Becoming a Master Rerun

Hey guys my name is Kyron, Yeah yeah I know weird name for a guy, but hey my mom loved Battletech. Go figure.

Hey guys nice to see you all. I have had a few good comments and several conversations with some of you about the story and had to change a few things in it. There are no ages mentioned in this revision. Well, At least when it comes to any sex in the story. All early ages are for background that is it. Also I have been in contact with Ka Hmnd and read his story ‘Do You Want a Slave’. Yes, there are similarities, however, this is not the same story or plot. I thought about not putting this back up after it being deleted but many people wanted the story to continue so I am having to revamp the entire thing. Hope you enjoy and as always constructive critism is always welcome. Assholes need not respond and can go find a quiet corner to live in.

Hey guys my name is Kyron, Yeah yeah I know weird name for a guy, but hey my mom loved Battletech. Go figure. Anyways I am what you would call a loner, partially because I tried to avoid being involved with anyone due to my home situation. I live with an absolute asshole and my mom is gone. I was mad at her for the longest time, but understood her reasons for running like she did. You see the asshole is abusive as hell and when she ran he turned his hate and anger towards me. It took one nasty beating for me to finally say enough was enough and I found a gym to start working out at. I was always a tall kid and just wiry. I must have tried a dozen gyms before I walked into this upscale one. The woman behind the desk looked at me and frown when I asked about a membership.

“Kid you can not afford to workout here.” she told me in a firm tone. I just nodded my head and started for the door before I heard someone call out.

“Ky, is that you hun?” the stranger called out.

“Yes Ma’am..” I was saying as I turned around and found myself face to face with my old fifth grade teacher.

“What are you doing here hun?” she asked me.

“Hi Mrs. Thomas, I am just trying to find a gym were I can work out a bit. Unfortunately, I am not having any luck.” I said as I stood there.

“Barb, set him up with a membership and put it on my account.” She told the lady at the desk. Barb smiled and nodded her head before handing me some paperwork to fill out. When she saw my age she frowned and told me I needed to get my parents permission. I just shook my head and turned to leave.

“Don’t you go leaving now hum. Give that here Barb.” Mrs. Thomas said before signing it.

“You did not see that Barb, and you will verify that you have spoken with his father about the signature.”

“yes ma’am.” she said as she finished the paperwork then handed me a card and key chain card before taking my picture and having me place my left index finger on a pad. Well I have been working out there for three years and there has been a remarkable difference in me. The biggest difference is the night he came home drunk and started in on me. I never wore tight fitting t-shirt and the like, after he tried to punch me in the face I blew. I beat the living hell out of him and didn’t stop until he was crying for me to please stop hitting him. He dragged his sorry ass to his room and did not come out the rest of the night and actually avoided me after that.

Well I never did play sports, but I did have a computer that I had worked really hard for. I cut so much grass between seventh and eighth grade I did not know if I was coming or going some times. The few friends I had all sort of drifted away from me except one guy. He actually was great and we talked about computers all the time. Once I had enough money I called him up and said alright I have several thousand and I want a really good computer system. Of course he asked me what I wanted to do with the computer and I told him I wanted to start an online business to make some real money. When we went to the store the sales men tried to foster a rather expensive gaming computer off on me to which my friend told him get real. We spent two hours at the store looking at various computers before my friend just shook his head.

“Listen Ky, I can get you a computer that will do everything you want and much more. Come to my house with me and let me show you what I got. When I got there I noticed that he lived in a rather nice house. He took me up to his room and showed me his set up. Man was I jealous, it was not the top of the line models we saw at the store, but damn could that thing process information with little problem. He pulled up a website and then we went over what I really wanted the comp to do and we picked out parts that we needed. After it was all done and said I had pain about $500.00 which was a fourth of what I had expected to pay.

“Listen Ky, I know what a shitty situation you have at home and I think I have an idea for you.” He said as he pulled up another website dealing with stocks and what not. This was the beginning of my foray into stocks and bonds. Robert tutored me in what I should and should not do and helped me make my first thousand dollars. When the stuff came in he was helping me bring the stuff home when he met the asshole. He was immediately aware of my growing discomfort and nodded off towards the garage. We walked over and opened it up to find it packed with all kinds of shit. He just shook his head and looked at me.

