Taking Beth part 1

Beth is finding it difficult dealing with her brother being inside and then he gets beaten up. Beth is then blackmailed but finds giving into the demands of the prisoner and being controlled by him to her liking

Part one

There was no hiding the fact she had made a scene. Beth knew she had lost control completely and that had not been a very bright thing to do. Unfortunately, if her intention had been to raise the issue of her brother’s plight, then she had totally failed. The prison staff had only been interested in her and the negative impact she was having on the whole ward. They simply marched her out of the hospital wing and took Beth straight to an isolation cell, before dumping her unceremoniously inside.

No one had been prepared to listen to what she was saying, or perhaps more accurately screaming at them. Two large guards had appeared from nowhere, grabbed her by the arms and walked her, carried her really, out of the ward. They had not said a single word to Beth but had simply thrown her into this room and left. Locking her in. Inside all was now silent, the excellent soundproofing deadening every sound from the outside. Her last words had been, “I want to see the governor.” But had they even heard her? And what would happened now?

She paced the cell trying to control her emotions. Her arms folded across her chest. The overwhelming guilt that she had about her brother’s imprisonment bubbled up inside her. When the accident had happened, they had been assured by the lawyer they hired, that he would not do time but here he was doing six months. This was only her second visit; he had only been inside a fortnight and already he had been beaten up. The result being that he had been put on the hospital wing. But no one seemed to care about what had happened to put him there.

That is why she had lost it seeing him lying there all battered and bruised. He had been the first to beg her to be quiet, not to make a scene but she had not been able to stop herself. Oh god why had she not stayed calm? The cell walls closed in on her and she realised this was what her brother faced every day. Beth felt her guilt deepen further.

She had no idea how long she had been in the cell. Watches were removed, amongst other things as visitors entered the prison. It felt like hours and Beth had long since stopped pacing. She now sat miserably on the bed. Visions of her brother’s swollen face and his pleading for her to be quiet played through her mind constantly. However, finally there was the sound of a key in the lock and Beth stood up. She dusted herself down and waited to face who ever had come to see her. She told herself over and over to be calm.

“Well, well,” her visitor laughed as the door opened. “You have made quite an impact. Not sure a guest has ever got themselves locked up before.” The man standing in the doorway smiled at her. He was the most physically impressive man Beth had ever seen. Huge biceps, and even through his baggy, orange prison suit, his strong and athletic physic was obvious. However, there was something about him that suggested intelligence too. Perhaps it was the accent, more college than backstreet. Or maybe the lack of visible tattoos made him stand out. Almost every prisoner she had seen, seemed covered in them. He was wearing an armband that said, “Trustee.” Beth had assumed he was here to take her to see someone, but she was horrified to see him step into the cell and then he closed and locked the door.

“So, we can talk undisturbed,” he said casually, as though being locked in a cell with a prisoner was the most natural thing in the world. Beth protested immediately, saying she wanted to see the governor, but then the full extent of the situation she was in hit her. “I am Jackson,” the man said and then in a polite tone he added, “please sit.” Beth sat, his name whirling around in her mind. Jackson? Jackson?

“You’re the one who beat up my brother,” she spat back at him before even thinking whether this was a sensible thing to say. After all she was trapped in a cell with this man. Beth realised she had automatically sat down when told to, and not wanting to be seen following his orders she went to get up again. However, before she could Jackson sat beside her. Very close beside her. So, she was now unable to move. “I want to see the governor,” she repeated, in too quiet a voice to carry conviction. She was conscious she had breathed in and out very deeply, and the silence hung in the air as she waited for Jackson to speak. He smiled, taking his time, as though aware of how in control he was and how Beth was losing the struggle to regulate her emotions. “I want to see the governor,” she repeated for the third time. This time making herself look deeply into Jackson’s dark eyes.

“Do you really want to see the Governor?” He asked calmly. “because if you do, I could get pretty pissed about that. It’s what we have been trying to get your brother to see. He must fit in with our ways and,” he paused. “My people don’t like those that don’t conform.” Another pause and in a jovial tone he added. “They get the shit kicked out of them. Till they do.” Beth observed bitterly that she had already seen that, and Jackson laughed. “You have spirit,” he said. “I like that! But that spirit is going get your brother maimed or worse.” Beth’s head dropped, and Jackson knew she was thinking about what the hell she could do to get out of this situation. He expected her to see very quickly the answer was absolutely nothing.

