The Awakening of Chris – Part 2

Like before….work of fiction. Hope it makes you feel good in certain areas.

I awoke to the hot sun warming my room.

The alcohol from last night was now a lovely poisonous collection of chemicals coursing through my body. My stomach was rancid and my head was thumping.

I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled through to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and emptied my stomach into the toilet – 3 times.

40 minutes later I walked down stairs into the lounge. My body was now processing some painkillers and the water I had drunk was keeping my stomach from flipping again.

My mind was racing though. What would Paul’s reaction be when I came down stairs? Would he want to chat? Would he launch into a flurry of punches?

He wasn’t there.

“Paul, ” I shouted immediately regretting it as my voice bounced around in my hungover head.

“Out by the pool sleepyhead.”

I walked out to see Paul in the pool looking as fresh as a daisy. Lying on a sunchair was my Mom wearing nothing but a peach coloured bikini – and looking pretty good.

“Just getting some laps in before the biking. You feeling OK?”

“Better now. We’ll need to head off shortly so we can get to Pike’s peak around lunchtime.”

My Mom sat up, “Where are you boys off to?”

“We’re just heading over to Pike’s to do some offroading. Should be back around 3 or 4.”

“OK – do you want me to fix some food for you?”

“That’d be lovely Mrs Jackson.” Paul said in his most appreciative voice.

My Mom hopped up and walked through to the kitchen.

I saw Paul’s gaze follow her. His eyes took in the rather wonderful sight of my Mother’s tight arse bouncing as she walked away.

Paul looked up at me, “I want to get out of the pool but I’ve got a hard on. I think I had a wet dream about her last night. I messed up your sofa a bit….sorry bro.”

I froze for a second and then tried to hide my relief in a faux angry rant, “Seriously dude, you gotta stop saying things like that. She’s my Mom… don’t get to say things like that!”

Paul pulled him self up out of the pool and right enough he was hard.

“Let me take care of this and we’ll head off.”

I sighed in frustration as Paul went off to get….um….changed. I walked into the kitchen to see Mom packing away some condiments for a picnic lunch.

I sat on the other side of the bench. Even though I tried not to I couldn’t ignore my Mom’s looks. The peach bikini was a metallic like material. Her breasts bulged under the material and her nipples stood proudly as the air con in the house caused them to harden.

She stretched up to put the bread away in the cupboard and a took in the vision of her toned back and pert arse. She turned around once the bread was away and walked back to the counter top. Her bikini briefs were the same material as the top and left very little to the imagination. I could see the outline of her pussy.

“Hey! Up here champ!”

I jerked from my leering and met my Mom’s eyes.

“S-s-sorry Mom, It’s just….”

“Just what?”

“Well…you look pretty good in the bikini Mom but it’s embarrassing when you dress like that around Paul.”

“I really don’t think Paul minds sweetie. Besides – I’m almost 30 years older than him. As an almost 50 year old I need to get as much sly looks from boys as possible.”


She laughed, “I’m joking honey. I was already bathing by the pool when Paul came out. I’ll make sure I bring a towel with me next time.”


She walked round the counter top and gave me a hug, “But thanks for the compliment honey, makes an old girl feel good.”

I walked back out past the pool and into my flat in time to see Paul tying up his shoes.

“We ready to go?” He asked.

“Yep, bikes are already on the back of the Wrangler, Mom’s got some lunch stuff for us and the weather is perfect.”

“Let’s do this then!” he smiled

The trip out to Pike’s Peak is about 1 and a half hours. Once you get through the clogging traffic of the city you head into the forestry region. Big wide open plains surrounded by imposing rises. Pikes Peak, Drum’s Leap, Battle River and Roberts Outpost – all well known off road destinations. We got to the car park and saw a smattering of other trucks and jeeps. People were busying themselves preparing their bikes and then roaring off up the various tracks spider webbing out from the car park.

We were heading up Pike’s Peak. It was a fast track with a ton of jumps and some tricky hill climbs. I had loaded up the new Yamaha 250’s and had 2 20 litre jerry cans full of fuel locked in the Wrangler. We would have enough fuel for a good 5 or 6 hours of riding.

Making sure everything was in good working order we started up the engines, dropped the clutches and disappeared in a cloud of dust and gravel.