“Ky how much stuff do you have?” he asked me as I bowed my head. I know that I was going to lose another friend and sniffed a moment.

“I don’t have much Rob, I am sorry, I understand you don’t want to hang anymore. I mean I am just a kid compared to you.” I sad as I turned and started to walk away. Robert just slapped me upside the back of my head and frowned at me.

“Your an idiot sometimes, you know that. I was asking because I want to get all you stuff in as few trips as possible. You need to get out of here and you need to do it today. I have seen that look before and you do not need to be abused anymore.” he told me in a very serious voice.

“I have no where to go Rob. I have no relatives or anything like that around here and if I do not have a roof over my head I am in trouble.” I told him

“Just lets get your stuff, as a matter of fact just get what you need the most and we are out of here. I have a place for you to stay that you will be safe and have plenty to eat, besides you do have money we just need to get you a bank account and that.” he told me.

So that is how I got into my present situation. I am now in High School and have had my own business for the past couple of years. I will not go into detail, but I am well off and can pay my own membership fees at my upscale gym. Robert had taken care of me way more then I thought possible, as he set me up in the guest house on his property. His parents were great and helped me with a small loan to buy new cloths and what not, but I was still the consummate loner. I was 5’11” weighed 200 pounds and all of it was solid muscle. I have short golden brown hair and crystal blue eyes. I have all the fantasies of any average teenager and one of them is my biology teacher. She is a friggin goddess. She has long flowing fiery red hair, that goes down to her ass. Emerald green eyes that sparkle when she laughs. She wears conservative clothing, but once in a while she wears a loose fitting shirt that really allows you to see her breasts when she bends over in front of you. I would say they are about DD size maybe bigger(I have found out sine then they are actual 36D.). Well anyways I spent about nine weeks thinking about her and what I would love to do with her when I came home one day and found Robert sitting in the front room of the Guest house.

“Hey Robert, How is college going man?” I asked

“Going great Ky, long time no see. So I have to ask what you been up to my man?” he asked

“Oh nothing just going to the gym, staying on top of my grades and lusting after my biology teacher.” I said with a smile. “I am glad you are home man, it gets lonely around here sometimes.”

“Well I am here for a particular reason Ky. My dad ad a few of his friends have been keeping an eye on you. He wants to sit down with you and discuss something important.” Rob told me. I got nervous when he told me that thinking I was about to get kicked out.

“I am sorry for whatever I did wrong Rob. I promise to fix whatever it is.” I told him in a worried voice.

“Oh stop it Ky, you are not in trouble and you can live here as long as you need. No he has something very important to talk to you about and I am not allowed to discuss it with you so come on lets get over there and talk to him.” He told me standing up and heading to the front door. I just nodded my head and followed behind him and walked over to the main house. As we walked in I was surprised to see Mrs. Thomas in the house and smiled at her. She smiled as she walked over and hugged me tightly and leaned forward to kiss me on the forehead. Then followed Rob and I into the den. Now I had really never been in his house much except to his room and the kitchen. They respected my privacy and I respected theirs. Mrs. Thomas directed me to sit in the chair and her and Rob left the room. Mr. Harrison walked into the room and smiled as he approached me. I stood up and held out my hand to shakes his then sat down again.

“Ky, you have been living in the guest house for a couple of years now. I have been watching you ever since Rob brought you home and offered you his house. Yes that is right, I built that house out there for him and his slaves.” He said as he watched me. To say I was stunned at what he was telling me is the understatement of the year. I did not know what to say and just nodded my head a few moments and I considered what this was all about. While I was sitting there Mr. Harrison watched my response and smiled.

“Rachel get that sweet ass in here!!!!” he yelled out. I did not know who Rachel was until I watch Mrs. Thomas walk in the room. She moved over to Mr. Harrison and knelt down next to him.

“Yes Master?” she responded.

“You see Ky, Rachel her is my sex slave and lives with me. She was married before to someone I had thought of a dear friend, but then she got an offer here that she could not refuse and so I took over as her Master. Me and several others have kept our eye on you since Rachel here found you at the gym. We also know that you have made very sizable contributions to the woman’s shelter as well as the local orphanage. You have shown us that you have a tender heart and care a great deal about others while you also tend to avoid person relationships, that is except my son.” He told me. I lower my head and frowned.