Suddenly Beth was jerked back to reality. She felt Jackson’s hand touch the bottom of her chin, making her jump and then her face was gently but irresistibly lifted to his. Wide-eyed she looked at him.

“Would you like me to protect your brother?” He asked, and she said of course she would. He added, “its lucky for him you are so lovely. So very very pretty.” Beth gulped, fearing what would come next. She did not have long to wait. A hand reached up and gently touched the side of her face, Jackson pulled her head towards his. “Kiss me,” he commanded as he felt her resistance. Beth closed her eyes and quickly kissed him on the cheek and then pulled away. “What the fuck was that?” Jackson said menacingly. “Kiss me or your brother is screwed,” he barked. “You know without my help you won’t even get visiting rights, maybe they won’t even let you go to the funeral.” He laughed at that, making Beth shudder.

This time the hand that went around the back of her neck gripped a little harder. Beth was pulled helplessly into a kiss. She closed her eyes as their lips met. The first touch was brief, Jackson smiling to himself at the look of revulsion on her face and then they came together properly. He kissed her again, his lips pressing firmly on hers, before with a quiet smacking sound the contact was broken. Jackson’s hand held her head firmly in place, but Beth made no protest. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to fight, she was just unable to decide what to do, and as her brain whirled, she went along with what was happening. All the time though her mind went around in circles trying to decide whether to resist or not.

She knew she had a decision to make. Beth overwhelmingly wanted to keep her brother safe. Her guilt gave her no choice and anyway it was her duty. The idea came to her that right now she just needed to do what was necessary to get out of here. Later she could act. So, she remained compliant until she could bear it no longer. Finally, after several kisses she turned her head to the side. But Jackson’s finger pulled her head back, so she was again looking at him. Beth could not hold his gaze.

“Take off your top,” he said calmly.

“What? No!” Replied Beth, reeling from this shocking development. Could she really bring herself to do that? Remove her shirt for this stranger and where was this going to stop? Then the thought hit her that she needed to establish boundaries.

“To keep my brother safe,” she said mechanically. “What exactly do you expect from me?” She nervously ran her hand through her hair as she spoke and again looked downwards. Jackson ignored the question but repeated the command to take off her top. “Okay,” she said. “But that’s it. I take my shirt off. You stop the beatings on my brother.” Jackson watched, a smug smile on his face, as she began to undo the buttons of her shirt. One by one they came undone, starting at the top she opened them, with her fingers shaking as she did. Halfway down she paused to look at Jackson but when he neither moved or said anything she reluctantly continued. When she was finished, she sighed deeply, resting her head on her hand for a moment with her eyes closed. This could not be happening to her.

“I said off,” Jackson observed lightly, as his hand reached down to open Beth’s shirt a little. He could see her stomach with its pale flawless skin and he could see that she was wearing a white bra. Beth lifted her body a little, pulling her arms out of the sleeves before sitting back. She kept a firm hold of the shirt, placing it deliberately on her lap, hoping she would be able to put it back on again very soon.

“Very nice,” said Jackson, admiring her lovely 34B tits nestling in two plain white cups. “Very good,” he repeated. His finger played for a moment with her bra strap, slipping under it and then lifting it before letting it snap back into place. “Take this off too,” he said.

“No, no,” replied Beth aghast, but then she remembered her plan to do whatever it took to get out of the cell. Beth sighed again, as Jackson pulled her shirt from her lap and dropped it onto the floor. Beth sat up and with both hands she reached behind her back. At the same time Jackson slipped her bra straps off her shoulders. Beth still breathing heavily, sat for a moment with her bra unclipped but her hands holding it in place. Jackson pulled gently on the strap of her bra which was hanging down. Slowly with a deep sigh she let it fall from her chest, revealing her lovely breasts. Her arms hung tensely by her sides as she pushed them tightly against her body.

“There you have seen my tits. Can I go now?” She said, trying to get up, but Jackson pushed her downwards again. Her head was again pulled towards Jackson’s and again he kissed her. His urgent pressing against her mouth was a little harder this time. Slowly his hand slipped from her neck and descended to her right breast. His fingers cupped it. “You are so lovely,” he said between kisses. Beth fought the temptation to try and push him away. She was very conscious of how big and strong he was, and how weak she felt in comparison. And of course, resisting would be bad for her brother.

