched as Jackson kicked the front door closed, and for a moment he paused, satisfying himself that it was properly closed. Or was he checking the house was empty. Then he unceremoniously carried the complaining Beth into the house.

She begged him to put her down, but Jackson ignored her, easily transporting her up the stairs and after a pause on the landing into her bedroom. She had tried pounding on his back as he hesitated about which room was hers, but all that did was hurt her hand. Jackson seemed impervious to the pain. And then he spoke making her freeze.

“I think someone needs a little reminder who is boss,” he growled. And then he laughed. He had paused in front of the full-length mirrors which were the doors of her wardrobes. He watched in the reflection of the mirror as he lifted her skirt and with one hand had pulled down her knickers. “Nice ass,” he commented, gently tapping it with his hand.

“No, no,” Beth yelled, “put me down Jackson!” Then she cried out, “Ow that hurts.” Jackson had slapped her bare ass, chuckling as he did and commenting that she had an ass which begged to be spanked. “No, no,” Beth continued to cry out, her indignation rising at what she was hearing and then she gasped again.

In one swift motion Jackson had placed her on the ground, and then grabbing her by the arm he forced her to walk around him. As he did this he sat down on the armless birthing chair that she had used when her daughter had been a baby. Beth tried to resist but she was thrown across his knees, face down. Jackson chuckled when after a few moments she realised it was futile and lay still.

“That’s right,” he said. “The sooner you lay still the less punishment you receive.” Beth protested that there was nothing that she deserved to be punished for. “Oh, I think you quite like being punished,” chuckled Jackson. This was too much and she protested fervently. Telling him he was mistaken. It was degrading and if he hit her again, she would never cooperate with him again.

“I screwed you at the prison to save my brother,” she wailed, “but that’s all I signed up for.” Even laying across his legs, she was trying to keep to the plan she had decided on. “Now let me go and then get out. You can’t be here. This is my home.” Then in a faint hope that this might encourage him, she added, “I’ll see you later at the jail.” She stopped, feeling a thrill in her stomach at encouraging the idea of a meeting later. Even if this was not in her actual plan.

Beth needed to get Jackson out of her home and anyway the thrill of him grabbing her again was growing inside her. Oh god she thought I am getting horny again. I must resist.

It was then the full situation she was in, hit her. “What the hell are you doing here anyway?” she cried, realising she had missed the obvious. Once more she tried to get up but a strong hand on the back of her neck forced her to stay where she was. Jackson was not in prison; he was in her house. Jackson knew where she lived. How? Somehow he had got himself here. How? “Oh god,” she wailed, “you haven’t escaped have you?”

“Escaped?” Jackson said, in an amused voice. He paused and then to take advantage of her distraction he lifted her skirt. “Nice panties,” he mocked. They were large and pure white. The sensation of them being lowered further set Beth struggling again, as she pleaded with him, “not to do that.” Again, she asked if he had escaped. Despite her attempts to stop him her ass was now bare. Suddenly fearful of being slapped she stopped struggling. His hand very gently stroked her bum cheeks. “You have a great ass,” he said and for the third time she asked if he had escaped. “No,” he said wearily, “I have not escaped. I got released for personal reasons. Beth commented that she did not understand. Despite her predicament, laying across his knees with her bared ass sticking out and with Jackson’s hand gently caressing it she wanted the truth. “I have been let out to go to my Aunt’s funeral,” he said dryly. There was a long silence. “Don’t worry it’s the fourth time we have buried Aunt Agatha.” He added, and he roared with laughter at his joke.

Beth closed her eyes, the enormity of what had just been said taking all the air out of her lungs. This changed everything. If he could come out whenever he wanted then she was at his beck and call. Whenever he fancied a fuck he could come calling. But he couldn’t, mustn’t come to her house. What the hell should she do now?

“Please Jackson let me up. At least for a moment.” She said, trying to sound quiet and calm. To her surprise the hand holding her neck against his leg was taken away and cautiously she rose. She went to pull up her knickers, but Jackson immediately pulled her down beside him stopping her hands from adjusting her underwear.

“No,” he said forcibly. She gave up that fight and focussed on the important issue.