“Thank you sir. I just want to help the women who are abused greatly.” I told him.

“Why is that Ky?” he asked.

“Well when I was about 5 or 6 my mom ran away. You see her husband beat her all the time and when she left I was mad at first, then after she was gone he turned his anger on me and beat me pretty badly all the time. I ran into Mrs. Thomas at the gym and well she helped me get a membership. Since then I had to deal with the beatings for a while until one day I just snapped and beat him up pretty badly. I have not talked to him since that day. I pretty much avoided people for a long time and just tried to keep that part of my life a secret. I can not believe I am telling you this stuff. I have not told anyone. The reason I send money to the orphanage is because I fell like we are alike.” I told him. I was stunned as Mrs. Thomas shed tears and looked at Mr. Harrison. He nodded his head to her and I watched as she crawled, literally crawled over to me and pulled me into a deep hug.

“I am so sorry Ky, I never thought he would beat you too.” she whispered in my ear. I pushed her away and looked at her stunned.

“What are you talking about? I have only known you since fifth grade.” I told her with heat in my voice.

“No Ky, you have known me all your life. I had to get a lot of work down on my face, because of the last beating that bastard gave me. I am not really your mother, but I am the closest thing to one that you ever knew.” she told me. I just sat there with tears in my eyes, I tried not to cry I really did, but I did anyways as I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around her and wept into her breasts. As she wrapped her arms around me I lost it completely and cried so hard my body shacked. She just held me and stroked my hair and allowed me to cry my heart out to her as I apologized for being a bad son and not remembering her. Once I was done crying she helped me back into the chair and went back over to Mr. Harrison.

“Well Ky, I understand a few more things here now. What I want to ask you is going to require you to listen to everything I say and think about it carefully. Do you understand me?” he asked.

“Yes sir.” I said in a subdued voice.

“Very well Ky. I would like to know if you want a slave for your own? Now before you answer you should know that with owning a slave comes great responsibility and you will also be required to attend some meetings with other Masters and slaves. There is an international organization that governs us and our conduct. If you accept you are going to have to perform a ceremony before a gathering and it will be on your birthday.” he informed me.

“Umm my birthday is in a month Mr. Harrison.” I told him as he nodded his head.

“I know that Ky the thing is that I need to know if you want to or not. There are things we have to do before that that are very important. One of which is to allow me to adopted you so that when I sponsor you they will not have a problem with it.” he told me. I just sat there and nodded my head and thought for a minute. ‘I could have a slave of my own to do with as I pleased’. I thought to myself.

“Can I have a couple of hours alone to think about it Mr. Harrison? It is a lot to think about.” I asked.

“Of course Ky, I would expect nothing less from you. Rachel is heading to the gym if you want a ride.” he informed me to which I nodded my head and ran out of the room and gathered my stuff from the guest house.

The ride to the gym was very quiet as neither one of us knew what to say to the other. I kept stealing glances at the woman I had thought was just my fifth grade teacher to see if there were any signs of how she looked before. I think she knew what I was doing, but continued to watch the road as we drove. When we got to the gym Barb was at the desk and smiled as we walked in. “Heya stud. Got some time for me?” she greeted me in her usually way. I just chuckled as I walked up to the desk and leaned across kissing her dead on the lips. She just froze as I started to walk away.

“I have always wanted to do that Barb. Thanks.” I said as I walked off. Barb just stood there with a smile on as she blushed scarlet. Rachel just laughed and went to the womens’ locker room. Once I had dressed and returned to the gym I climbed on to a tread mill and went for a five mile run to get things started. I think I worked about two hours before my personal trainer came over with a concerned look on her face.

“Ky what the hell are you doing?” she asked me in an aggravated tone.

“Trying to work through some problems Tammy. I just need to figure out some shit and this is helping.” I responded. She frowned at me before sitting on my chest. Good I really loved it when she did this. She found out early on that I was very single minded when it came to my workouts and she had to figure a way to get my attention sometimes and also found out that I was hot for her. This was her solution to the issue, sit on my chest with her crotch looking me square in the face. I would immediately stop and looked at her crotch until she grabbed my chin and raised it up to look into my eyes.