“Please can I go now?” she said again, when for a moment the kissing has ceased. To her surprise Jackson replied that she could. But not before he subjected her to a gentler but much longer kiss on the lips and then as he finished, he rose. He told Beth to get dressed. The next few things happened in a whirl. The door was unlocked, and she was taken back to the now empty visitor’s waiting room where Jackson turned as though to leave her. “My brother will be okay now?” She asked nervously. Jackson winked at her in response. “And I can visit him next week?” To this question the prison guard intervened, telling her she could, but anymore repeats of her bad behaviour and she would be banned. At this handover to the guard Jackson left.

Part two

In the week between visiting times Beth had tried to be extract herself from the dangerous situation she was in with Jackson. She had been complaining to the prison authorities all week. Making as big a fuss about what had happened to both herself and her brother as possible. But they had steadfastly refused to talk to her. They insisted she must speak to the governor first. Which of course she had not, even though she had tried to. She tried to explain that had been her original wish. She tried to say she had not been allowed to, that it would not now be safe to try, but they told her the prison would deal with all of that. It happens all the time they assured her. People often see the governor in total secrecy. The prison will arrange it.

It all sounded so straightforward.

So, she began trying to get an appointment with the prison governor. What had been made to sound simple was of course anything but. After countless rejections they suddenly relented and booked an appointment. It was welcome but totally out of the blue. At last she had made it, even though the arrangements did not turn out to be quite what she expected.

Beth was booked to see the Governor straight after visiting time. She had wanted to see him before but had been refused. However, in order to allay her fear that it would be dangerous for her and her brother, they said they would give her a separate room. So, she could see her brother first. He was out of the hospital and doing well apparently. A guard would meet her at the front door, escort her to the room and then afterwards to the governor office. She would not have to see or speak to anyone else and a guard would be with her at all times. Her fears that she would be attacked again were allayed.

On the day the plan seemed to work well enough. Her brother was much better, not exactly happy but at least feeling safe and secure. It had taken a while to calm his fears about the special room but eventually she had convinced him there was nothing to worry about. Although she did not tell the real reason they were there.

It had concerned Beth though, when he had told her life was now okay and that he was praying nothing would spoil it. He had friends now, he said. He was being included in activities and there were people looking out for him. Beth felt even more guilty and concerned, when he proclaimed, “the beating was the best thing that has happened to me!” Adding that he could not return to how it was before.

“Even Jackson is being civil to me,” he added. Beth’s heart dropped, obviously with what she was doing Jackson would soon be the enemy again. But she was confident he would be taken away from this prison and put somewhere else, or alternately her brother would. What Jackson had done to her, let alone her brother warranted that. Maybe her brother might get some compensation for not being looked after properly, some time off his sentence or maybe custody at home.

Beth was finally delivered to the plush office that belonged to the governor, by a female guard. It was empty, but the guard said she would get the governor as soon as Beth was ready!

“First though, I am afraid I need to search you,” said the guard. “But we can leave underwear on today.” This was the part of the visit that Beth hated the most. Visitors were stripped naked and searched both on entering the prison and leaving. It was normally degrading but now she happily removed her clothes. Keen to get to the meeting and pleased that she would not have to be naked. Beth stood self-consciously, as the guard scooped up her clothes and then handed her a gown.

“Here use this while your clothes are checked.” She said kindly. “Back in a minute or two.” And then she left. Beth did up the gown with the cord and then walked to the one-way window watching all the prison visitors streaming out, but then she froze.

“You have been a very busy girl.” Said a voice behind her. “Busy and foolish!” Beth turned to see Jackson standing in front of her. In his hands were her clothes. Beth’s eyes went wide.

“Where is the governor?” She said. “And give me my clothes.” Her hands went defensively around her body.

“The governor doesn’t deal with troublemakers,” laughed Jackson. “He leaves them to me. Telling the prison authorities all those lies about his prison. Not that anyone believed you.” He then told her to sit but she refused, and marching past him she went for the door. On opening it she found another prisoner baring the way. He turned and gave Beth a big toothy grin. He had a small scar on his cheek and he was nearly as large as Jackson. “If you wish to leave that’s fine,” said Jackson. “I shall just tell my associate here to give your brother a good pasting? Or would you rather discuss the situation with me in the office instead?” He paused. “Now close the door and sit down like a good girl,” he suggested. His hand indicated he meant her to sit on the sofa. Beth closed her eyes and as she hesitated the man with the scar closed the door. Beth turned around to face Jackson, trying to get herself under control. She was more trapped than ever.

