The girl who lied

Ok so this is my very first story so go easy on it please. Oh and I suck at spelling so if your a grammar freak you should leave now.

As I cleaned the cum up off my dick and some cum that fell on the tile floor I noticed something that got me to think for awhile. I was in joiner year of high school with no girlfriend, most likely no girls had a crush on my, I had plenty of crushes, and to top it all off everybody thought I was a pervert at my school.

It was freshman year and I had a freind name Romeo. We wear really good friends, but the only problem is he has a sister. She was both our ages, and she wasn’t even hot. Ever time I would spend the night out at Romeos house I would try and go through her panties but never succeeded. I got close but I would always almost get caught but was lucky and never did. Romeo got very suspetious so I stopped trying after a while.

It was one night that me and Romeo had too many beers like always. So I got more confident that night, i guess you could say. I waited tell Romeo was fast asleep and then tip toed over to her room. Well at least I tried to, but beer doesn’t really help being sneaky. I practically barged into her room, removed her shirt and and bra like some beast, and started sucking her tits. That’s all I could remember, because her dad woke up and made me black out and then I remember waking up on the side of the side walk with no pants. So I was told by Romeo.

Me and Romeo didn’t really talk after that. You know I guess trying to rape your bros sister isn’t the best thing to do. For his sister,Jordan,hell she told the whole school about that. It seems like the whole state. I’ll have random girls will go up to me in the mall and throw a drink in my face. Sometimes even guys will try and teach me a lesson.

This was ruining my whole freshman year. I tried apologizing mutiple times, but it always ended up Romeo or his dad beating me up. My parents of course found out about this, because the police tried to arrest me, but the weird thing is they didn’t press charges. I guess their dad knew how jail was and didn’t want to be responsible for someone going their.

It’s been a whole year sense that happen now. Most people forgot about it, but I am always hearing about it from the popular kids. I try and tell people I was drunk, but of course it’s high school and no one believes you.

It was a regular night. I was beating off to lesbians having sex and I could hear my mom and dad having sex in the other room. Then I received a text from Jordan ( A.K.A the girl I drunkenly tried to rape). I almost dropped my phone, it scared the shit out of me. I decided to ignore her, because I didn’t want to text her while I was hard and horny. Then she text me again.
Jordan: we need to talk

Again I decided to ignore her so I could watch the beautiful women suck each other’s vaginas raw.

Jordan: Derek please we need to talk.
I was starting to get frustrated, but I still keep my cool while stroking my cock off to porn. Then she texted this.
Jordan: if you don’t talk I’ll tell my dad you tried to rape me again
Now I was pissed. Mainly because she was being a total mode killer and I lost my boner.

I blindly came out of the bathroom naked with a little pre-cum on my dick, with my phone still playing porn. When my mom walked out of her room at the same time. I walked out naked because my parents wear to busy fucking each other’s brains out most of the time.

My mom just gave me a smile and said
” you should really get some sleep Derek, you have school tommarow”
I smiled back at her and replied
” will do mom. Are you waiting on round two for dad ”
She gave a little chuckle and walked off to the kitchen to get some chess cake. Our family is really cool about that kind of stuff. They know what I do and I know what they do. It’s a pretty good relationship.

As I hopped into bed Jordan texted me again
Jordan: DEREK !!!!
Me: sorry I was busy
Jordan: what jacking off, anyways we need to talk
Jordan: it has to be in person can we talk
Jordan: right now dumbass
Me: fine I’ll be out in a couple miniutes

Me and Romeo would hang out on my roof every night because we lived right next to each other. So that’s wear I was guessing she wanted to meet up. So I sleeped some warm clothes on and made it out to the roof wear Jordan was waiting for me.

I hadn’t seen her sense that day her dad kinda indicated that he would kill me if I even thought about Jordan. All I have to say is she was absolutely beautiful. Puberty was very kind to her. She was starring at the bright moon with her curly hair and her eyes wear sparkling like diamonds. She had skinny jeans on with a warm black jacket on, it was hard to tell what her boob size was because of the jacket, but when she got up her ass was AMAZING. Not to big and not to small. As for me I got on that roof with the first clothes I could find that probably hadn’t been washed in days and I didn’t even bother touching my hair.

” it’s about time you got your ass up hear ” she said while still stearing at the moon. Hell, their was no way I could look at the moon with I already had the most beautiful stare in the whole Milky Way right in front of me.

” sorry, like I said I was busy ” I said as soon as she took her eyes off the moon and looked at me.