“Training room NOW young man!” she barked out. I picked her up and stood up from the bench press machine and carried her there as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. I was the only person at the gym to get away with this for some reason. One guy had tried and three others politely picked him up and carried him out of the gym after informing him that she was off limits and that the only person allowed to carry her in the gym was me. Once we were in the training room I let her down and laid down on the massage table as tom came into the room.

“Hey baby, what did he do this time?” he asked Tammy.

“The idiot is trying to kill himself apparently something is really bothering him. He was doing reps of his max on the bench press machine and I caught him over doing it.” she told Tom as I winced knowing what was coming next.

“Boy you being stupid and you know how my baby feels about you. Now I get my turn.” he told me with a stern look on his face. I paid dearly for my indiscretion for over an hour and a half. Of course the great thing was that when I hit the sauna I was totally relaxed. That is were Rachel found me.

“Where have you been Ky? I was worried you ran off after what I told you this afternoon.” She told me in a meek tone. I could see the worry in her eyes and frowned as I held out my arms to her and hugged her tightly. I hate to admit it, but I got a hard on from hugging her as I felt her skin against mine.

“I am sorry. I kinda over did it on the bench press and got caught by Tammy. Well she brought me to Tom and he just got done abusing me for the last hour and a half.” I told her in a contrite tone.

“Dammit Ky, you know she hates it when you do this to yourself. If I didn’t know better I would think she was your wife at times. An hour and a half with Tom, Jesus you really paid for that one didn’t you?” she asked as she chuckled. I just nodded my head and leaned back on the wooden bench and relaxed.

“So have you thought about what David asked you?” she asked as she watched me.

“Well the idea has its pluses, but I am not sure what it involves and what I have to do after that. Plus he said he wants to adopt me. I do not understand that at all” I told her. She just smiled and looked at me before moving closer. She laid her hand on my leg and softly stroked it before looking deep into my eyes.

“Ky for the next month I will be sitting down with you and teaching a great many things. You will be tested on these things later, but I will be teaching you everything you need to know. You just have to make a decision and let David know. As far as the adoption just talk to him about it. Everything will be alright.” She told me before leaning in and giving me a chaste kiss.

When we got home Mr. Harrison was waiting for us in the den. We walked in and I sat down a minute and composed myself. “Mr. Harrison, I have thought about your question for the last several hours and I am kinda confused on the adoption thing.” I told him.

“Well Ky, part of the sponsorship is that I can only sponsor my sons. This is an organization in which fathers bring their sons in. Now I have been talking to a few people and they realize that you are not my biological son, but they have seen that you represent some of the best qualities we hold dear to us. They will approve of you if you are my son regardless of whether or not you are my biological or adopted son. And to be honest with you over the last couple of years I have come to care a great deal for you. So do you want to be my son?” he finally asked me. I just nodded my head as tears flowed down my face as I could not talk. He smiled and stood up and walked over to me and hugged me tight while patting my back before stepping away and taking his seat. “Now son do you want a slave?” he asked

“Yes, I would like to have a slave. Who is the woman I will be getting?” I asked with a big smile on my face.

“Oh Ky, first we have to see if you can perform properly. Rachel show my son your lovely body.” he said as my mouth dropped open. She just stood up and stripped slowly and really got me hard as a rock. She noticed the swell in my pants and smiled really big before another woman walked in stark naked and placed a napkin and wine glass on the coffee table before me.

“Alright Ky. Ky….Kyron pay attention son.” Mr. Harrison said before he was able to get my attention back on him. It was a struggle, I mean come on two beautiful naked women standing in the same room as you are. Where would your attention have been. I tried real hard to pay attentionwo what he told me. When he saw that I was paying attention to him again he smiled. “Here is what I need you to do. I need you to cum in that wine glass three times in the next hour. Part of your initiation is to cum three times before a crowd of other Masters and slaves. As to the slave you will get to chose from a book we have on unclaimed slaves. Now why don’t you whip out your dick and show me you can cum three times in an hour.” He told me as I stared at Rachel. She was beautiful. Her light brown her framed her oval face with big beautiful hazel eyes and sensual mouth below a small nose that sloped down gently from her eyes. She had medium size breasts that were firm and did not sag at all with large aureole and pert little nipples the size of a brand new pencil erase. Her stomach was flat and soft while her pussy was shaved bare. I could see her labia sticking out and they looked really moist from were I was sitting. I whipped out my cock to the collective gasp of everyone in the room as Robert walked in with two women I had never met before.