“First, give me my clothes.” She said, reaching out with her hands. The other instruction that Jackson had given Beth before releasing her from the cell was that she had to dress nicely for her visits. Give the lads something to look at, had been his justification. Screw that had been Beth’s reaction when she had her visit with the governor safely booked. Jackson pointed this out right now, making no bones that he was not impressed that she had not followed instructions. Beth gasped as he suddenly pushed her down onto the sofa.

“I’d stay there if I was you,” Jackson observed. “I am not happy with you. And I make a bad enemy. Real bad.” None the less he seemed very calm, as he placed her clothes, which someone had neatly folded, onto the desk and then sat beside her.

The first thing he did was reach forward and begin to kiss her. Similar to before, short kisses which made a quiet smacking sound as their lips met and parted. Beth had again been struggling to think what to do, and before she could decide, she was overwhelmed once again by Jackson making the first move.

Being in a quandary meant she made no protest and simply co-operated once again. Beth was terrified of the trouble she had made for both her and her brother. The guilt she felt about him being inside was bad enough, if she caused him to get hurt, she would never forgive herself.

The kissing went on and on, with Beth remaining quiet and compliant as her mind continued to whirl. Jackson’s hand was around her back, but his touch was light.

But then he looked down, slowly his other hand reached down to her legs and he slowly parted the bottom of her gown, so he could see and touch the top of her thighs.

“Open the gown,” he told her.

“Please don’t do this.” She pleaded and Beth went to say she was sorry but was floored by what Jackson said.

“You know from the moment I first saw you I knew I would fuck you,” he said. “I don’t give a shit about what you have or haven’t done. It’s all futile, I control this prison and from now I control you. You want your brother safe, then you do exactly what I say.” Beth paused and then felt herself nod slightly. It was hopeless, he was right. The only salvation was her brother would be out in a few weeks and then she could get on with her life. For now, she would have to comply with Jackson’s wishes. Slowly her two shaking hands reached down and undid the cord on her gown. Jacksons eyes narrowed, and a look of satisfaction crossed his face as he watched Beth. Her arms fell away as Jackson’s hand came up and touched her stomach. Then the kissing resumed, now with a little more eagerness on Jackson’s part.

“Take off the gown and then lay back.” These instructions Beth followed without protest!

As Beth lay back on the sofa and fiddled with her hair. Jackson stood up and stepped out of his orange jumpsuit. He was wearing only a pair of boxers underneath, and for the first time Beth saw his huge abs and six pack, but the big bulge in his shorts took her breath away. It hit home what she was going to have to do. She had to admit even in that difficult moment he had a great body. He sat back down and immediately started kissing her again. God he does like to kiss she thought. His hand roamed over her body, stroking her chest and going from between her legs, up to cupping her breasts, and back down again. His hand grabbed hers and he placed it very deliberately on his shoulder. Jackson was pleased that when he took his hand away it stayed put. They were now laying side-by-side.

His hand slipped beneath the waist band of her knickers and as they kept kissing, he began to stroke her pussy. For some while that was he did to her and it began to have an effect. Beth felt herself slowly getting aroused, her hips slightly rising and bucking as his fingers brought her clit to life. Each time she became aware of what she was doing she stopped moving, but Beth soon found she had subconsciously started again. In the end she stopped fighting it. Her mouth started responding to his. All too soon their mouths were meeting and parting in time to the movement of her body and the motion of Jackson’s fingers stroking her pussy. It began to feel so good, but her guilt rose in equal measure.

The rear clasp on her bra suddenly snapped open, bringing her to her senses. She had not even noticed Jackson reaching behind her. She reluctantly had to admit he had skilfully undone it. With one hand no less! A bad sign! He knew exactly what he was doing. A temptation grew inside her to stop resisting and to go with whatever he wanted and then just as she was considering complying the reality of that hit her.

“I can’t do this,” she suddenly said. “I am a wife and a mother. Please there must be some other way.” Jackson ignored her protest and simply removed her bra.

“You will do what I want. You want this to be our secret you got it.” He said. “But you screw me, or you know what happens.” Jackson smiled as once more Beth shyly nodded her agreement. “That’s my girl,” he said. His head went down, and his mouth clamped around her right breast. “You have great tits,” he observed, raising his head to look at her briefly before sucking her tit again. “Married huh?” he asked, and Beth nodded. “Got a kid huh?” Jackson added. And then after a pause he observed, “Your old man is very lucky.” Jackson laughed. “You have a fucking great body!”