“You can’t come here,” she said, trying to sound stern as she sat down beside him. Beth was very aware of her knickers cutting into her legs. They were now stretched between her thighs. And then using an idea that popped impulsively in her mind, she added. “My husband and daughter will be home soon.” There was a sharp intake of breath from Jackson. Yes, thought Beth I have a situation you can’t dominate. “Woooooooooo,” she wailed as suddenly she was grabbed, spun round and laid once more across his legs. Her knickers were pulled down even more and then “thwack” she cried out as he spanked her. “Ow that bloody hurts you bastard.” She wailed, kicking her legs, but he was just too strong for her to have any impact on.

“Lie to me and this what you get,” said Jackson, his voice was low but full of menace.


“Ow,” yelled Beth, her leg kicked frantically again but a further slap made her lie still.

“We both know your husband is away on business,” said Jackson. “Thwack,” and another yell from Beth. “Don’t’ we?” He said. “Thwack” followed by more yells from Beth then by protests. “Don’t’ we?” He said.

“Yes,” said Beth. And then in desperation she added as fast as she could. “Yes! Yes! He is away. I am sorry I lied.”


“Ow,” yelled Beth, her leg kicked frantically for just a moment this time but then she lay still. “I said I am sorry I lied,” she yelled loudly. “Please. Please. Stop.”

“We both know your daughter is staying with her aunt,” said Jackson. Immediately there was another “Thwack,” and another yell from Beth.

“Yes! Yes! You are right!” yelled Beth. And then she added. “I am sorry I lied about that too.”


“Stop,” yelled Beth, “stop,” her leg kicked frantically again, and it took another slap to make her lie still.

“And then there is these nonsense about I can’t come to your house or you will only screw me at the prison.” He growled.





“To me” He said. “And,”


“I will have you,”


“When and where I want,”

He paused waiting for the howls and protests coming from Beth to die down which they did the moment he stopped slapping her ass. Then in a calmer voice Jackson added.

“Do you understand?” At this point he placed a hand under her chin and lifted her face.

There was a long pause


“I asked if you understand,” he repeated.

“Yes,” said Beth very quietly.

“Good,” said Jackson. “Now you know what will happen to you if you don’t cooperate and you know full well what will happen to your brother.”

Part three

Beth arrived back from visiting her brother with her emotions whirling. It was very good to see that he was doing so well. That helped a little her confliction over Jackson and her feelings about him. The visit had been the best yet. Her guilt at his imprisonment could be kept in check when she knew he was okay. There should be only a few weeks left and he would be released. Then life would return to normal. What kept her mind whirling was the dull ache that appeared inside her when Beth thought about life without Jackson. It made her see how boring her life was.

Beth knew full well Jackson was at home waiting for her, and that excited her and terrified her in equal measures. She imagined he had rummaged through all her things and although she knew that should have appalled her. Deep down it actually thrilled her and made her stomach go all weak. As had the little shopping list he had given her, as he had called it. On, the seat beside her were the items he had ordered her to get. Fortunately, they were wrapped discreetly in a brown bag. Thinking about what he would do with one item roused her, even if she was equally nervous about it.

Jackson had been very accurate with his directions, and the items within the shop he had pre-ordered. Beth wondered how many other women he had sent there. It was obvious she could not be the first one he had lured into having sex with him. She had never been in such a shop and had been pretty embarrassed about it, looking anxiously from side to side before going in. There were many items inside that she was glad she was not taking home. When she came out her heart was beating fast with excitement and she found herself hoping that the journey home would not take long.

“Come here!” Commanded Jackson as soon as Beth had entered the front door. She found him patiently sitting, waiting for her. As she nervously approached him he snatched the bag and investigated its contents. Firstly, looking at the underwear she had bought and then the riding crop that had been the other item on the list. He smiled wickedly and smacked the riding crop into his palm. Beth jumped in surprise. “Go and get ready,” he ordered. Handing the bag minus the crop back to her. Beth sighed, and nervously headed into the bathroom, wondering if she would like what was about to happen or not. Once again, she used the fact that she had no choice, to make herself go through with it. Not that there wasn’t excitement coursing through her body as well.

A few minutes later Beth emerged apprehensively from the bathroom, wearing the 2-piece string lingerie set that Jackson had told her to get. He mulled over the de***********ion from the web site. Her wonderful 34B tits nestled in the low-cut black cups. He raised a finger and spun it in the air, silently telling her to turn around. The back view confirmed to Jackson that he had made the right choice in picking this set. The bra was made of the thinnest straps and the thong was just the same. Maximum skin area to smack mused Jackson. Beth as she turned watched a grin form on Jackson face, and she realised she too was smiling. God, she thought, her excitement was showing but there was no denying she wanted Jackson very much.