“Damn Ky, that thing is dangerous. I am very glad I got my slaves before we inducted you.” He told me with a chuckle in his voice. I blushed scarlet and tried to keep my eyes on Rachel and Mrs. Harrison. Mr. Harrison nodded his head towards Rachel who then walked over to Mrs. Harrison and then kissed her deeply on the lips which got my cock hard as fuck. I could not help but start to jack off in front of everyone. Watching the two had me so excited that I moan out my pleasure and began to stroke faster as I felt my balls start to tighten up. Seeing this Rachel hurried over to me and grabbed the wine glass before replacing my hand with hers and gave me my very first hand job by a female. I immediately exploded which she direct jet after jet of cum into the wine glass then wiped her hand off with the cloth. Mrs. Harrison smiled at the amount of cum I had deposited in the glass and walked over toward us.

“My name is April, if you can keep cumming like that the slaves are going to love you.” She said as she knelt down and leaned forward to shove her tongue up Rachel’s cunt. Rachel just groan and grabbed a hold of April’s head and pulled her deeply into her cunt.

“That’s it April suck my fucking clit” Rachel moaned in pleasure.

“Fuck that is hot” I said as I once again started to stroke my cock. Before long they were both in 69 position and moaning with pleasure with brought me closer and closer to my second orgasm. When I gasped out Rachel immediately grabbed the glass while April grabbed my cock and jerked me off into the glass. I screamed out my orgasm as more jets of cum filled the glass. I heard moaning around the room and looked to see Robert getting fucked rather hard by one of the women he brought in while she eat out the other woman. Mr. Harrison kept his eyes glued on me as I started stroking my cock again and smiled at me. I return my eyes to Rachel and April and almost freaked as I saw Rachel had found a strap on somewhere and was fucking April in the ass. The sounds she was making were unbelievable and god I wanted to be the one doing the fucking.

“Oh God Rachel fuck my slutty ass. Fuck your cock feels so fucking good in my ass. Pound my ass baby!!” she screamed in ecstasy. I was turned on and knew I would not take much longer to blow my last load for them. The final straw was when Rachel started convulsing in her own orgasm as she watched a hand wrap around my cock and jerk me off while the other hand held the glass. I almost passed out as the jets of cum flew from my cock to land inside the glass. When the last spurt of cum left my cock everyone clapped as I sat there with a hard on. April happened to look up at that time and gasped loudly enough for everyone in the room to look at what it was she had seen. Yeah you figured it out. My cock was still rock solid hard. She immediately stood up and ran from the room before returning with a tape measure before walking over to me and placing the end of it at the bottom of my cock and measured it while licking her lips. Then she took it wrapped it around my cock to measure it as well.

“Oh god, his cock is 9 inches long and three inches around.” she moaned out. Both Mr. Harrison and Robert looked stunned then nodded their heads. I just sat there and hoped that my cock would go down by itself this time knowing that I needed to cum at least one or two more times. Rachel walked up to me and knelt down by my side before looking me straight in the eyes.

“Ky why are you still hard?” she asked “You just came three time in the last hour and your are still hard.”

“Ummm well…you see….I….kinda…have to….cum another one or two times.” I stated in a stuttering voice while I blushed.

“Oh my god.” I heard someone gasp out.

“Yum.” said another. April just smiled at me and nodded her head.

Mr. Harrison walked up to me and smiled before pointing at my cock and I just put it back in my pants and zipped up before he sat down.