We were both competent riders. I was better in the air but Paul’s handling through the tricky sections was far superior to mine. I watched as he powered up Scratchy Rise. The bike totally in his control. I managed to get up but not without a couple of worrying moments.

An hour and a half later we were at the top of Pike’s looking out over the valley and chomping away on the packed sandwiches that Mom had made.

“Great sandwiches.” Paul remarked.


Paul turned to me, “I’m sorry about the shit with your Mom. I’ll lay off.”

I shrugged my shoulders, “It’s difficult you know. I know she is good looking. But she’s my Mom.”

“Yeah, must be difficult.”

I turned to see Paul’s face crease with a smile. “Shut up you dick.”

He broke into a laugh and put his hands up in a surrendering pose, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry……I’ll lay off.” he paused, “have you ever… know….used her as an aide?”


“Oh come on dude. It’s not that bad. I’ve wanked off to a picture of my Mom before…hell….I’ve even knocked one off watching my Sister by the pool.”

“What! What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Don’t be such a prude. You never felt a stirring when you got a hug from her?”

“Well…..but she’s my Mom.”

“I’m not talking about fucking her! She looks good – so why not use her image.”

“Jesus Paul – what’s got into you. Your sister!!”

Admittedly Paul’s sister was a looker. 2 years younger than Paul. Her volleyball career had sculpted her body into a rock hard athlete’s physique.

“So you’ve wanked over Tracey?”

“Tons of times. I’ve even fucked her.” he said flippantly.

I stared open eyed at Paul. Who was this guy? Who was this monster?

“Relax. She said it was OK.”

“OK what now?”

“She caught me wanking once,” he laughed, “I thought she was going to kill me but she said it was OK. From then on, whenever she sunbathed, she’d go topless and always make sure she was lying on the sun lounger so I could see her from my window.”

I stared, shocked.

“A couple of times when Mom and Dad weren’t home she’d get herself off and make a bit of a show for me. Then she started coming into my room and playing with herself on my bed while I wanked. But sometimes we’d go further. She eventually said I could fuck her but I wasn’t allowed to cum inside her.”

“Oh yeah – cause obviously the fact that you might cum in her was the big issue here! And your Mom?”

Paul laughed again, “I was messing around with her laptop and I opened a folder that had all her pictures in it. There was a separate file with no name on it so I opened it. It had a whole lot of photos of her in tight skirts, swimwear, lingerie and heaps of naked ones.”

I let out a deep breath, “This is spinning me out man.”

“It’s just porn dude. Just so happens I’m related to it. It’s not hurting anyone. Besides – it’s all cool if someone is asleep.”

My heart stopped beating, my throat tightened. He knew….oh shit Paul knew.

Paul saw my face and smiled. “Don’t worry about dude. No harm done.”


“Come on mate – did you honestly think you could jerk someone off and them not know what was going on?”

“B-b-but….you were asleep.”

“No. I was enjoying it so I let it carry on. If you want to jerk me off that’s fine.”

Why was he being so calm about all of this?

“Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.” he proclaimed

“Yeah – but your best mate wanking you off is a bit more than going with the flow.”

“I’ve known you for years dude…..I trust you. And anyway – that whole scene doesn’t really bother me. It’s not like I haven’t been with a guy before.”

So this was a pretty big piece of information that I never knew about!

“You’ve been with a guy? When…”

“I was at college for a while remember. Experimentation was a pretty big part of it.” he said as though he was telling me something that every other person on the face of the planet knew.

My mind was in pieces. In the space of a few minutes everything I had ever known about Paul had crashed to the ground, shattered and then rebuilt itself into a completely different character.

Paul turned and looked at me, “Don’t let it get in way of us though. I’m still Paul. I’ll still beat you down in driving games and get up a hill faster than you on a dirt bike.”

“So are you gay then?” I inquired.

“Heeeell no. There is no way I’m turning my back on the ladies. I love pussy way too much to let it go.” he snorted.

“But if I’m feeling horny and there is only a guy around….and he’s keen….then I’ll have some fun.”

I stared at him. He wasn’t joking.

He laughed again and reached into one of the pockets of his shorts, “Here take this.”

He tapped on the screen of his phone a few times and then threw it over to me.

“Push play and see what you think, I’m off for a walk – see you in about 15 minutes.”

Paul got up and trudged a little way down the hill behind some rocks to do the quick walk to the lookout. I lifted the phone and shielded the screen from the glaring sun.