“Come here,” said Jackson, holding out his hand which Beth immediately stepped forward and took. Jackson led her into the lounge and made her stand against the cabinet. It was about three quarters her height. He calmly suggested that she support herself with her hands.

“Why what are you going to do?” She asked, suddenly fearful of what might happen. Jackson ran his hands over Beth’s bare back making her gasp and turn her head to the side.

“You are my most prized possession,” he said quietly, and Beth smiled hesitantly. “My toy,” he added. His hands now gently caressing her hips. Jackson moved her head slightly to the side, kissed her on the neck and then pulled on her hair so her head inclined backwards. He kissed her on the forehead and told her again she belonged to him. “Now turn around,” he ordered.

Gradually Beth turned, her downcast eyes rising as she came all the way around. Jackson stared into the big brown eyes that looked anxiously back at him. Suddenly her face was cupped in his hands and she leant back onto the table, resting on her hands. His hands ran down the front of her body like they had her rear. They went over her curves and then back up to her head. Beth loved the fact he was assessing her, just like he would a new toy that he had wanted very much. She leant forward, wanting and anticipating the kiss which she felt sure was coming. Jackson hesitated, deliberately making her wait. Beth nodded to herself, yes he was in charge and knew it. Beth made a quiet little mewing sound as he held her head at bay and inclined it to the side. Jackson rubbed his lips across her cheek. Again, Beth reached forward for a kiss, but Jackson stepped back.

“Do not move,” he ordered. And in a moment, he was back holding the riding crop which he immediately ran up her bare leg. Beth leant back pressing against the table, nervous at what Jackson was going to do, fearful now that it would hurt. Jackson slapped her leg; the crop made an impressive sound but although Beth gasped, it was more at the sound than any pain. Relief at how well designed it was flooded through her, and then came the realisation that she really liked this game. The crop came up onto her stomach, as her chest rose and fell rapidly. Her excitement was making her breathing fast and shallow.

Jackson smiled, steering the crop up her arm, across her chest and then between her breasts. Beth froze, the only sound her anxious breathing, as the crop travelled all the way down to between her legs.

“Turn,” Jackson said, and Beth did as she was told. He shoved her forward and she bent over the table slightly. Beth turned and watched the crop, anxious once more because her back was now turned to Jackson. The crop stroked the top of her thighs and then rubbed up against the crack in her ass, making her gasp. Jackson moved to the side and ran his hand over her ass before he thwacked it with the crop. Beth gasped, but once more it was more the noise that shocked her. Beth gasped as Jackson pressed his head against hers and then he slid his hand around her neck holding her in place. Beth waited anxiously and then Jackson used the crop on her ass one more time. Beth cry was a little less fearful this time.

Jackson pulled her head backwards a little more and he kissed her.

“All mine,” he repeated, letting go of her head. The phrase, “yes I am,” slipped quietly from Beth’s lips and then thwack she was hit again. Jackson paused, rubbing the crop and then his hands over her ass. Thwack he hit her again. Gently he grasped her hair, pulling her head back and again he hit her and then he stroked her hair. “It’s okay,” he whispered and then he simply dropped the crop on the floor. He turned Beth around, who broke into a smile and then finally he kissed her. Beth responded with eager gulping movements of her lips, eager to devour Jackson’s mouth. They stood passionately kissing in the lounge, Jackson hands once more exploring Beth’s body.

“Fuck me,” said Beth breathlessly. “Jackson please fuck me.” Her desperation was showing but she did not care.

“What no not here, or what about my husband?” Jackson replied with a smile. Gently mocking her.

“Fuck me,” repeated Beth. “To keep my brother safe and,” she paused. “and because I belong to you.”

“And because you like being my little toy?” Asked Jackson. Beth paused and then she said.

“Yes, because I like being your little toy,” she said in a confident voice.

She giggled as Jackson grabbed her hand and led her into the hallway and up the stairs, he threw her face down onto the bed and he immediately moved on top of her. Beth stretched her hands out in front of her and she lifted her head so Jackson could again kiss her on the forehead. His hand slipping gently under her neck to keep her head in place. His kisses moved onto her back and she began to breath fast again and then he kissed her on the cheek, running his hand down her arms.