“Alright Ky, here is the deal Rachel is going to teach you about being a proper Master and also teach you about the woman’s body. You can do anything you wish except fuck her. Part of this training is to make sure that you know how to please your slaves when you have them. I can not stress this point enough. The woman chose to become sex slaves and they chose their Master. You need to respect that and respect them for it. They are not sluts and definitely not there to be abused. Owning a slave is like being married in a sense. Never forget you are responsible for there well being and safety.” He told me as he held out his hand. I shook his hand with the hand I had not used which brought a smile to his face before he left the room. Robert just laughed out loud before walking over to me and shaking my left hand.

“Welcome to the family little brother.” then walked out of the room leaving me alone with Rachel.

“Mrs. Thomas, can I call you Rachel or mom?” I asked in a hushed tone.

“Oh god Ky, yes my lovely son I have so wanted to hear you call me mom again. I am so sorry I left you, but I was left with little choice in the matter. That bastard is your father legally and I felt so bad about leaving you. I hope you can forgive me my sweet, sweet son.” she told me while crying. I wrapped my arms around her and held her as she cried on my shoulder. She leaned back and smiled tentatively at me before kissing chastely on the lips before pulling away. I could see that her nipples were hard as fuck and I so wanted to lean forward and suck on them.

“Ky, David would like you to move into the main house for now. He wants the two of you to get to know one another much better and you can not have intercourse before the meeting with the other Masters and slaves. So please allow me to have you in the same house. I have hated hiding from you over the last couple of years, but both David and Robert thought it would be better if you did not realize I lived here. Please say you will.” she begged me. I just nodded my head and smiled before I hugged her tightly feeling her breasts press into my chest.

“I need to get a few things from the guest house. I still have some homework I need to finish and I need to check a few things on my computer.” I told her as I stood up. She smiled and told me to hurry back that dinner would be done in half an hour. I ran to the guest house and got on the computer and checked out my sales and then got to work with getting the products out. I was finishing up when Rob came in and asked me what was taking so long and I just smiled and showed him. He smiled as then slapped me on the back. Before grabbing my book bag.

“Come on you, dad really wants you at dinner tonight.” He said as he walked out the door. I just smiled and followed him out the door.

Dinner was interesting for me as I had really not had dinner with anyone in a long time as Rob had been off to college for almost half a year. As I looked at Rob I felt tears start to flow and tried to wipe them away before anyone saw them, but Rachel saw them anyway.

“Why are you crying Ky?” she asked me softly.

“I am just so happy about meeting Rob when I did. I mean he was in high school and just took me under his wing. He saved me mom, more then anyone else he saved me. I don’t how much longer I could have lived like I did. To be honest I thought about suicide there for a while because of the way everything was going.” I told her with a slight smile on my face. David stood up from his chair and walked around the table towards me and pulled me from the chair before wrapping his arms around me.

“You are never to be alone again my son. I will care for you just as much as I have for Robert.” he told me which brought another full blow crying session on my part. He just held me in his arms and comforted me while Rachel wrapped her arms around me from behind. After I finished my crying I thanked them both and sat back down. Robert had his head down and a small frown on his face. He looked up at me and I could see tears in his eyes as well.

“Ky, I think you need to know something here. Yes, I am quite a bit older then you are, but when I first met you it was because of Rachel. She told me what was going on with you and that what you really needed was a friend. Well we worked it out and I became that friend. At first it was as a favor to Rachel, but then it was because you are a really great friend. I found that we like a lot of the same things and you were not a pretentious little brat like most kids your age. Most of all I got a little brother out of the deal. You helped me just as much as I helped you. I love you little bro.” He told me as I sat there looking between Rachel and Rob. I just smiled and nodded my head.

“Does that mean I can peek in on you and your girlfriend now?” I asked with a silly smirk on my face.

“God no, that would just be sick. Dad? Really you need to have a talk with your youngest son here.” he said in mock seriousness. Everyone tried real hard not to laugh, but I could not help it and just burst out laughing. I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair rolling on the floor holding my stomach.

“Well to late for that cause I saw you fucking those girls in the front room.” I said in a conspiratorial voice. Everyone just lost it then and were crying tears as they all laughed at the look on Robert’s face.

We bantered back and forth for the rest of the meal and it was so cool. I had never felt this before and enjoyed it immensely. When we were done I started to grab my plate and take it in to the kitchen when I noticed Rob shake his head ever so slightly. I nodded and put the plate back down before moving out of the dinning room and following Robert out.