It was a video. There was a large triangle in the middle of the screen. I touched the icon and watched as the video jerked into life.

There was a flurry of blurred images. The microphone picking up the knocks and bangs of the phone being roughly moved. When it finally steadied it was recording a woman, lying on her back, naked. She was panting and groaning. Her breasts were moving back and forth on her body. They were large and obviously enhanced. She was tanned, but across her breasts she was pale where her bra or bikini top would usually be.

At the bottom of the screen you could see that she was being fucked by a guy standing on the floor at the bottom of the bed. I could just make out his cock thrusting into her.

Then I looked at her face, contorted in pleasure. She looked familiar. No…..she looked very familiar. The woman who was now gasping with arousal, who’s fake tits were shuddering in time to the heavy, deep strokes of a powerful cock was Paul’s Mom.

Paul’s Mom who used to read us bedtime stories when I used to stay over at his house. Paul’s Mom who would get a bit tipsy at Christmas time and sing classic 80’s rock songs.

I looked down towards the rocks that Paul had gone behind. He was nowhere to be seen.

I looked back down at the screen and stared at Paul’s Mom writhing in ecstacy. I hardened immediately. The sight of her being fucked tapped into my most voyeuristic fantasies.

Without any thought of what I was doing I pulled my motorcross shorts down along with my boxers and grasped at my cock knowing that I only had a small window to get the job done.

Paul’s Mom continued to be fucked as my hand pumped my erection. I paid close attention to the sensitive helmet as that always made me cum faster.

I listened to the sounds coming from the video, Paul’s Mom panting, groaning, gasping, begging for more. I closed my eyes and imagined that it was me standing between her legs. Imagined that it was my cock thrusting in and out of her wet pussy.

“Oh Paul…..oh baby…..cum inside Mommy……..”

My eyes widened. Had she just said what I thought she said.

I stabbed the screen and moved the video toggle so it went back 30 seconds or so. The video started up again and a few seconds in the same words.

“Oh Paul…..oh baby…..cum inside Mommy……..”

I touched the video toggle again and moved it to the end of the film. It buffered for a few moments and then started up again. Paul’s Mom was still lying on her back but now her belly and tits were covered in cum.

“Let me have the phone baby….I wanna get a shot of your cock with my juice all over it.”

The phone was passed and turned to reveal Paul standing, naked with a hardon. He smiled as the phone came closer. Paul’s Mom then moved it out and took some footage of her sucking Paul’s cock clean.

“Oh god….that feels so good Mom”.

The the video stopped.

I stabbed the screen again and moved the toggle back so there was about 3 or 4 minutes to go. I pressed play and the scene went back to Paul’s Mom in the beginnings of an climax.

“Oh yeah baby…..fuck me hard….fuck me real hard….”

Seeing all this again made me harden….my hand was soon pumping my cock again. The very thought that I was watching Paul fuck his Mom was even more of a turn on than I could imagine.

“So you’re enjoying it then.” Came Paul’s deep voice.

I gasped in surprise more than fear.

“Y-y-you’re fucking your Mom…you fucked your Mom.”

“Many times – don’t stop – I was enjoying you getting off on it.”

He walked over towards me and stood above me.

“That was the night before I left for here. Click out of that one and go into my video gallery.”

I did as he said. His video gallery was full of movies.

“Go to the one saved as Anytime.”

I flicked through the pages and saw a video with the title anytime. I clicked on it and a few seconds later it played.

Paul’s Mom was lying on the same bed. This time though she was wearing a light blue bra and panties set.

Her hand was buried down the front of her panties, her fingers pushing the material aside to reveal her pussy lips.

As she stroked and penetrated herself she looked up at the camera.

In a breathless voice she said, “Anytime you want Chris….you can have me. Next time it’s your turn to come down here. You can fuck me anyway you want.”

The video cut out. I looked up at Paul.

“She’s serious mate. If you head down to mine for a visit she will do anything you want.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not.” He looked at me as though he was making a decision. Finally he said “Let’s head over to the rocks and get off the trail.”

I stood up and pulled my shorts up. I watched as he walked towards the rocks. There was a large pile that had fallen from the slightly raised summit of Pike’s Peak. Paul was a good 10 metres in front of me. He made his way around the pile and then disappeared behind a huge boulder.