His mouth worked on her breast as his hand went back down inside her knickers again. Beth had felt a strange thrill when he had told her she had a great body. That was more than her husband ever said and she realised she desired this man. She loved how big and rough he was. More than that she knew deep down she quite liked being under this rouge’s control. Being made to do what he wanted her to, turned her on.

Beth took a deep breath, as she realised, she had been stroking the back of Jackson’s neck while she had been pondering. When he came up to kiss her again, she held his head in her hands and for the first time she kissed him properly. Once more they fell into a rhythm of kissing and stroking. Again, Beth felt his skilful caress making her body come alive.

Soon her breathing was audible, and she began to quietly sigh. Jackson’s fingers began to work harder now, outpacing their kissing although he thought it was hot the way Beth tried to keep up. Her mouth reaching out for his, eagerly and willingly now, loving the way his lips probed her mouth.

Jackson’s turned his attention to the breast he had yet to touch and he began to suck on her nipple, still his fingers worked her pussy. His lips worked down her body and when he reached the top of her knickers he stood up, shedding his boxer shorts in one swift movement.

“Shall I remove these?” Asked Beth quietly. She knew it was wrong but the need to be controlled by this man was growing, even if she kept telling herself she had no choice anyway.

“Why not?” Said Jackson standing up. “Can’t fuck you with them on.” He noticed as Beth shed her knickers, her gaze was fixed on his dick, which was standing proudly to attention. “A bit more than you get at home, huh?” He asked. Beth nodded shyly. “Don’t worry baby I know exactly what you need” He added. Trying to ignore the thrill that went through her body Beth asked if he had a condom. “Of course,” said Jackson and he went to the pile of his clothes and retrieved from the middle of them a condom wrapper. As he returned to the sofa, he found Beth was sitting up. He loved the fact she was waiting eagerly for him to return. Jackson was going to push her onto her back, but as soon as he was within reach she leaned forward, clearly ready and willing to give him head.

“Oh, fuck yes,” responded Jackson, surprised and turned-on in equal measure that Beth was about to make a move.

He watched transfixed as Beth calmly took his cock in her right hand, placing her left hand at the top of his leg and slipping her lips over the huge purple head of his dick. After a brief exploratory suck, she shifted in her seat a little. A look of concentration went across Beth’s face. She used two hands to position Jackson’s dick at the right height before her left hand returned to his leg. Jackson gaze never left her, fascinated by her methodical preparation. Beth felt herself enjoying the fact she had his full attention and that she had surprised him.

And then she began blowing him. Her head bobbing up and down. A quiet “mmmmm” sound coming from her, amid the sound of slurping. With surprising confidence, she worked his dick, gradually increasing her speed and the portion of the enormous shaft that slipped down her throat. She had had a boyfriend once, who loved being given head and he had always told Beth she was very good at it. The memories came flooding back. Just like riding a bike she thought.

“That’s it,” whispered Jackson and he began to gather her hair up. “Oh, fuck that’s it.” He added. He played with the soft silky strands, as he created a ponytail on the top of her head and then redid it. Each time some hair would slip from his grasp and he would begin again.

“Do you like that?” She suddenly asked between sucks. Her big brown eyes looking up at him. “It’s been a while since I have done this.” In response Jackson gently took her head and without any resistance she took his dick into her mouth again. He began to push down on her head a little, forcing the last few inches of his cock down her throat. Beth was pleased with herself that she was able to take it all. She found if she rocked her head back slightly, as she came down on it, she would take it all and not gag.

Jackson delighted and still mesmerized at what she was doing was thrilled to see the focussed look on her face. Wow, she was really trying to do this right. And for a while that’s all he did. Stand and watch her servicing dick, delighting in the fucking incredible sensations coming from that wet, warm mouth of hers.

“Gosh you are big,” she said at one point and then finally after a few more strokes she sat back. Her mouth hurt. “I can’t do that anymore,” she said. Jackson smiled, watching her stroking his dick with her hand and then he quietly told her it was okay. It hit her what would probably come next, but she realised she didn’t care. Beth felt guilty that she wasn’t concerned about what she was being made to do, but that was all she felt. She wanted to be fucked by Jackson very much.