“Ky part of having slaves is letting them take care of us. That is one of the things they crave. They do not want to have to make decisions or be responsible for those decisions. You have to understand in the home they wish only to serve and it is our responsibility to make sure they have a chance to do that.” He told me as we sat down in the living room. We did not turn the TV on, but just sat there and talked for a while. I noticed that his slaves, which I found out were Becky and Shannon, kept coming in and out for a bit to check on us. They would bring us drinks and then leave us alone to talk more. When David came in he smiled and sat down with us and we talked for about an hour before I remembered that I had homework to finish. When I told them I need to get it done David smiled and asked me if I had forgotten it was Friday. I had in fact forgotten it was Friday and smiled before continuing to talk with the two for the next several hours.

“Come along Ky we have things to discuss and learn.” mom told me as she and April stood in the doorway naked. I just froze and looked between the two women and looked back at David.

“Remember son no intercourse.” Then he got up and walked over to the two women and kissed them before leaving the room. I stood and followed them upstairs and was surprised when we entered one of the bedrooms. It was large and had a bathroom attached as well as large walk in closet that was empty. There was a king size bed in the room with for large posts that had blue drapes covering them. I had never seen a four pollster bed in real life before and looked at it carefully. When I saw the metal loops hidden behind the drapes I looked at mom immediately with a questioning look.

“That is part of our lifestyle Ky. Some slaves like to be kinky and enjoy being flogged and bondage things like that. It will be part of your training and you will learn to see the signs of someone needing this type of treatment. Also you will learn to care for these women.” she said as her and April climbed up on the bed. After they got situated they both looked at me for a second or two and smiled.

“Well are you going to take of your clothes or not?” Mom asked me. I just smiled and stripped in seconds before starting to climb on the bed. Rachel held her hand out and stopped me.

“Ky first rule to learn never get to impatient with a woman. If you go to fast you will never truly own her.” she informed me. “Now what we are going to do tonight is teach you about a woman’s body and how to treat her in bed. So come over here and watch until I tell you to do something.” She told me as she waved her hand to the other side of April. I could tell both women were excited as I could see the nipples sticking straight out. April was hot, she had Short blond her that wrapped around her face and laid on her shoulders lightly. Her blue eyes were like liquid pools of water with a pouty little mouth. Her breasts were firm with pink aureoles and long nipples. Like mom she was shaved and her pussy was dripping. She smiled at me as I devoured her body with my eyes and reached out and touched my face softly.

“Alright Ky, I need you to pay attention. I am going to show you erogenous zones on the female body. These ones I am going to show you are pretty usual for women, but there are others. First if you look here at the nape of her neck. Softly kissing it and dragging your teeth over it is very stimulating for most women.” she told me as she showed me the area she was talking about. I could see April was breathing more rapidly and her mouth was open. I leaned down and looked carefully at the area which caused my breath to cascade over the area raising goose bumps on April’s skin. Mom encouraged me to go ahead and try as I leaned further down and lightly kissed Aprils neck right at the area mom showed me. April moaned softly. I dragged my teeth over the area softly which elicited another moan. Mom smiled at me and pointed other areas to kiss and suck on or run my teeth over. The next area she showed me was right behind April’s ears along the neck line. By time I was around to the front of April’s body she was having some trouble keeping her thighs still. Mom showed me how to trail kisses along Aprils collar bone and then down her chest to her breasts. As I trailed my tongue along her chest to her right breast Rachel encouraged me softly until I sucked in April’s left nipple in my mouth. I sucked on it gently and flicked my tongue over the tip of her nipple while biting down on it every so softly as Rachel explained to me before pulling it away from her body and finally releasing it. I then moved over to the other breast as I felt Aprils hands wrap around my head and pulled me down to her right breast. April was moaning loudly and bucking her hips slightly as I worked her breasts with moms directions.

After giving both beast a nice tongue lashing I kissed and licked my way down her abdomen and watched it flutter as her breathing was rapidly becoming erratic. Mom told me to trail kisses over to the right side of April’s pussy which elicited a groan from April showing her displeasure.