As I came around the side of the pile I saw Paul standing on one of the flat areas that looked out across the forest below. He had his shirt off and was taking his shorts and boxers down.

“Come over here Chris.” he yelled

I walked towards him as I saw him kick off his shorts. He stood naked in the bright sunshine. His muscular torso, slightly tanned rippled with solid muscle. His powerful thighs bulged and his large cock stood at attention.

I lifted myself up on to the ledge. He gave me a hand up and we stood next to each other.

“Great view up here huh?”

“Yeah.” I croaked.

“Let me show you another video, you’ll like this one.”

Paul took his phone and skipped through some pages. He clicked on a video. He sat down on his shirt and gestured for me to sit. I did.

The video was shot in low light. It started with the camera bouncing unsteadily along the hallway of Paul’s house. He gently pushed open a door which led into his sister’s bedroom. I could see her lying sound asleep on the bed. The sheets covering her except for one leg.

I could feel my heart starting to beat as I knew what was going to happen. I felt my semi hard cock starting to come to life again.

I saw Paul’s hand come out in front of the camera and lift the bed sheets up. Paul’s sister, Tracey, was wearing a tight pair of hotpants and a tight cotton vest. Paul moved her leg so she moved onto her back. I could see that her panties were unable to hide the outline of her pussy. A few moments later I saw Paul’s finger push up against her mound. It sunk into the soft flesh. Tracey’s legs spread a little wider.

As I watched I saw Paul sitting beside me slowly stroking his cock. I wanted to be a part of this so pulled my shorts right down and pushed them over my feet. I quickly removed my t-shirt so that was also naked and took the phone off Paul.

I watched the video as Paul slowly lifted Tracey’s vest up over her tits so they were fully revealed.

Tracey’s breasts were magnificent. They weren’t huge but perfectly formed. Everything about them screamed out to be sucked.

The video jerked a little as Paul pointed the lens at his cock that he was pulling. The camera then moved again as he placed it on Tracey’s bedside table. It jerked a few more times as Paul lined it up so it was pointing down the bed.

It framed Tracey’s body beautifully. Her wonderful tits, taught belly and slim legs. Paul then appeared at the foot of the bed. He slowly climbed on to the bed and positioned himself in between Tracey’s legs. He placed his cock on top of her panties, into the gap between her two lips and started to slide his cock along it.

I lay back so I was lying up against a smooth slope on the rock. My cock was completely hard. I looked across and saw Paul staring at my hard on.

I parted my legs a little and took my hand away from my throbbing shaft.

The video hadn’t moved on much. Paul was still sliding his cock between his sister’s pussy slit. I did notice that Tracey’s nipples had gotten hard and I could see her stomach muscles moving up and down quickly. The feeling of Paul’s cock sliding between her lips must of been giving her pleasure.

Then it happened. I felt Paul’s hand close around my cock. I glanced at him. He was sitting up with his cock in his left hand. He was leaning over a little and watching his right hand stroke me up and down. The feeling was intense. His large hands created more friction than a smaller girl’s hands.

I flicked my gaze back to the video and watched as Tracey slowly woke up. She put her hands to her tits and started to massage them. Her legs spread wider giving Paul more access to her crotch. Paul took advantage of this and raised himself up a little higher which meant he was able to grind a little harder up against Tracey’s pussy.

Tracey’s moans could be heard over the speakers. She reached down and lifted her arse up allowing her to slip her panties down. Paul waited for a bit and then continued sliding his cock along her wet slit. Tracey’s hips began to move in time with Paul’s strokes. She drew her legs up a little to allow Paul even more room. Her moans were now loud yelps of pleasure.

Back in the real world Paul continued to stroke me. He pushed himself up on to his knees so I was side on to him. He then started to use both of his hands, playing with my balls and cock, occasionally spitting onto his hands to keep me lubricated.

Back on the video Tracey was now fully awake. She was screaming in ecstacy and Paul looked like he was about to cum. Paul stopped thrusting and grabbed hold of his cock. He place it at the entrance of Tracey’s cunt and prodded gently at it.

“Don’t you cum in me Paul” she gasped

“I won’t Sis.” he replied.

Paul then push his way into his sister. His cock disappearing into her cunt as she groan with pleasure. Paul started to thrust straight away. I couldn’t believe that I was watching Paul, my best mate, fucking his Sister. Tracey screamed with delight as her Brother pounded into her cunt.