Jackson leant over the top of her, kissing her as he manoeuvred her into a position where she was laying on the sofa. He kissed down her body, bringing his legs onto the sofa too before he slid into a kneeling position on the floor. Pushing her legs apart he began to eat her out. Beth had expected to be fucked, but this surprising development made her even more horny. One good turn deserves another she thought.

She lay back, loving the touch of his tongue on her clit and liking the fact she could lay back for a bit. One hand rested on his shoulder while the other supported her head. One leg was raised, the sole of her foot resting on the sofa and the other one was on the floor. God he is so fucking good at this mused Beth, feeling so turned on that all she could think about was wanting more.

She was certain they would soon be fucking, and Beth tried amongst the waves of pleasure washing through her body to think straight about that. She felt huge pangs of guilt return, but to counteract them she told herself she had no choice. She had to save her brother. Beth knew she was very horny and also intrigued. He knew how to eat pussy, she was sure he would know how to fuck, and she realised she was aching to have that big juicy dick burrowing inside her.

Once more her body began to move in time to his touch, her tummy rising and falling but this time she barely noticed it, lost in the pleasure of the moment. His hand reached up to her breast and she made a sound of appreciation. Even the noise of him licking her sounded good. Her head turned slightly, and she looked down at him. There he was between her legs, his face buried in her pussy. She also watched her hand stroking his shoulder. And then she knew the point of no return had been reached. She was going to get fucked and there was nothing she could do about it even if she wanted to. The guilt slipped from her mind and all that remained was desire to fuck Jackson. Strong overwhelming desire.

Jackson stopped and stood up. He too seemed to realise this was the moment. Quickly unwrapping and putting on the condom which he must have kept to hand. Beth realised suddenly that she asked him loudly to fuck her. Twice in fact. For a moment she was embarrassed at how wanton she had sounded. That washed away as her desire for him took over again. Beth opened her legs wide in her eagerness. Then she felt his cock slip inside her. Jackson had entered her slowly and gently, but she was so wet, her insides received his dick in one long uninterrupted slide. Her back arched and she gasped as her insides burned with pleasure as he went ball deep. Jackson’s cock stretched and filled her hole deeper and wider than any man ever had before.

“Oh, fuck that’s so good,” she gasped, her breath taken away. Her legs were as wide as she could get them as he carefully rocked forward and then back. “Arghh,” she whispered, not in pain but delighted surprise at how amazing it felt. Once more she told him how good it was. He moved her slightly, pushing her right leg up beside him and then bearing down gently on her other one. He was fucking her a little harder now and when he began to stroke her clit with his fingers she began to moan.

“Oh my god,” she said, shocked at the overwhelming sensations.

Jackson fell into a slow consistent rhythm. Each movement inside her flooded her insides with a burning lust for more. Her head slowly slid up the sofa, until it was against the hard and solid arm-rest. She could not slide any further and it pressed painfully against the top of her head. Her hand reached up, desperate suddenly to touch him and to feel his bare skin. She gripped his right arm that was supporting his body. Slowly he picked up speed, admiring her lovely tits as he screwed her. He was aware of Beth occasionally raising her head to look at what he was doing. Although, this was partly to get a brief respite from the pressure of the sofa’s armrest that she was being crushed against.

Her fast breaths were audible again. He lowered his head and she slid her hands up onto his shoulders. She smiled as she watched his head slowly descend towards her and one by one he kissed her breasts. Enjoying one side, before a brief pause, and then his attention would transfer to the other side. As he worked on her tits Beth sighed and held his head in her hand, stroking his hair.

“That feels so good,” she told him again, needing him to know how she felt. His arms scooped her legs up, pushing them up and backwards as he leant further over her. Now he was able to fuck her harder and faster. Beth began to cry out in time with each thrust. And then just as she felt nothing could feel so good, he switched to a slower, harder push, rolling his hips as he did. And her pleasure rose to an even higher level. Then suddenly he was going fast again. “Argh, argh” Beth moaned. Over and over. She admitted to herself this whole thing was fucking amazing. Never had any man produced in her such intense feelings, such passionate abandonment.

This huge man taking her against her will, showing her how incredible sex could be. This was wrong on so many levels she told herself and for a moment it felt like she was looking down on herself. Feeling of disgust at what she was doing bubbled up inside her. If I don’t cooperate he will hurt my brother the other side of her mind told herself. And then she realised her body was beginning the slow build-up of pressure towards an orgasm. Negative thoughts dissolved away. Beth mind blanked everything else out except the wonder of being screwed so well and the anticipation of how an orgasm would feel after Jackson had given her such an intense fucking.