” I don’t even want to know” she said giving me a strange look

” so what the hell did you want to talk about already” I said trying not to look at her ass
She looked at me concerened and said,

” I’m sure you remember that……night………well I have confetion to make” I nodded my head indicating for her to go on

” my dad didn’t even wake up that night ” I just stared very blankly at her for seconds that seemed like hours

” well then what happen” I said breaking the utter silence

” you just passed out right after you wear done sucking my Nipple” her voice cracked a little and she was getting very chocked up

” you have to understand, I am deferent now ”

” what are you trying to say ” I said trying to make her hurry up and say it

” I sucked your cock when you wear passed out and then told everyone you tried to rape me ”
now tears wear streaming down her face. I couldn’t help but break out in laughter though. She looked very confused when I just sat their and began laughing my ass off.

” so everyone thinks I tried to rape you, you actually raped me ” I chuckled some more

She punched me in the arm and wiped off her tears
” you won’t tell anyone will ” she said while looking concerned

” not unless if you be my sex slave ” I said while giving her the creepiest face I could pull off. She looked very shocked and concerened for a second until I said

” I’m just messing with you don’t worry I won’t tell anyone ”

” so are we cool now ? ” she asked

I relied ” of course, how about Romeo ”

” no, sorry Derek he still thinks you raped me, even though that bartered tried to rape me ” my mouth admittely flew open but she relived me by saying

” that was for messing with me. I got you back ”
Then we just sat their for a couple minutes smiling until round two of my parents sex broke the silence.
” are your parents always having sex, their so loud”

” ya pretty much, it sucks ”

” that’s what she said ” Jordan said while chuckling. I laughed and said

” shut up” playfully ” well we have school tommarow might as well get some sleep” I said as she agreed with me and headed down the ladder. I regreted so much not going first down the ladder so I could get a good view at her ass.

It was the next morning, when I was woken up by some knocking on my door. I was surprised because usually my mom would just barge in, tell me to wake up, and put some clothes on. I was way to tired to be thinking about that though. So I just stood up and yelled out

” I’ll be right down “, but then my door flew open with Jordan their smiling. Her face quickly went from a smile to a surprised look. If you think her face was surprised you should have seen me. I was standing their in front of the girl who sucked my dick a year ago, and told everyone I raped her,completely naked.

” AHHH”, I let out a scream while jumping into my covers to hide my self. Jordan was looking away now with a bright red face but the she just looked at me plainly and said

” it’s cool I’ve seen it before, it hasn’t changed much ”

” shut up” I said with a sigh of relief

” just get out of my room ” I snapped at her. She spotted my underwear and then handed them to me slowly while keeping full eye contact with me. I couldn’t quite tell if she was mocking with me or trying to start something. So I didn’t take the risk and acting like I didn’t see anything.

The weird thing is after that she didn’t go away she just stood their.

” ok time to get out of my room” I said in confusion

” weren’t you just lietening you idiot, I’ve seen it before. It’s ok. ” she said with a slight stern tone in her voice. I just looked at her confused for a second. Then finnially decided to drop the covers.

I don’t know if it was just a morning woody or if it was the hot girl standing right I front of me, but I had the biggest erection ever. I could tell she was trying to hide her surprised look on her face.

” I’m surprised you did it Derek, I was going to leave if you told me to leave again” she said as I put on my underwear, and blush a little.

As I combed my hair Jordan explained that we wear going to be car pulling, now that everyone new the truth. Except for parts that she didn’t want people to know about. On the down side Romeo was still holding a grudge. The ride their was normal we talked, but when we got out of the car and everybody saw us together I could tell what everybody’s thoughts wear. Is Derek making her do that, and so much more shit. I thought for sure Jordan was going to run away from me, but instead she did the oppisite. She grabbed my hand and ran me over to her friends and explained the whiole deal. Her friends still weren’t to sure about me, but it was a start.

That day was one of the best days I’ve had in a whole year. I finally felt normal around people now.

Math class had finally come along, but It wasn’t like I was going to pay attention in the class. I would usually just stare at my math teachers gorges body. Instead I decided to do some thinking. Ok first of all, this morning Jordan had to talk to my mom and ask her to go in my room. My mom knows I sleep in the nude, but that wasn’t important. What’s important is trying to figure out if Jordan likes me. Jordan has guys lined up ready to fuck her every day. It couldn’t be. Theirs no way.

My thoughts wear interupted by Ms. Shirley’s ( my math teacher) big ass right in front of my face. She was helping a kid across from me, and she was bent down showing him how to do a problem. It was so close to my face I could smell purfume on her. I wanted to shove my face into her ass so badly. As I began drooling over her ass she turned around, just for me to look at her D size breast. She bent over just a little, exposing her clevlege a little. Making it hard for me not to stare.