“Let’s get these things off,” he said.

Calmly Jackson untied the string of her bra and then slipped his hand under Beth’s body cupping her now bare tits. She gasped as his cool hands touched the hot skin of her breasts. She raised her body, so he could remover her bra completely, which immediately Jackson did. Beth went to fall back onto the mattress, but Jackson lifted her, cupping her tits in his hands and kissing her on the cheek. And then with a firm yank of her hair he made her kiss him on the lips. Jackson rolled her over onto her back and at the same time he moved to lay beside her. Beth rolled a little cat like, raising her legs and moaning softly as Jackson hands resumed exploring her body. God she loved the way he did that.

Jackson’s hand gripped her right breast which made Beth put her own hand over his, pressing it firmly against her, as Jackson’s mouth devoured her left breast. Beth grabbed his head and brought it up to her mouth and then she kissed him. For the first time her tongue thrust into his mouth and her hands eagerly pushed his head against hers. And then as his lips returned to her tits Beth rolled and moaned in pleasure. Jackson pushed Beth onto her side and then he slapped her ass. Beth giggled as Jackson immediately kissed where he had hit her and then his lips went up all the way up her back. His lips tracing the line of her spine.

“Slap my ass again boss,” whispered Beth. She heard others refer to Jackson as “boss”, so she tried it out and found she quite liked it. But Jackson ignored her and the term. He simply pushed his body up behind hers pulling her against him as he did. From behind he cupped her breasts again. And then as she turned her head towards him, they kissed once more. As Beth and Jackson kissed, she began to grind her hips against his groin. Jackson pushed her head away, roughly squeezing and cupping her tits, making her groan in pleasure. And then Jackson slipped his left hand between her legs and he began to stroke her. Beth gasped and lifted her leg into the air giving Jackson easier access. Beth arched her head back, they were both grinding their hips together now and with her neck exposed Jackson kissed it roughly. Then Jackson pushed her onto her front again.

“Slap my ass boss,” begged Beth, but Jackson kissed it instead. The bastard will never do what I tell him she thought, watching as Jackson removed her thong. He kissed her inner thigh and then his lips brushed against her pussy as he buried his head between her legs. “Oh shit,” cried Beth not prepared for Jackson to make that move so soon. He rolled her over, Beth shocked even herself by moving onto her back, with her legs wide open, exposing everything to Jackson leering smile. But she was beyond caring, this was too good, all she wanted was more. Although she reminded herself she had no choice anyway. Jackson began to eat her out, but Beth wanted his dick. Hesitating for only a second, she sat up, but waves of pleasure from what Jackson was doing hit her and she could not concentration.

His probing tongue lit up her insides and all she could do was rest on her arms and watch him eating her pussy, sending heat coursing through her body. Her hand reached out and caressed Jackson’s head.

“That is so fucking good,” she said, gasping and crying out. Her hand grabbed his shirt and she pulled him towards her, her tensed foot resting on his back and Jackson ran his tongue up and down her pussy.

“Open your slit for me,” said Jackson, “with your fingers.” Beth hesitated and then using her fingers she opened her love hole for him.

“Oh my god,” she said, throwing her head back as her fingers allowed Jackson to probe deeper inside her. He kissed her pussy several times before he rose up and they kissed on the lips again. As they kissed Beth’s fingers undid the buttons of his shirt and as their heads parted Beth smiled. “I love being yours boss,” she said. Jackson was now kneeling between her legs and as he knelt up above her, he removed his shirt. She wrapped her legs around his thighs pulling him back towards her for a kiss. He was close enough now, that her fingers could work on his trousers. God she wanted that dick. Her kisses were now so enthusiastic but as she tried to devour his mouth Jackson lifted her, so she was sitting in his lap her legs either side of hers. His hands went under her ass lifting her further but still she continued kissing him with a desperation that shocked both of them.

She came to rest on his groin, and she immediately began to grind against him.