“Oh yes Paul….fuck me like you fuck Mom…..fuck me so hard….make me cum like Mom……”

Paul suddenly whipped his cock out of her hole and came all over her belly. Tracey shoved her fingers into her cunt and within a few seconds exploded into a massive orgasm.

With the action drawing to a close on the screen I flicked my attention back to Paul. He had now straddled my legs and was expertly stroking me. I could feel his balls on my thigh.

I put the phone down and gestured to Paul to come up alongside me. He obliged. Still lying down I rolled onto my side so I was facing him. He did the same. I place my hand on his shoulder and slowly moved it down his powerful torso. His skin was warm like I expected it to be. I continued to moved my hand down until it was on his hip. I rested on his arse cheek and pushed him towards me.

He took the hint and shuffled over closer to me. I felt his cock press up against my inner thigh. I opened my legs a little and allowed the head to push up against the underside of my balls.

I continued to push his arse towards me. I moved back a little and then pressed forward when he started moving back. Soon we had a nice grind going on that allowed me to feel all of his hardness against my own.

I looked up at him and before I knew what I was doing I leaned in and kissed him. I didn’t know what to expect so when his mouth opened and his tongue found mine I was treated to an almost electric shock of pleasure.

Within seconds our gentle beginnings had given way to a tight embrace. Our naked bodies pressed up against each other. His masculine scent and strong arms like nothing I had ever experienced.

Our thrusting increased. Both of us had found nice positions so our cocks slid up against each other. I was gripping on to his arse, trying to force him up against me as much as possible. I could feel the moisture from our pre-cum starting to aide in the lubrication.

“Dude….I’m gonna cum.” Paul breathed

“OK..go for it.” I said.

I felt Paul tense and groan as he unloaded his cum on to my cock and balls. I felt its liquid warmth engulf my crotch and arse.

My cock now slid in between Paul’s thighs with ease. The cum creating a delicious slippery surface that added even more to my pleasure.

I could feel my cock getting sensitive. The tingle at the bottom of my arse, and the top of my thighs increased. My thrusting became syncopated and out of time as the pulses of pleasure started to affect my nerve endings.

I knew I was about to cum – it was unavoidable now. With a last thrust I pushed myself flat up against Paul’s body, my cock pressing against the underside of his balls – I could feel his arse cheeks just at the head of my cock.

I erupted with an almighty gasp of release.

Paul grabbed my arse to make sure I stayed where I was, pressing me powerfully into him.

My entire body felt like it was in contact with his smooth, hairless torso. I felt his hot breath on my lips as we kissed deeply through my orgasm. It felt like I was unleashing gallon after gallon of cum.

As my orgasm subsided we rolled apart. Both lying on our backs panting. The hot sun baking our skin and turning our cum into a pasty sticky mess.

Paul turned his head to face me, “See, told you it was all good.”

I continued to stare up at the sky. I was a little embarrassed and ashamed at what had happened.

Paul propped himself up on his elbow, “You OK?”

“I guess I’m a bit shocked. I kinda got lost in the moment.”

Paul laughed, “You certainly did. I didn’t expect the kiss…..but it felt good so don’t worry about it.”

I grinned, “This has been a strange day.”

I stretched and sat up. I looked down at Paul. His nakedness once would have embarrassed me….now it turned me on. I was surprised at the surge of excitement I felt when I began to pluck up the courage to reach out and take Paul’s flaccid cock in my hand.

But my plan was foiled by the distant sound of motorbikes heading towards us. The hum of the engines verberated around the dusty peaks.

Paul stood, “Probably best to get dressed huh?”

I quickly stood. My heart was still beating at a rapid rate. Pulling my clothes back on I had to experience the distinctly unpleasant feeling of my stickiness reacting to the material being drawn up against it.

Within half a minute we were walking back to our bikes. Paul was chatting away like nothing had happened. He was discussing what track we should head back down on.

I couldn’t pay attention. My mind still backflipping over what had just happened.

Just a few minutes ago my best mates cock was ‘thigh fucking’ me, and now he was wondering which trail we should head down to get back to the car park?

And what about the video’s that I had watched. Paul and his Mum, Paul and his Sister. He was so casual about everything.

I needed a drink.