” Derek can you please stay after class so I can have a word with you” Ms. Shirley said

” what for ” I asked

” you’ll find out ” which made me super confused because I had a B+ in her class. 15 miniutes slowly rolled by and she excused everybody but me. This day was getting even more confusing.

” sit down Derek ” she said as I sat down with a confused look on my face

” I’m not going to tell the principal or your parents ” I nodded getting worried

” as long as you serve me after school detention, I won’t tell anyone you had sex with that girl in the girls bathroom” she said very calmly. I was so shocked because I think I would have remembered have sex in the girls bathroom. I was about to protest on that but she cut me off before I could, then rushed me out the door telling me she would see me after school.

I was so pissed off. I was getting detention for something I didn’t even do. Oh well. Just means I get to look at her body even longer.

The slow day finally went by. I almost forgot I had detention, thought about skipping it. Then I rembered her skinny body, her amazing ass that suprisingly fit in jeans, her red hair that smelt like daisies, and her C cup boobs that I can’t stop staring at. Ms. Sherily is about 29 years old, and the only reason why she is still working hear is because the principal and every guy in school thinks she is hot as fuck.

I walked in her class a little late, and their was nobody their. I was surprised at first, but then I thought about it. She never gives anybody detention. So that made me even more curious what I was doing hear. I went up to her desk and said.

” so, what do I do, this is my first ” I said thinking back on a porno, that said that

” just sit in that desk in the corner, until I tell you what to do ” I was starting to get a little hard, but I turned around before she could see. I sat their for about a miniute until I realized everything is perfect. I was sitting in this old desk that you open it and you can put your stuff inside it. So now I can pop my dick out and beat one off. I stared at her for a couple of miniutes, to make sure her computer was blocking her view of me, but now I noticed she was wearing a skirt and it gave me a perfect view of her panties. Everything was absolutely perfect.

I carefully pulled my dick out of my pants and locked my eyes on her panties. As soon as I started to stroke my cock a loud moan came out of her computer. It made me jump about two feet, but it also scared the shit out of Ms. Sherily because she was frantically clicking her mouse. Was Ms. Sheriley watching porn? I thought to my self. Which just turned me on even more. After a couple of miniutes rolled by. I began stroking and staring at her. She abrutly stopped that by switching her view from her computer to me. I gave her a quick smile, so she would focus on the computer again, but when she did I looked down at my cock and the tip of it was sticking above the desk. I quickly shoved it back in my pants and was getting very paranoid if she saw it or not.

After a couple of miniutes went by of me beating my self up inside, Ms. Sherily stood up very fast saying oh shit, because she spilt her water on her self. She walked past me headed to the ladies room to clean it up. I admittedly started to jack off again, because I presumed she was going to take a while. All I could picture was her walking past me again, because wear the water spilt, made it look like she was just really wet. I started to grunt because I was going so fast, but before I could get started the door opened and all I could do was shove it under the desk because it would take to long to get it in my pants again.

As soon as she walked over to her desk I pulled my dick back up so she wouldn’t see it, but she didn’t sit down she walked over to her desk and grabbed a work sheet off her desk. She headed my way with it. Oh shit I thought, I had my hard dick out, and all I could do was lean against the desk to hide it.

“Ok Derek, hears your punishment” she said while putting the paper on the desk, and bending over to show me how to do it. I just nodded at her and made sure she couldn’t see my dick. She made it even worse and went to the side of the desk so she could see the problems straight. As she was bent over the desk I was leaning forward which made it wear my face was right by her boobs. This situation would have been perfect if I didn’t have my dick hanging out growing by the second. As she was explaining the problems to me I noticed that her wet spot was still their. Which made me so hard some of my dick started to poke out from my chest and between the desk. I was so worried

” you ok Derek” Ms. Sherily surprised me with

” yeah I’m fine” I said not making eye contact. Besides its not like I could have said may I go to the nurse and expose everything to her.

” well good, can you go get me that other chair so I can sit down” she said that and I usually would have gotten her a chair right away, but instead I just froze in silence.

” ummmm ” I responded with ” well are you going to get it or not” she said in a stern voice

” why can’t you get your own chair ” I said trying to piss her off so she would walk away, but instead she put on a mean face and said

” fine stand up, I’ll just take your chair and you can stand ” my face turned bright red, and their was seconds that seemed like houses that went by. I couldn’t do anything. I was screwed.

She finally went behind me and was going to take my chair by force. I tried to stop her but ended up leaning back and exposing my cock to her. She gasped in surprise, and her eyes widened

” I’m so sorry Ms. Sherily please don’t tell my parents” I screamed out. Oh fuck, I’m screwed I thought to my self. Even though my parents wear cool with me doing perverted stuff, this was crossing the line.