“I can feel how hard you are boss,” she gasped. “How big.” Beth was moaning now as they kissed. Jackson’s hands roughly moulded her tits with his hands as Beth still sitting in his lap rested back a little. Her hand reached down, and she began to stroke his trousers where she could feel his rock-hard dick. Carefully she slipped it from inside his open trousers and surprised as before at how big it was, she began to stroke it. Jackson smiled, rolling his eyes into the back of his head which Beth loved. His hands stroked her lovely thighs. She smiled, licked her fingers for a moment and then resumed stroking Jackson’s cock. Once more they kissed.

Slowly Beth moved herself around, smiling the whole time at Jackson and then without hesitating she began to suck his cock. For a brief moment she licked up his long shaft and her lovely brown eyes looked up at Jackson. She began to suck, making circles around his shaft with her hand, as her head moved up and down. Jackson hand stroked down her back and then onto her ass. Jackson sat back on his haunches and then when Beth had paused from sucking his dick, he raised her head and kissed her. They continued kissing as Jackson shed his trousers. Once he too was naked Beth resumed sucking him. This time laying across her legs as Jackson kept her hair out of the way

Jackson’s legs slid open and for a moment Beth cupped his balls. Her head rose, and they kissed some more, Beth’s hand still sliding up and down his dick until Jackson ordered her onto all fours. She assumed that position and waited patiently for Jackson to put a condom on. She could barely breath in her excitement that he was going to fuck her from behind.

“Oh,” moaned Beth, but immediately the wonderful sensation of that huge dick entering her was blown away by Jackson fucking her hard. A hand on each hip pulling her back towards him as he slammed into her. “Oh shit, oh fuck,” she cried as Jackson was going like a jack hammer. “Slap my ass boss,” she begged, “fuck” she added and then again, she said, “slap my ass.” Thwack, Jackson hit her. Still banging her hard. Her moans were loud now. Slap, Jackson hit her again. “Oh yes,” whispered Beth. “Oh fuck.” Jackson paused and then grabbing Beth’s hair he pulled her head backwards and then again, he resumed fucking her hard and fast. Slap, he had released her hair and then slapped her again. “Oh, fuck boss, oh yes” repeated Beth.

Jackson dragged Beth backwards, so she was more upright and then he fucked her hard again. Beth crying out now as his cock rammed into her.

“Oh, fuck yes,” cried Beth. “Oh fuck!” And then Jackson told her that she was going to ride him.

For the briefest of moments, the same reluctance hit her that came to her before. But then she remembered the way he had picked her up and god she wanted that again. So as Jackson got onto his back Beth immediately climbed on top, not hesitating to slip his dick inside her. She began to grind her hips back and forth just as Jackman had showed her the last time and she was pleased to hear him say.

“Oh fuck,” and then he slapped her ass. Three times he slapped her. Each time he asked, “you like that huh?” and each time Beth said she did, calling him boss on each occasion. Helped by Jackson, Beth was fucking him almost as hard as he had screwed her. God it felt so good.

“Slap me,” she begged. Each time Jackson obliged using either hand now. In between Beth would beg him to fuck her. “Boss pick me up,” she suddenly said and before she could react, she was in Jackson arms lifted off the bed. “Oh shit,” she said as her legs wrapped around his ass and her hands rested on his shoulders. God he was so strong. He had slipped out of her, but he was so powerful he was able to hold her still, whilst guiding his dick back into her. “Oh fuck,” she said as she was moved up and down on his pole. He fucked her hard and fast just like he had before, using gravity to drive her down onto his dick. “I am fucking loving it like this boss,” she wailed, as she was thrown around. All the time being screwed by Jackson in the air was driving her into extasy.

Beth squealed as she was spun around and then laid back on the bed, Jackson immediately came over the top of her using his thighs to push her legs into the air. He began to screw her and immediately she knew again she was going to come. The pressure built up inside her and then she burst, Beth crying out as her insides were filled with the heat of her orgasm. Above her she felt Jackson twitch as he too dumped his load. Gasping he fell on top of her. Jackson observed that it had been amazing, and Beth had to agree. She wondered how many more times this could happen before her brother was released. Now she wanted it to be as much as possible rather than as little.

But she told herself, however sad it would be or even devastating, she would make sure as soon as her brother was free this would stop, whatever Jackson said. For now, she would enjoy what opportunities that came her way. Her guilt would be manageable because all she wanted more, and she had to save her brother.

This would be her new plan. One of co-operation and enjoyment but when brother was released it would end. The old plan had lasted only a few moments but this new scheme she would stick to. No, she really would!