“Hush slut you will get yours just wait.” Mom chided. “Besides you volunteered to by the test dummy.” she laughed and watched as I started to slide my tongue over the right side of Aprils pussy eliciting a moan from both women.

“Now Ky look at the area were her torso join her right leg. See the tight area of skin suck it in your mouth and flick your tongue over it hard at first while sucking on it.” She moaned out.

“Oh Fuck that is so good. Please, suck my pussy, suck my wet tight little cunt.” April begged in a moaning voice. I started to move over when I felt mom’s hand on my shoulder. As I looked up she shook her head and directed me to continue what I was doing before telling me to work my way down her right leg and around to behind her knee.

“Oh God you bitch.” April screamed out as her body vibrated. I sucked the skin in my mouth and flicked my tongue over it before working my way down to her foot and nibbling on her instep. Mom grabbed Aprils feet and held them when I started nibbling as I heard April scream in ecstasy.

“Oh fuck, he has a magic tongue, god dammit I need his tongue on my fucking cunt so bad. Please sis let him eat my fucking cunt.” April moan out in gasps. Mom smiled at me and motioned me up to Aprils cunt before showing me the different areas to place I should pay attention to. She showed me Aprils Pussy in detail. I saw her hole and also the bump at the top of her pussy that she told me was her clit. Neither of us touch her clit or pussy as we held one labia each apart. Mom explained that when you sucked on the clit it would send electrical shook like stimulation through a woman’s body. I leaned forward and ran my tongue over the left labia lip before allowing my tongue to ravel all the way up it and over to the other side before traveling down the other one. Then after Rachel told me to I moved my tongue down into the valley of her pussy slowly getting my first taste of a woman’s nectar. It was sweet with a hint of strawberry. I accidentally hummed at the taste and was rewarded with April thrusting her hips up into my face as he legs wrapped around my head. I remembered what mom told me and started sliding my tongue in and out of her dripping cunt before sliding my mouth up to her clit while my right hand slid up her leg and inside her thigh before sliding two fingers inside of her as my mouth captured her clit and sucked it in my mouth biting down lightly and flicking my tongue over the tip of her clit. I was rewarded with a mouthful of nectar as I felt liquid spraying my chin and upper chest. I did not care at the moment because she tasted so damn good. My head felt like it was in a vice as April vibrated on the bed bouncing her hips up against my face.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! THAT WAS FUCKING THE BEST!!!!!” April screamed out as she continued to vibrate and squirt me a couple more times. I just laid there happy to have gotten her off and vowed to remember this lesson. My cock on the other hand was painfully hard. I groaned as my cock rubbed against the sheets on the bed. And rolled over the moment I was free of April’s legs.

“Oh god that was the best Ky, here come up here and let me take care of that problem you got there.” April told me as Mom got up and walked out of the door. I laid down where I was told and April started kissing me as she did some of the same things to me that I had done to April. The feelings coursing through my body were unbelievable to say the least. When she sucked on my nipples it was weird, but sensual then as she trailed down my body. Some spots were ticklish and some were down right erotic. When she got to the skin next to my balls I could not help pushing my hips into her face, to which she smiled and lick/kissed her way down my leg and foot. Oh god the things she was doing to my body were unbelievable. By the time she finally got to my cock I was hard as fuck and needed release. She trailed her tongue slowly up one side then back down the other before swirling her tongue around the head of my cock. I was unable to do anything but moan, groan and thrust my hips toward her hoping beyond hope she would suck my cock. I knew I was not going to last long and when she slid her lips over my cock head I was in heaven. I hate to say it, but I lasted all of thirty seconds after she slid her mouth down my cock and sucked it like she needed the marble at the other end. I blew jet after jet of cum deep into her mouth as I screamed out my orgasm then promptly passed beyond into oblivion.

I woke up the next morning to find a lovely warm moist sensation on my cock and opened my eyes slowly while moaning and noted that there was a bare pussy above my head and just had to delve my tongue into it before I did anything else. I did not know who it was, but damn she tasted soooo goooood. We both came at the same time and while we both shudder in post orgasmic bliss she rolled off of me.

“Oh that was soooo gooood Ky.” Mom said to me.

“Oh god mom?” I asked in a squeaky voice.