Now I was in confusion, because she just let out a big laugh.

” that’s funny Derek, because my plan was to suduce you and fuck you, looks like I didn’t even have to try” she said with a devious look on her face ” you bad boy having a crush on your teacher” she said while reaching down to my cock. Her soft skin on my dick felt amazing. It hit my senses so hard. It hit them even harder when she started to give me a hand Job.

I went to grab her boob, but was stopped by her slapping it away.

” I don’t think so” she said with that devious look that was turning me on even more.

” your in my class room you do what I say” she said while throwing her leg over me, so she was sitting on my knees, and my dick was almost touching her pussy.

She then began to give me a lap dance, but every time I tried to talk or touch her she would playfully slap me. She then faced me and gave me a long lustful kiss that tasted so good witch made me curious what her pussy tast like.

” do you want to get an A+ in this class” Ms. Sherily said

” I’ll do anything ” I said while biting my lip. She laid down on the desk, and invited me into her pussy. I slowly kissed her legs up and down as I removed her panties. Her legs wear now on my shoulders and her pussy was free from her panties and skirt. I then unbuttoned her almost see through shirt while kissing her pussy with lust.

She let out a tiny scream” just do it already, pleeeeease” I then practically dove into her pussy opening it up. Licking with all my strength. Her juicies wear all over my mouth, and they tasted absuletly amazing. With almost ever lick she was letting out a moan. I was stroking my cock so hard, until she finally had a orgasm.

Then I dragged her up to the edge of the desk, wear she was barley standing up. I could tell by the look on her face she wanted more. So I gave it to her and slid my rock hard dick into her. She wasn’t tight, but when I did this she let out a huge moan.

I couldn’t believe I was banging my teacher, the women I fatasized about all the time, on a desk.

My dick was getting so much lube from her juices, it was sliding in and out of her perfectly. I guess I was going a little to hard because the desk tipped over and made a loud CRASH!! Sound, but we didn’t care. I caught her before she fell, and just started wear we left off on the wall that was next to us.

She cried out with pleasure, but I guess it sounded like she feel and couldn’t get up, because Jordan opened the door to see what was going on and got blinded by what she was seeing. I tried to go after her, but Ms. Sheriley pulled me in before I could and said.

” don’t worry I’m almost done ” she said right before kissing me again. My mind couldn’t even comprehend what was going on. So I just began playing with her lovely tits and humping her as hard as I could. An amazing feeling was rushing for my cock, and I knew I was about to cum.

I cried out” I’m about to cum Ms-” when she herd that she pushed me back slightly and jumped down to her knees, so she was at eye level with my dick. She then licked her lips and looked up at me then at my dick and began only sucking the tip. After a couple of miniutes I couldn’t take the teasing any more so I pushed her head forward so all of my dick was in her mouth. It only took secondes for me to relise all of my seed into her beautiful mouth. I let out a loud grunt and fell back in my seat, and I guess that all she needed to let out another orgasm. She fell to the floor gasping for air.

I on the other hand was pulling up my pants, and running after Jordan to explain what happen. I searched every wear until I saw her walking out of the bathroom. I ran up to her, trying to catch my breath, and as soon as I tried to talk she cut me off by saying

” it’s cool, I get it she’s hot, you don’t have to say anything” when she said this I was so shocked all that came out off my mouth was

” uhhhh ummmm”

” it’s cool Derek, just go wash your hands off so we can walk around the school and talk, now that your done fucking our math teacher”

As I was washing my hands off I relized that Jordan was the coolest girl I’ve ever meet. I just wish I was awake for that bj she gave me. Now I was getting hard again. Shit. I usually would have waited for it to go down, so a pretty girl like her didn’t see it, but she’s seen it plenty of times.

When I came out of the bathroom Jordan was no wear to be seen. I herd a loud scream come from the girls bathroom that sounded like Jordan. I hesitated to go in but then I herd her scream again. Which made me burst through the door.

” JORDAN !!!” I yelled out ” you ok “

” Derek, come hear, I need you” Jordan’s voice cried out

” you want me to open the stall” I clumsy said remembering she might be hurt

” YEEES!!!!”she yelled out. I slammed the door open, but it wasn’t what I expected.

I expected her to be on the floor bleeding, or have a couple of broken bones, but instead Jordan was on the toilet with her fingers in her exposed pussy. I have officially been shocked way to many times today.

” I need help with my desires” she said while grabbing me by the shirt, pulling me in close and saying

” I want you to fuck me like you fucked Ms. Sheirly”

thanks for reading my story. I’ll have chapter two of the story out soon, if it gets enough positive votes. Please tell me what I need to improve on.