It all felt so fucking dirty but wonderful at the same time. Her legs pushed backwards against her body. Being fucked on the Prison Governor’s sofa by a man who was threatening her brother. But there was no denying she wanted this. At some basic level she ached to be controlled, to be taken when she was helpless. Jackson brought her back to reality, suggesting suddenly they try something else. He sat back on the sofa, motioning that Beth should sit on his lap.

She hesitated, and the thought came to her that perhaps this bastard knew exactly what he was doing. It was one thing being screwed by this man, convincing herself she could not stop what was happening. But if she rode him as he wanted, then she would be doing the fucking. It’s out of your control, she told herself, so with a sigh she got up and climbed carefully across his legs.

“I’ve not done this for a while either,” she said defensively. Jackson held his dick for her as she sat down on it. “Oh yes,” she gasped breathlessly, god that felt good . Doubt free again, all she wanted now was to ride him. Resting her hands on his shoulders once Jackson was completely inside her, she fell back into the deep pool of intense pleasure, where nothing else mattered but fucking. She began to slowly move up and down, Jackson’s hand caressing her ass as she fucked him. She rode him at a slow consistent speed. But he began to help her, gripping her hips and so making her speed up a little. “Oh my god,” she said, as he began to show her how to slide back and forth across his dick. His position inside her changed, having an immediate and dramatic effect on the sensations coursing through her body.

“Holy fuck,” she whispered in shock and amazement. And then suddenly he rose, lifting her into his arms as he stood up. All Beth could do was wrap her arms around her neck, shocked by his strength and the ease with which he had picked her up. This was a new position for her, but she loved the helplessness of being held in the air.

“Holy shit,” she said, “holy shit,” she repeated, in her surprise. Then immediately he was fucking her so hard, all she could was hang on, close her eyes, and let him use her body as he wished. His strong arms slipped under her knees, as he lifted her into the air then let her fall back down. This motion aided by gravity, drove his dick into Beth so hard and fast that she wondered if her insides could take it. But all she felt was overwhelming pleasure. She begged him not to stop.

“Holy shit,” Beth repeated. She managed to say, “this is so fucking good.” Each word though was punctuated by cries and gasps. Then for the first time they were both loudly gasping for breath. Beth was delighted that Jackson too was losing control. And then for the first time she screamed properly. The pressure inside her was becoming deliciously unbearable.

He spun her around and then forcing her face down on the sofa, he entered her again, this time from behind. The whole movement had been so frantic but smooth and swift. Although he had used irresistible force he had not hurt her. Then she cried out in shock. He had slapped her ass.

No man had ever slapped her but Jesus Christ it felt good. And then he did it again, harder this time. That felt even better.

She wanted to tell him she liked it, but for a moment the shock of that idea stopped her. By then he was fucking her so hard and so fast from behind. All she could do was moan loudly in times to the thrusts. She tried to settle into a comfortable position, pressed as she was onto her stomach with her head once again jammed against the armrest. Her hands tried to stop it pressing hard against her, as Jackson fucked her, but it was futile. Anyway, she knew she was about to burst, being taken so hard, robbed her of any control. But oh god how she loved it. And then he exploded inside her.

“Oh, fuck yes,” she cried, the second before she felt his cock go rock hard and then it twitched several times, each jerk being less strong than the last. Above her Jackson groaned and then Beth too was crying out as her anticipated orgasm came, sending wave upon wave of intense heat crashing through her body. The waves built in intensity until she thought she could bear it no more and then they gradually began to fade. Beth and Jackson both fought to recover their senses as they lay together for a while. Jackson was the first to regain control.

He rose, “I suggest you get yourself dressed for the Governor.” He said as though nothing had happened and then he swiftly dressed and left. Before departing he added, “I suggest you think very hard about what you say. Maybe an apology for wasting everyone’s time. We both know you wanted this.” Beth had lain still, just watching Jackson dress. Guilt building inside her again. She sighed, rose too and dressed. And at the very moment she was ready the door opened and in walked a man she guessed was the person she had come to the prison to see. The governor! But a lot had happened since then.

No, she thought. I have been fucked by the real governor of this prison and she realised she was hoping it would happen again.